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2� 15�81 �7 <br /> purposes more hazardaus than permitted b�r the terms �f the pallcles wx11 affe�t the val�dlty or <br /> erlfDrCe�.�7�llt� �f SUCrI �]�11C1�5 as against Lender. Trustor sha11 d�liver all p�lx cies, �nclud�r�g <br /> addxt�onal and renewal palicies,to Lender,and,in th�case of insuranc�about to��pir�,shall del�ver <br /> renewal policies not-less than thirty�30} days pr�or to their respective dates af e�pira��on. <br /> �b} Trust�r sha11 not take out separate�nsurance concurrent in farrn�r cantributing in the <br /> event of loss�vith that required ta be rnaintained h�reunder un�ess Lender is xnc�ud�d ther�an under a <br /> stan�iard rn.ortgagee clause acceptable to Lender.Trustor immediately shall notify Lender whenever <br /> any such separate insurar�ce is taken out and pramptly sha11 deliver to Lender the policy or p�lic�es of <br /> such insurance. <br /> �c� In the�vent of�oss Trustar shall give immed�ate natxce by mail to Lender,vvha may <br /> ma�e proof�f l�ss if not made promptly by Trustor, and each xnsurance campany cancerned is <br /> hereby author�z�d and direGted t�make payment for such l�ss d�r�ct�y to Lender instead of to Trustar <br /> and Lend�r jointly. Any xnsurance proceeds sa r�ceived by Lender, after the payment af aI� of <br /> Lender's e�penses,xncludxng c�sts and reasonable att�rneys' fees, shal�be giv�n to the Trustar for <br /> the restoratxan or repair af the prnperty damaged as prov�ded�n a�.d subject to Sect�on 22 here�f. In <br /> the event of forec�osur� of this Instrument, a11 right, tit�e a�.d �nterest of Trust�r in and ta ar�y <br /> insuranc� p�lic��s th�n �n force shall pass to the purchaser at the forec�osure sale. Trustor sha�� <br /> furnish Lender,vv�thaut cast to Lender, at the request af L�nder, from time to time, evidence af the <br /> replacern.ent valu� of th�Mortgaged Prnpert�. <br /> 7. Condemnat�on.If all or any part of the Mortgaged Property are damaged,taken ar acquired, <br /> either temporarily ar permar�ently, in an�condemnati�n proceeding, �r by e�ercise �f the r�ght of eminent <br /> domain, the amount of any award or other paym�nt for such taking or damages mad� in consideratian <br /> thereof,to the��tent of the full arnount of the remaxnxng unpaid Secured�bligatx�ns,i�h�reby assigned t� <br /> L�nder,vvho is empowered to c�l�ect and recei�e the same and t�give praper receipts therefor in the name�f <br /> Trust�r and the same shal� be pa�d forthvvi�h to Lender, vsrha sha1Z release ar�y such avvard or m�nies so <br /> recexv�d or apply the same in v�h�Ie or in part,after the payment�f a�� of its expenses, inc]uding casts and <br /> attorneys' fees,t�the restorati�n�r repair�f the pr�perty dam.aged as pravided in and sub�eCt t� Sect�on 2� <br /> hereof, xf xn the reasanable judgment af Lender the property can be restared or repaired to the condition <br /> e�isting xmm.ediate�y pri�r to the tal�ing. If in the reasonab�e judgment of Lender the Mor��a�ed Property <br /> cann�t be r�st�red�r repaired to the conditi�n existing immediat��y prror to the taking,then such award or <br /> mon�es rec�xv�d after the payment of e�penses of Lender as aforesaxd shall be applied on account of the <br /> unpaid prir�cxpa�ba�an�e af the Note with�ut any prepayment penalty or premium, irrespective of vvheth�r <br /> such prir�cipa�balanc�is then due and payable and, at ar�y time fr�m and after the takin�, upon thxrty(3�� <br /> days prior wr�tten n�txce ta Trustar,Lender may d�c�are the�whale of the Secured�bligatians to be du�and <br /> pa�able. Fur�hermore,xn the event such award or manies so received shal� exceed the c�st of restoration�r <br /> repair of the property and e�penses of L�nder as aforesaid, then such e�cess m�nies shall be applx�d on <br /> account�f the unpaxd prin�xpa� ba�ance �f the Note, irrespective of vvhether such principal balance is then <br /> due and payable.An�appl�cation to the unpa�d pr�n��pa1 balance af the Note pursua��t t�th�s Sec�ion 7 shall <br /> not �xtend the du� date or reduce the arnount of the principal and interest insta�lments r��u�red t�be paxd <br /> under the No�e. <br /> S <br /> .��f I�U�l+c]'�`I 1 r(� L/LJ`I� <br />
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