2� 15�81 �7
<br /> 8. Stam� Tax. If, by the laws af the United States of America, �r of any state or po�itical
<br /> subdivisi�n hav�ng j ur�sdiction over Trustor, any ta�is due or becornes due in respect of the e��cution and
<br /> delivery of th�s Instrument�r the issuance of the Note hereby secured, Trust�r covenants and a�rees to pay
<br /> such ta�in the manner required by any such law.Trustor fur�her c�venants to reimburse L�nder for any sums
<br /> v�hich Lender ma�expend by reason�f the imp�sition of ar�y tax�n the issuance of the Note secured hereby.
<br /> N�tvvithstanding the for�going,Trust�r sha11 not be required to pay any income ar franchise ta�es�f Lender.
<br /> 9. �bser�ar�ce �f L�ase Assi ent. As additional security for the payment and performance
<br /> �as app�xcable� of the Secured �bligations (inc�uding vv�th�ut ��m.xtation, the fa�thfu� perf�rmance of the
<br /> terms and��ndxtxons contained her�xn�,Trustor has executed and d��xvered that c�rta�n Assignment of Rents
<br /> and L�ases, �ated as of the dat�hereof, �n favor af Ler�der�the "�lssigr��azerzt af Leases"}. Pur�uant to the
<br /> Assign�.nent of L�ases the Trustor,as lessor,has ass�gn�d to Lend�r al�of Trustor's right,ti�1e and interest in
<br /> and ta all Leases �including al� �xtensions and renewals th�reo� v�h�ch now �r hereafter affect all �r any
<br /> por�ion �f the Mortgaged Proper�y and �n and to al� Rents of or from all such Lease�. The terms of th�
<br /> Assignment of L�ases are hereb�incorporated by reference herein as if fu11y stated in th�s Instrum�nt.
<br /> 1�. Effect of Extensions of Time. If the payment or perf�rmance (as app�icable��f the Secured
<br /> �bligati�ns (or any portion thereo�is��t�nded or varied, or if any part of an�security for the payment or
<br /> perfarmance�as applicab�e�of the Secured�bligatzons�or any port�on thereof�is released,all��rsons novv
<br /> or at any time hereafter �iable th�refor, or interested xn the M�rt�aged Property or hav�ng an interest in
<br /> Trustor,sha�l be he�d to assent to such e�tens�on,varxatx�n ar release, and their liabili�y and the lien and all
<br /> provisions hereof sha��contxnu��n full farce,th�right af rec�urs�against a�� such persans being expressly
<br /> r�served by Lender,notvvxthstand�ng such e�tenszon,variation or re�ease.
<br /> 1�. Eff�ct of�han�es�n Lavvs Re a� rd�n�Ta�at��n. In the e��nt�f the enactment after this date
<br /> �f an��avv of the state xn vvhich the Mortgaged Property�s�ocated deductxng from the value of the land for
<br /> th�pur�ose of taxation any lien there�n, or impos�ng upon Ler�der the�ayment of th�who�e or any part of
<br /> th�taxes or assessments ar charges or�iens herein required to�e pa�d by Trust�r,�r�hanging in any way the
<br /> laws re�atir�g to the ta�ation �f m�rtgages or debts secured by martgages ar Lender's interest in the
<br /> Mortga�ed Pr��erty, or the manner of collection of taxes, sa as t� affect this Instrum�nt or the S�cured
<br /> �bl�gatians secured hereby or the h�lders thereaf, then, and�n any such event, Trustor, upon demand by
<br /> Lender, sha11 pay such ta�es or asse�sments,or reimburs�Lender ther�for;provided,ha�ever,that Trust�r
<br /> �ha11 not be deemed t� be required to pay any inc�me ar franchise ta�es of Lender. Notwithstand�ng the
<br /> foregaing, if in the apinion af counsel for Lender(a} it might be un�awful to require Trustor to make such
<br /> payrnent or�b�the ma�ing af such payment might result in the impositi�n of interest beyond th�maximum
<br /> am�unt permitted by law,then and in such event,Lender ma�elect,by notice�n v�rri�ing given to Trustor,to
<br /> dec�are a11 af the Secur�d�bligations to be and bec�me du�and payable si�ty�G�}days from th�givxng of
<br /> such n�tice.
<br /> 12. Lender's Performance of Defaulted Acts and E�pens�s Incurred by Lender.
<br /> �a} If an Event of Default has accurred,Lender may,bu�z�eed not,make any payment or
<br /> perfarm any act here�n requ�r�d of Trustor xn any form and manner deemed expedient, and ma�,but
<br /> need not, make ful� �r part�a� paymen.ts af prxncipal or znterest on prior encumbrances, if any, and
<br /> purchas�,discharg�, com.promise or sett��any ta�.l�en or�t�er praor l��z� �r title�r c�a�m thereof, or
<br /> 9
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