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. 2� 15�8172 <br /> A����1V�E[�T �F �ENTS <br /> . <br /> Loan �V�: 8'I��95 7 3 �nt�n ue Page 3 <br /> Praperty Darnage or Lvss. The Properry is Ios�r s�o[en,subs�antially damaged, so�d, o�1�orrawed against. <br /> Fvents Af�e�tin� Guarantor. Any of�he preceding e��nts �ccurs with respec��� any guaran�or, endo�ser, surety, <br /> or acGomrr-i�da�cion party o� any o�the lndeb��dness �r any guar�n�or, endorser, sure�y, ar accorr�modatian par�ty <br /> dies ��r becames �ncampztent, or r���l�es ar dis�u�es �he va�idit�r �#, or �iabi�ity under, any ��ara��y o� th� <br /> lndebtedness. <br /> A��rers� �hang�a A ma�er�ai ac���rse change �ccurs in �raniar°s -�inanc�al c�ndi�io�, �r Lender �e�ie�es the <br /> prospect of payment or p�rf�rmance o�the fndeb�edne�s is ir�paired. <br /> �nsecu��ty. Lender in goad faith be�ie�es itse3�insecure: <br /> R��HTS A[VD REI�IEDIES �N DEFAULT. Upon�he occurrence af any E�en�a�F Detau[�and at any time thereafter, Lender <br /> may exercise any one or more of the�allov►�ing rights and r�medies, in addition to any vther righ�s vr remedies prav�ded <br /> by law: <br /> A�ce[erate Indebfi�dness. Len.der sha�� have �he righ� at its optivn to decfare t�e en�ire Ind�btedness immediatefy <br /> due and payab��� inciuding any prepaymen�pena[ty that Grantvr would be required to pay. <br /> �c�[[ec� Ren�s. �-Lender shal[ have the rEght, �rvithout notice �� Gr�ntor, �o take possession o� the Property an� <br /> ca[[�ct the F�e�ts, ir�c�uding amaunts p�s�t due arad unpaid, an� app�y �he ne� praceeds, vv�r �nd abo�e Lender's <br /> costs, against�he lnde�tedness. �n further�nce �� �his r�ght, Lende� sha]1 have a�� the righ�s pro�id�d for in tFie <br /> Lender's �igh-� tv ReceEve and;Co�lect Rents Sec'�ion, abave, l�the �ents are co€�ected �y Lender, then Grantor <br /> irre�ocab.iy design.ates Lender as (�rantor's�at�orney-in-�ac�to er�dorse �nstruments re�e3ve� �n payr�-�en-�there�f in <br /> �he name �f Cran�or and to nego�iate �he same and collect the proceeds. Paymen�s by �enan�� �r other uset-s to <br /> Lender in ��spanse�� Lender"s derr�and �ha�1 satisfy the obfiga�ions f�r which th� paymen�s are made, whether ar <br /> not any proper graunds �or�he demand existed. ��ender may exercise i�s ri�hts under this subparagraph e�ther in <br /> person, by agent; or through a recei�er, � <br /> ❑ther l�emedies. Lender shall ha�e alI a�her righ#s and remedies pro�ideci in this Assignmen� vr �he Nvfie or hy <br /> �aw. <br /> Eiection o�Remedies. E�ection by Lender�o pursue any remedy shaf,[ not exclude pursuit of any o�h�r remedy, and <br /> an.e[ecti�n to make expendi�ures or�o tal�e action.�a perform an o��igatian o�Granto� this Ass€gnmen�, a#-ter <br /> Gran�or's failure to p�rform, shall no�afFec�Lend�r's righfi�o declare a default and e�€ercise i�s remedies. <br /> Attorneys' Fees; lEx�ens�s. lf L�nder ins��tutes any s�i�or�c�ion ta en�arce �ny a�the t�rms of this �4ss�g�rr�en�� <br /> Lender sha11 be �nti�led to recover such sum as �he cau� may ad�ud�e reaspnab�� as at�orneys' �ees a� trial a€�e� <br /> upon any a�peal. VVhether or no� any caua-� act�on is ir;�o[�ed, and to the exten� nat prohib�ted �� [aw: �li <br /> r�asonabfe expenses Lend�r inc�rs t�at �n LenderYs apiniara are necessar� a� any �ime far �he pro�ect�on of its <br /> interes��r the enforcement o�i�s r�gh�s sha11 becom� a parfi o�th� �ndeb��dness payable on demand and sha[1 �ear <br /> interest at�he Nate�rate frorn the date o�the expendi�ure un�t�� repaid. Expenses co�ered by�his paragraph �nclude, <br /> w�thout�im�tation, ho}ive�er subject to any iimits under app�ica_b�e 1av�, Lender's a��arneys' fees and Lender's 1�ga1 <br /> expenses, whether or not there is a fawsuit, including attorneys' fees and expenses far bankruptcy p�-oceedings <br /> �including e��o�-�ks�o madify or�acate any au�amatic stay or in�unction}, appeafs, and any anticipa�ed past Judgment <br /> cvllec�ian services, the cost of searehing reeords, ab�aining title repor�s �incfuding forec�osu�-� repvr�s�, sur�eyors' <br /> repvrts, and appraisaf fees, ti�le insu�ance� and fees for the Trustee, to th� exten� permitted by applicabfe law. <br /> Grantor a�so wifl pay any cour�casts, in addi�ion to afl other sums p�ovid�d by laWv. <br /> M�SCELLANE�US PR�VISl�NS. The fol�o�rving miscellaneous pro�isions are a part o�this Assignment: <br /> Amer�drt�e�ats. This Assignmer�t, tog�ther with any Re[ated aoGuments, constitutes the enfii�e understanding and <br /> agreement ❑f the parties as �� the ma�ters se� �orth in this Assignmen�t. No al�eration o� or amendment to this <br /> Ass�gnment shal! be effective un�ess given in wri��ng and si�ned by the par�y or parties svugh�t �o be cf�arged ❑r <br /> bound �y the a[teratEon or amendment. , <br /> Captivn Headings, Cap't�on headings in this Assignmen�are�or con�enience purposes on�y and are nat�o be used <br /> �o interpre�or define the pro�isions of�hi��4ssignment. <br /> Gvvern�ng Law. Th�s.�1.ssign�nent wili i�e �overned by �eclera� faw app�i�ab�e �v Lender and, �v �he extent nv� <br /> preemp�ed by law,tne�aws vf$he.Sta�e��Nebraska wi#hou�regard to its con�Flict� ot 1�w prv�risivns. Th�s <br /> Assignmen�has bee�accepted by Lender in the S�ate of Nehraska. <br /> Choice of Venue. I�fhere is a �av�rsuit, Gran�vr agrees upan Lender's reques��o submit ta the jurisdi��ion of the <br /> caurts of Ha[I Coun-�y, Stat�o�Nebraska. <br /> Jaint and Severa[ Liability. A�1 �b�igations of Grantor under this Assignment shall be �oint and several, an�i all <br /> references ta Grantor shall mean each and every Grantor. This means tha� each G�antor si�ning belaw is <br /> respons�b�e�or a��ob�igations;n this Assignmeri�. <br /> �erger. There sha�� be no merger o�F the interest or esta�e created �y�his assignment with any a�her interest or <br /> es�ate in�he Property at any�ime held by or far the ber�e�it of Lender�n any capacity;without the writ�en �onsent <br /> a-�Lender. <br /> �n��rpretation. {1�, In aI� cases wh�re �here is more than ane,Borrov►rer ar Grantor, then all wo�ds used in this <br /> Assignment in thg singular shafl be d�emed tv ha�e been used in�he plural v�here the con�ex� and canstruction so <br /> require. �2} [f mare than one person signs this Assignmen�as "�rantorT" the obligat�vns o�each Grantar are�oin� <br /> � and seWera[. This means �ha� if Lender h�-:ngs a �awsuit, Lender may sue any ane or more o� the Gran�ors. Cf <br /> Borrower and G�antor are not the same person, Lender. need not sue Borro�rer firstr and that Borrower n�ed not be <br /> �ain�d in any [awsuit. �3} Th� names gi�en �to�.paragraphs or sect�ons in �his assignment are far �onvenience <br /> purpas�:s on[y.They are not to be used to �nte�-pret or de�Fin��he prvvisions of this Ass�gnment. <br /> No V�aYver by Lend�r. Lender shall not be deemed ta ha�e waived any rights under this Assignment unIess such <br /> waiver is g�ven in writing and sign�d t�y Lender. No delay or omission on�he part v�L�nder in exe�cis�ng any�ight <br /> sha�� opera�e as a waiv�r of such righ� or any a�her righ�. A waiver E�y Len�er�of a provision of�his Assignment <br /> shail not pre�ud€'ce vr cvns�i�ute a �vaiv�r o� Lender's right otherwise to demand strict comp�iance with �hat <br /> prv�ision or any other provision vf th�s Assignment. No pr'ror waiver by Lender, nor any course of dealing hetween <br /> L�nder and Gran�or, sha�� cons�itute a wa�v�r of any af Lender's righ�s or of any o�Grantor's obliga�ions as to any <br /> �uture transactions. 11Vhene�er the corisent af Lender is required under this Ass�gnment, the granting, o� such <br /> cansen� by Lender in any instance sha�i no� constitu�e cantinuing consent t� subsequent ins�ances wher� such <br /> consen�is required and in alI cases such consent may�e granted or wi�hhe[d in fihe sa�e discre�ivn af Lend�r. <br /> No�ices. Any n�-�ice required �o be gi�en under �this Ass��nmen� sha�! be gi�en in vvriting, and sha�� be effee-�ive <br /> when actua�Iy delivered, when ac�ually received by telefacsimile �unless oth:er�niise required hy law}, when <br /> deposited �i�h a nat�ona��y recognized ov�rnigh�caurier, or, i�mailed, when deposi�ed in�he United Sta�es mail, as <br /> �irst class, certifiec�or r�gis-�ered mail postage prepaid, direc�ed tv the addresses shown near the beginning o��his <br /> Assignmen�. Any party may change i�s address for not�ces under thEs Assignment by gi�ing �ormal wri�-�en no�ice <br /> t� �he other parties, specitying �hat �he purpase of the nv�ice is �a change the par�y's address. For notice <br /> purposesr Gran�or agrees to keep Lender En�Formed at af[ times of Gran�ar's current address. Unless a�h�ri�vise <br /> pro�id�d or required by law, if there is more than one Gran��r, any notice given by Lender to any Grantor �s <br />