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2� 15�81 �9 <br /> des�gnat��i a substitu�e no�ice address b�notice�a Lend�r. Borrower sha�l pr�rnpt�y n�t�fy Lender af <br /> Borrower's cha�age�f address. �f Lender specif��s a pracedure f�r reparting Barrower's change of addr�ss, <br /> then Barr�v�er sha�� on�y repor�a change af address �hr�ugh that sp�c�f�ed pro�edure. <br /> There may be only one designated not�ce address under this Secur�ty�nstrument a�any one t�me. Any natxce <br /> to Lender shall be g�ven by d��iver�ng x�or by mailing it by �rs�class mail�o Lender's address s�ated her��n <br /> unless Lender has de��gna��d another address by no�zce�fl Bnrrower. Any nfl�ice�n connect�on w��h th�s <br /> Security Instrument shal�not be d�eme�to have been g�ven to Lender unt�� ac�ually rece�v�d b�r Lender. �f <br /> any notic�required by thzs Security�nstrument�s a�so requ�red under Appl�cable Law, t�.e App��cab�� Law <br /> requiremen�wi�l sat�sfy�he C�rr�sponding requ�rem.en�under�hzs Secur�ty �ns�rument. <br /> '1�. ��ve�ning Law; Se�erability: Ru�es af Constru�t�an. Th�s Security �nstrumen�sha��be go�erned by <br /> fed�ra� �avv and the law nf the�urisdict�an in whic� the Proper�y is laca�ed. A�l rights and obl�ga�ions <br /> �on�a�n�d xn�his Secur�ty �ns�rument are subj ect to any requirements and Iimitati�ns of App�icable Lavv. <br /> App�icab��Law rnight exp��c�t�y or imp�ici�iy allaw the par�i�s to agree by contract ar it mig��be si�en�, �u� <br /> such si�enc�shal�n��be construed as a prohibit�an against agre�ment by c�ntract. In the event that any <br /> provi�ian�r��ause af this Secur��y�nstrument or�he Note confl�cts with Applicable Law, such�anfl�c�sha�� <br /> no�affec�ather pr�visiar�s�f thzs 5ecur�ty�nstrument ar the N�te which can be given effect w�thou�the <br /> cflnf�ic�ing prav�s�on. <br /> As us�d in�hzs S�cur�ty�nstrument: �a}words flf th�mascul�ne g�nder sha��mean and�nc�ude c�rresponding <br /> neuter w�rds or wflrds�f the feminine gender; �b}�ords �n the s�ngu�ar sha��mean and�nclud��he p�ural <br /> and�r�ce versa; a.nd tc}the word "may" give� so�e d�scre��on�v�thou�any ab�zgation t�take an�r actian. <br /> '�7. Borr�wer's Copy. Borrawer shall b�given one cap�of the Not�and af th�s Secur��� �nstrument. <br /> '18, Transf�r vf the P�operty ar a Benef�cia� lnterest in B�rrawer. As u�ed in�his Section �8, "�nterest �n <br /> �he Proper�y" nn.eans any�ega1 or bene�cial interest in the Proper��, including, but not limited to, thase <br /> bene�cial interests transf�rred in a�ond for deed, contrac� for deed, ins�allmen�sales cantrac�or escrow <br /> a�reement, the intent of whi�h is the transfer of t��ie by Borrov�er a�a fu�ure da�e to a purchaser. <br /> �f a�� or any par�of the Proper�y�r any In�erest in the Property is so�d or transf�rred �or if B�rrawer i�not a <br /> natura�per��n ar�d a b�ne�c�a� �nterest in Borrov�er is so�d or�ransf�rred) withaut Lender's prior u�ri�ten <br /> cansent, Lend�r ma�r r�qu�re�mmediate paym�nt in fu1� of all sums s�cured b�this S�cur�ty Instrum�nt. <br /> Hawe�er, th�s op���n shall nfl�be e�.erc�sed b� Lend�r if such exerGise is pr�hibit�d by App�ica��e Law. <br /> If Lend�r exercises this option, Lender sha�� gi��Borr�w�r n�t��e of ac�e��rati�n. The n�t�ce shal�pro�ide a <br /> period�f n�t less�han 3�days from�he date�he nat�ce is g��ren in accardanc�w�th Se�t�on 15 within which <br /> Barrou�er must pay a�� sums secured by this �ecur�ty�n�trument. �f Barrawer fails�o pay�hese sums pri�r ta <br /> �he expxra���n�f�his per�od, Lender ma�inv�ke any remedies permit�ed by this Security Instrument w�thout <br /> further not�ce�r d��nand on Borrower. <br /> '19. Barrower=s Right to Reinstate After Accelerati�n. If B�rrov�er meets�ertain�nn�iitions, Borr�wer <br /> sha��ha��the r�gh�t�hav�enfar�em�nt of thzs Se�ur�ty Instrume�at��s�antinue�at any time pr��r�a the <br /> ear���st�f: �a} f�ve days�efare sa�e of�h�Property pursuar�t t� any paw�r�f sale c�ntaine�.�n th�s Se�uri�y <br /> �ns�rum�nt; �b} such other period as App�i�a�ie Law migh�spec�fy for the��rminat�an�f Bflrrovv�r's r�gh�to <br /> reinstate; or�c}�n�ry of a�udgment enf�rc�ng this S�curity��astrumen�. Thase c�nd�tio�s are�hat Borrower: <br /> �a}pays L�nder a�� sums wh�ch then wouXd be due under this �ecur�ty�nstrumen�and�he N��e as �f no <br /> ac�el�ratiar�had occurred; �b} cur�s any default nf any o�h�r c�venants or agreements; �c}pays ai� expenses <br /> �ncurred in enfor�ing this Securit� �ns�rument, inCluding, but n����mi.ted to? r�asonable attorneys' fe�s, <br /> pr�perty inspect�on and vaivation f�es, and other fees incurr�� f�r�h�purp�se of protecting Lender's �n�erest <br /> N�BRASKA-Singl�Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNi�DRM INSTRUM�NT �arm 3�28 11n1 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NE�t7302y <br /> Wvlters K[uwer�inancial Ser�iees Page�2 of 17 <br />