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2� 15�81 �8 <br /> wa�ver of Assign�e's right otherwise to deamand strxct c�mpliance with that provisian or any <br /> other prov�s�on of thxs Assignm�nt.Neither prior waiv�r by Ass�gnee,n�r any course of d�a�ing <br /> betwe�n Assign�e and Assignar,sha11 constitute a vva�ver of any of Assignee's rights or of any�f <br /> Assi�nar's ohl�gati�ns as t� any future transactions. tiVhenever the c�nsent of Assignee 15 <br /> requ�red under thx s Assxg�ment,the grant�ng of su�h c�nsent b�Assignee in any instance sha�� <br /> . not constitute cont�nuxng consent to subsequ�nt instances where such cons�nt is required and�n <br /> a�l cases such consent ma�be granted or�ithheld in the so�e discretian of Assignee. <br /> �b� Further Assurances. Asslgn�r shall e�ecute ar cause t� be e�ecuted such <br /> additiona� instruments (�nc�ud�ng, but not limited ta, genera� �r sp�c�f c assig,�unents af such <br /> Leases as Ass�gnee ma� des�gnate� and shall do or cause to be dane such further acts, as <br /> Assignee may reas�nably request, in order t�permit Assignee ta perfect,protect,pr�ser�e ar�d <br /> maintain the assignment made to Ass� by this Assignment. <br /> �c� Severability. �herever pass�ble, each provision of this Ass�gnm.ent shal� b� <br /> interpreted in such manner as t� be effect�ve and valid under applicable law. Any term �r <br /> provision of this Ass�gnment that is inval�d ar unenfarceable in any situataon shall not affect the <br /> valid�t� or enf�rceabil�ty af the rema�ning terms and provisions hereof or the va�xdit� or <br /> er�f�rceability �f the offending term �r pravi.sian in any �ther situati�n. In the ev�nt that any <br /> clause, term, or conditi�n of this Assign�nent shall be held invalid or cantrary to �av�v: (a� th�s <br /> Assignment sha11 remain�n fu11 forc�ar�d effect as to a1��ther clauses,t�rms,and�ond�ti�ns;�ii) <br /> the�ubj�ct clause,term,or candit�on shall be revised to the minimum�xt�nt nec�ssary to render <br /> the m�dified provisi�n vaiid, ��gal and enf�rceable; and (iii� the remaxning pr�vxs�or�s of thzs <br /> A s si g���nt �ha11 b e amende d to the minimum extent nec e s s ary s o as to rer�der the th�s <br /> Ass�gnment as a whol� most nearly consistent with the partx�s' intent�ans in ���ht of the <br /> mod�ficat�on or r�mova� �f the invalid or illegal provision. <br /> �d} Successors and Assi -�ns. Tr115 A5S1�ll11ellt ].5 171nC��I1� 11�7�r1 A5S1�1��' arlC� 1�5 <br /> respect�ve perm�tted assigns, and the rights, povvers and remedies of Assignee under this <br /> Ass�gnrn�nt sha�� �r�ure to the benef t of Assignee and �ts successors and assigns, including <br /> without limitatian, the h�lder from tim�to time af the Note. <br /> �e} �r�tten M�difications. This Ass�gnment shall not be arnended, madifie� or <br /> supp��mented With�ut the vvritt�n agreem�nt of Ass�gnor and Assignee at the time af such <br /> am�ndment, modificati�n�r supp�ement. <br /> �f} Notices. AlI natices and d�mands wh�ch are required or permitted to gi�en or <br /> served hereunder shall be deemed suffxG���.t�y served vvhen delivered or mailed in the mann�r <br /> and to �he persons descr�b�d in the Loan Agreement. <br /> �g} Priori� . Assignor and Assignee ackr��wledge �he parties hereta and agree that <br /> u�on recordati�n of this Assignmer�t in the �ff�ce of the Rec�rder of Deeds, Ha�1 �ounty, <br /> Nebrasl{a,the rights of Assigrae�hereunder re�at�ve to the perf�ction and pr�ority of the liens and <br /> security i��terests granted hereunder are as se� forth under Nebraska �aw. <br /> 9 <br /> 347�22��4124771-��4� <br />