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201508165 <br />8. Each party shall retain their own bank accounts, <br />Certificates of Deposit, securities and /or retirement or pension <br />accounts. <br />9. The parties are the owners of real property legally <br />described as: <br />The East 28' of Lot Fourteen (14), and the West <br />33' of Lot Thirteen (13), Block Three (3), <br />Blain Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />The Court finds that the real property and the mobile home <br />situated thereon should be, and hereby is, set over to <br />Petitioner, subject to the encumbrance due and owing thereon. <br />10. The 1977 Chevrolet and the 1989 Chevrolet Astro Van are <br />awarded to the Petitioner, subject to any encumbrance due and <br />owing thereon. <br />11. The Petitioner shall secure health and medical insurance <br />on the minor children as is available through his employment. <br />The Petitioner shall be responsible for any and all uncovered <br />medical expenses and deductibles. <br />12. Each party shall be responsible for any individual debts <br />incurred since the date of their separation of approximately <br />April 10, 1996. <br />13. Petitioner shall be responsible for any and all debts and <br />obligations of the marriage and shall hold the Respondent <br />harmless therefrom. <br />14. Each party shall sign and execute any and all titles, <br />bills of sale or other instruments necessary or convenient for <br />Page 3 of Li <br />