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2� 15�81 �9 <br /> �n�he Praper�y and righ�s un�.er�h�s Security Instrurnen�; and �d} takes such acti�n as Lender may <br /> reasanabi� r�quire to assure that Lender's in�erest in the Praperty and righ�s under�his Secur�ty �nstrument, <br /> and Bar�rower's ab�igati�n�a pa�r the sums secur�d by�h�� S��urit� �nstrumen�., shall cflnt�nue uncha�aged. <br /> L.�nder ma�r requ�re�hat Borr�wer pay such re�nsta�emen� sums and e�penses xn one or m�re af the fai�owing <br /> forms, as se�e�ted by I.,�nder; �a}Gash; (b� �n�ne�r arder; �c} cer�ified che�k, bank check, treasurer's check or <br /> cash�er's�heck, pro��ded an� such check is drawn upon an inst��u�ion whas�deposits are�nsur�d by a <br /> federal ag�nCy, �ns�rumental��y or�nt��y; nr�d} E�ec�ronic Funds Transfer. Upon rein��a�emen�by Borr�wer, <br /> t.his Securzty �ns�ruz�n�n�and obliga��ons secured hereby sha11 remain fu��y effec���e as if no accelerat�on had <br /> occurred. �owever, �his ri����o rexns�a�e sha��no�apply in the case af acceleratxon under Sect��n �8. <br /> 2�. Sa�e of Nnte; Change af Lvan Serrri�er; Natice af GrieWance. The Note or a par�ial �n�erest in the <br /> No�e �t�ge�her�v��h this Securi�y Ins�rument}can be��id�n��r more�imes v�r�thaut pr�ar noti�e�o <br /> �3�rrower. A sa�e migh�result in a chang�in the en�i�y (k�aown as the "Loan Servicer"} that�ol�ec�s Period�c <br /> Pa�rmen�s due under�h�Note and�h�s Security Ins�ru.m�n�and p�rf�rms o�her mar��age�oan servic�ng <br /> oh�igat�ons und�r�he Na��, �his Securit�Instrument, and App��ca��e Law. There a�so might be one or nnore <br /> �hanges of�h� Loan Serv�cer unrela�ed�o a sale of the N�ote. �f there is a change of the Loan Serv�cer, <br /> Borrower wil�be g�ven wri��en no��ce of the chang�which wi�� s�ate��.�nam�and address of the new i,�an <br /> 5erv�cer, the address to vvh�ch payrnents should be made and any ather informat�on RESPA requ�res �n <br /> conn�c��on with a not�c��f transfer af servicing. �f�he 1Vate�s s��d and thereafter the Laan�s serv�c�d by a <br /> Loan Servicer ather�han the purchaser�f the Not�, the mor�ga���oan serv�cing�hliga��ons ta Borr���r wx�I <br /> remain w��h�he Loan Ser�i�er or be transferred tfl a successor Loan Servicer and ar�no�assum�d by the <br /> No��purchas�r unless otherw�se prov�ded by the Nate purchaser. <br /> Neither B�rrow�r nor Lender may commenc�,joxn, or�e�nined to any judicial act�on�as either an <br /> �ndiv�dua� ��tzgan�o�-�h�m�m�er of a class} �ha�arises from�he other par�y's a�t�ons pursuan�ta this <br /> Securi�y Instrument or�hat a��eges that the other par��has brea�hed any provision�f, or any duty awed hy <br /> reas�n of, this Se�uri�y �ns�rument, un�i� such Borrow�r or Lender has no�if�ed the o�her par�y�w�th such <br /> not�ce g�ven in caxnp�iance wi�h th�requirements�f Sec�xan �.5}�f such ai�eged breach and afforded�he <br /> a�her par�y hereto a reasonabie period after th�gi�ing af�uch notice to�ake c�rrec��ve ac�ion. If Appiicab�e <br /> Law provides a time period which must elapse before cer�ain ac�i�n can be taken, that t�xne period w�l� be <br /> de�med to�e reasonable for purposes of th�s paragraph. Th�no�ice of acce�era��on an��pportuni�y�o cure <br /> g��en to Barrower pursua�nt to S�ction 22 and the notxce vf accelera�ion g��en�o Borrower pursuant�� <br /> Se�t�on �S sha��be deemed��sa�isf��h�noti�e and oppor�uni�y ta� c�rrect�ve actian provisions�f this <br /> Sec�ion 2�. <br /> �'I. Hazardous Substances. As used xn this Sect�an��: �a� "I�a,Zard�us Substar�ces"are�hose substances <br /> de�ne�i as�axic or hazardous 5���tances, pa��utants, or was�es by En�ironmen�ai Law and the fo��owing <br /> substances: gaso�xne, ker�sene, oth�r flam7mab��ar to�.ic petro�eum produc�s, �oxic pes��c�des and herbic�des, <br /> va�a�x��so�ven�s, ma�erials�ontaining asbestas or forma.�dehyde, and radioac�ive materia�s; �b} <br /> ".Lnvironmental Law"mear�s federal.�aws and�av�s flf the jur�sd�c��on where the Property�s �ocated tha� <br /> reiate to hea�th, safety or�n��r�nm�n�a�pr��ecti�n; �c} "Environmental Cleanup" �nciudes any response <br /> actian, remediai ac��on, �r remo�al act�on, as d��ned �n En�viranmenta� La�v; and��i� an "Enuiranrnental <br /> Cortditio�"means a��ndi��on that can cause, con�ri�ute to, or otherwise trigger an�n�iranmen�a� ��eanup. <br /> Borrower�ha��n�t caus��r�ermit��e pres�nce, use, d�s�osa�, storage, or re�ease af an�Ha2ardous <br /> Subs�anc�s, o�r threaten to release an� �azardaus Subs�ances, an or in�he Propert�. Borr�w�r shali nat do, <br /> n�r a�I�w anyone else t�do, any�hing affec�ing the Praper�� �a}�ha� is in violation af any Environmen�a� <br /> Law, �b�which creates an En�r�ronmenta� Condi�ion, or�c} vvh�ch, due to�he pr�sence, use, or release�f a <br /> Ha�ardous Subs�ance, crea�es a��nd��ion�ha�adversely affec�s the va�ue of the Proper��. The preceding two <br /> NEBRASKA-5ir�gte Famify-�anr�ie MaelFreddi�Mac UNiF�RM fNSTFtLfMENT Form 3�28�ID1 <br /> VMP Q VMP6{NEf�130Zf <br /> Wofters Kl�wer�inar�cial 5er�i�es Page 13 af i 7 <br />