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2� 15�81 �8 <br /> (e� Fifth,to the payment of a�l accrued and unpaxd interest on the principal sum of the <br /> N�te; <br /> �f� �ixth, ta payment of the unpaid baxance of the princx�a� sum of the Note; and <br /> (g� Seventh, any balance remaining to Assignar, xts respectxve he�rs, legatees, <br /> adminxstrators, �egal representatives successors and assigns. <br /> 7. L�mitation ofAssi�,mee's Liabi�ity.Assignee shall nat be liable for an��oss susta�ned by <br /> Assignor resulting fram Assignee's fa�lure to Iet the Property following the occurrence of any one or <br /> more Events of Default under the prov�s�ans hereof or fr�m any other act or omission of Assignee in <br /> manag�ng,operating or maxntaining the Property fo�lovving the accurrence of any one or more Ev�nts�f <br /> D�fault under the provisions hereof. Assignee sha��nat be obligated to abserve,perform or discharge, <br /> nor does Assignee her�by under�ake ta obser�e,�erform or discharge any cavenan�,term, condition or <br /> agreement cantaYned in any L�ase t� be observed ar performed by the lessor thereunder, �r any <br /> o�Iigati�n, du�y or liability of Assignor und�r�r by reason�f this Ass�gnment, and Assignor sha1�and <br /> does hereby agree to indernnify Assigne� for, and t� ho�d Ass�gnee harm�ess of and fram, any and a�1 <br /> liability, loss or damage which Assignee rna�or might��.cur under any Lease �r under or by reason af <br /> this Assignment and of and fram. an�and a�� c�a�ms and demands vvhats�ever vvhich ma�be asserted <br /> agai�st Assignee by reason of any a�leged�b��gatxon or undertakin�on it�part t�abserve or perform any <br /> of the covenants, terms, c�nd�tx�ns and agreements contained in any Lease; provid�d, how�ver, in na <br /> event shall Assignor be X�ab�e for an� lxab�l�ty, �ass ar damage which Assignee in�urs as a resu�t of <br /> A55��1��'S �'�S5 17��1].��Z7.C� �r W1.�.�.fL1�. �7].�.5C��ICIUC�. S�1QL11Cl A551�1�� 1rlCllr a.rly SL1C�] 11abl�lt�, loss or <br /> �lamage under any Lease or under or by reasor�of this Assignment7 or in the defense of any such c�aim or <br /> deman�, the amount ther��f, xncludir�g costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees, sha11 b�c�m� <br /> immediately due and payab�e by Assignar with interest therean at the Default Rate and shall be secur�d <br /> by th�s Assignment. Thrs Ass�gnment shall not apera�e to place responsibi��ty for th� care, controX, <br /> management or repaxr�f the Pr�perty�r for the carrying out of any of the covenants,terms, c�nd�txons <br /> and agreem.�nts contained in any Lease up�n Assignee,nor sha1�it operate to make Assxgnee responsxb�e <br /> or�iab�e for any waste c�mmitted upon the Property by any Tenant, �c�upant or other party, or for any <br /> dang�rous or defective conditi�n of the Property, ar far any neg�zgence xn th� management, upkeep, <br /> repair or contr�l �f the Praperty resulting in loss �r ir�jury ar death to an�Ter�ant, accu�ant, licensee, <br /> employee�r stranger.Noth�ng herein or�n the I�eed of Trust cantained,and no e�ercise b��ssig,�nee�f <br /> ar�y�f the rights herein ar in the Deed�f Trust conferred sha�l constitute or be cor�strued as constituting <br /> Assignee a"mortgagee in poss�ssian"of the Pr�pert�,xr�the absence of th�taking of actual possession <br /> of the Property by �ssi gr�ee pursuant to the provisions hereof. Assignee has not received nar been <br /> transferred any securit� depasited b� any Tenant Wxth th� �ess�r under the terms af an� Lease and <br /> Assignee assumes 1�o resp�nsibility or liab�lit�for any s�curxty so deposited. <br /> 8. Miseella��e�us. <br /> . <br /> �a} N�-�Vaiver. Asszgnee shall nat he deemed t�have waived any rights under th�s <br /> As�i�-lment u��l�ss suG��waiver is given in�vr�trng and signed by Assigmee.No delay�r omissior� <br /> ���the part of Assi g�lee in exerc�s�ng an�r�ght shal�operate as a waiver of such right�r an}r other <br /> right. A vvaiver by Assignee of a provxsx�n of thxs Assignm�nt shall n�t prejud�c�or constitute a <br /> 8 <br /> 347�Z2�v4124771-�fl4� <br />