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2� 15�8172 <br /> A��I�NME�VT �F RENT� <br /> _ <br /> Loan No: ��fl�95 7 3 ��D�1��nue ���e � <br /> Rents except as p�roWided in this Assignment, <br /> LENDEFirS F�1GHT TO RECEIVE AND C�LLEGT 1�ENTS. Lender sha[[ have the right a� any t'rm�, and ev�n though no <br /> de�au�t sha1� ha�e vccurred under this �issignment, to collec�and recei�e the Rents. For this purpose, Lender is here}�y <br /> gi�en and granted the follov�ring rightsr powers and authority: <br /> Notice tv Ten�nts. Lender may send natices �to any and a!� tenants of the Praper�y ad�ising the.m af this <br /> Assignment and direc�ing al[ Rents to be paid direc�tly to Lender or Lender's agen�. <br /> Enter the Property. Lender may enter upon and take possession o�the Property; demand, coflect and recei�e from <br /> the t�nants or from any ather persvns [iab[e there�or, all of�he Rents; �ns�itute and ca-rry vn al[ legal proceedings <br /> necessary -�or the protection of the Prvperry, inc�uding such proceedings as may be ne�essa�y to recover <br /> possessivn v�the Property; coflect fihe F�en�s and rema�e any tenant or tenants or o�her persans from the Prop�rty, <br /> 11llaintain the P�vperty. Lender may enter upon th� Prvp�rty�o maintain the Proper�y and keep th� same in repair� <br /> �o pay the casts �hereof and a�all s�r�ices of a[[ smployees, including their equipment, and o�all continuing costs <br /> and expenses o�f main�aining the Proper�y in proper repair and eondition, and a[so to pay a[[taxes, assessments and <br /> water u�ilities,and�he premiums vn fire and o�ther insurance effected by Lender vn th� Property. <br /> �vmpliance wrth Laws. Lend�r may da any and a�l �hings to exe�ute and comply with the laws of the S�a�e o� <br /> Nebraska and also a[[ other [aws, rules, orders, ordinances and requiremen�s of all ather go�ernmen�al agencies <br /> afFec�ing the Property, <br /> Lease the Property. Lender may ren�ar fease the whoEe or any part o�the Properky for such fierm �r terms and on <br /> such canditions as Lsnde.r may deem appropria�e. <br /> Employ Agen�s. Lender may engage such agent o� agents as Lender may deem appropriate, either in Lender's <br /> name or in Gran�or's namer�o ren�and manage the Propertyr in�luding the co[[ection and app[i:cation of Fien�s. <br /> �ther Acts. Lender may do alf such a�her �hings and acts with respec� �o the Proper-ty as Lender may deem <br /> appropriate and may a��exclusi�e�y and so��ly in the p[ace and stead of Gran�ar and ta ha�e a11 of the powers of <br /> Grantvr fvr the purposes stated above. <br /> iVv �equiremen��v Ac�. Lender sha[[ not be requ��-ed �o do any�f the foregoing acts or things, and the �act that <br /> Lender sha[[ ha�e per-�ormed �ne or more of the �oregoing acts or things sha[C not �equire Lender to da any vther <br /> speeific act or thing. <br /> ,�4PPLICATlaN DF RENTS. All costs and expenses incurred by Lender in connec�tion wi�h the Property sha[I be far <br /> Gran�or`s ac�ount and �ender may pay sueh costs and expenses €rom th� F�ents. Lender, in its svle discre�i�n, sha�l <br /> de�ermine the application o� any and a[[ Ren�s recei�ed by it; however, any such F��nts recei�ed by Lender which are <br /> na� appl�ed to such costs and expenses shall be applied to th� [ndebtedness. All expenditures made by Lender under <br /> this Assignment and not �eimbursed -�rom the Rents sha[[ become a par� of �he lndebtedness secured by this <br /> Assignmen�,and shaI[ be payabfe on demand, vvith interes�at the Na�e rate��om date o�exp�nditure until paid. <br /> FULL PERFDRMI�NGE. [� Grantor pays a�� of �he indebtedness when due and oth�rwis� performs a[[ the obligations <br /> impvsed upon Grantor under this Ass�gnment,�he Note, and�he Relat�d Docum�nts,Lender shall execute and deIi�er to <br /> Grantor a su�table sat�sfactivn vf this Assignrnenfi and sui�able statements of terminatian af any financing statement vn <br /> fi[e e�idene�ng Lender's security interest in the Rents and the Pr�perty. Any termination �ee required by fa�rv shall be <br /> paid by Grantor, i�permitted by app[icab[� [aw. <br /> LENDER'� EXPEND�TURES. [�any ac�ion or p�oceeding is cvrnmenced tha�would mart�ria[fy a�fect Lender's interest in <br /> �he Property vr if Grantor-��ils�a camply wifih any prn�ision vf this Assignmen�or any Re[ated Documents, including bu� <br /> no�limited to Grantor's failure to discharge or pay�rvhen due any amounts Grantor is required to d'rscharge or pay under <br /> this Assignment or any Re�ated Documents� Lender on �rantor's behalf may �but shall not be obliga�ed to� take any <br /> action �hat L�nder de�ms app�-opr�at�r including but not �imited to discharging �r payin� all taxes, [iens, securi�y <br /> interests, encum�rances and other elaims, at any time le�ied or p[aced on the Rents ar the Property and pay�ng all costs <br /> for insuring, main�aining and preser�ing �he Property. AI! such expenditures incu��ed or p�aid by Lender �For such <br /> purposes will then bear interest at�he rate char�ed under th� Nvte from the date incurred or paid by Lender to the date <br /> o� repayment by Grantvr. A[f such e�epenses will become a part of the [ndebtedness and, a� Lender's option, wi1! �A} <br /> be payable on demand; {B) be added to the ba�ance o��he Note and be apportian�d among and he payable with any <br /> insta��ment payments to become due during either ��} the t�rm of any appficable insurance poli�y; o� �2} the <br /> ��main�ng t�rm of the No�e; or �C� be �reated as a ballvon payment wh�ch will be due and payable a� the Not�'s <br /> maturity. The Assignment a[sa will secure paymen-�o-�these amounts. Such righ�shal� be in additian to all other rights <br /> and remed€es to which Lend�r may be entitled upon De-�au�t. <br /> DEFAULT. Each vf the following, at Lenderrs option, sha![ constitute an Event of Defaul�under�his Assignment: <br /> Payment Defaul�. Grantor-Fails to make any payment when due u`nder�he lnde�tedness. <br /> �ther Defau��s. Gr-antor �ails to comp�y with or �o perform any other t�rm,. ob�igatEon, co�enant or condition <br /> c�ntaEn�d in �his Assignm�nf or �n any o� the Refated Dvcuments or to cvmply with or t� per�vrm an�y term, <br /> obli.gat€on, co�enant or condifion Gontained in any ather agreement between Lender and Grantor. <br /> Defau[t on �ther Pay�ents. Faifure of Grantor within the time requir�d by this Assignment to make any payment <br /> �vr ta�€es or insurance,❑r any other payment necessary to pre�ent filing of or ta effec�discharge of any Iien. <br /> Defau�t in Favvr o� Third Par�ies. Grantor de�au��ts under any [van, extension of credi�, sscuri�y agreement, <br /> pu�chase or sales agr�emen�, or any other agreement, in fa�or of any other� cred�tvr or person tha�may materia[[y <br /> a�re�t any of Gran�or's prvperty or ability to perform G�antvrTs ob[�gations under �his Assignment vr any o�f the <br /> Re�ated Documents. <br /> Fa�s� Statements. any warran�y, represen�ation vr statement made or �urnished �v Lender by Grantor a� on <br /> Grantor's beha�� un;der this Assignment ar�he �elated Do�uments is fa[se or misleading in any material respect, <br /> either now�r at the tirr�e made or€urnished ar becomes fafse or misleading afi any fiime thereaf�er. <br /> D�fective �vII�teraiization. This Assignment or any of�he Rela�ted Documents �eases to be in fu[� force and effect <br /> �including��ilure o�F any co[[atera[docum�nt to create a�alid and perf�cted security interest or lien� at any time and <br /> for any reason. <br /> Death or Inso�vency. The death o�Grantor,the insol�ency o�Grantor,the appointment of a recei�er fvr any par�of <br /> Grantor's property, any assignment for the h�ne�i� ofi creditors, any type of creditor wvrkvut, vr -�he <br /> c�mmencement o�any proceeding under any hank�uptcy or insolven�y[aws by or against Grantvr. <br /> Cred�#ar vr �orfeiture Proceedings. Commencement v� �vrec[osure or forfeiture proceedings; whe�her by judicial <br /> proc�ed�ng, sel�f-heip,repossession or any other method, by any creditor o�Grantar vr by any governmen�al agency <br /> against the F�ents or any property secur�ng �he �ndebtedness. This includes a garnishrnent vf any v€ Gra,ntor's <br /> accaunts, incfuding deposi-� accounts, virith Lender. Howe�er, this E�ent of DefauCt shall not apply if there is a <br /> good �aith dispu�e by Gran�or as to the ua[idi�y or reasonabl�ness o�F the c[aim which is ths basis o�the �redi�t�r or <br /> forfei�ure proceeding and if Gran�or gi�es Lender wri��en no�ice of th�creditor or�or�ei�ure proceeding and deposits <br /> vuith Lender monies or a surety �ond for fihe creditvr or f�rfe'rture proceeding, in an amount det�rmined by Lender, <br /> En its sole discr�tion, as being an adequate reser�e or bvnd�or th�dispute. <br />