2� 15�8�9�
<br /> DEEI� �F TRUST
<br /> ���]nt��luedj Page 5
<br /> persan, inclu�ing v+rithout limitati�n Trustor, Tr�stee, or Lender, may purchase at such sal�.
<br /> t�� As may he permit�ed by law, a'�ter deducting a�l cost�, fees and expense� of Truste� and �# this
<br /> Trust, including cas�s a�e�idence o�t�tle in�onn�ction with sale, Trustee shall apply the praceeds❑�saie
<br /> �o payment of �i� all �ums expended ur�der the �C�rms �f �Chis Deed afi Trust vr under the terms o# th�
<br /> Gredit Agr�emen� nv� then repaid, in�luding �ut not limited to accrued interesf and late charges, ��i� al�
<br /> other sums then se�ured hereby, and �iiiy the remainder, if any, to the person or p�rsons legal�y entitled
<br /> thereto,
<br /> {c� T�uste�may in the manner pra�id�d by iaw p�s��one sal�vf all or�ny parti�n of the Proper�y.
<br /> Remedies Nvt E�CCILJ5IV�. Trus�tee and Lend��, and �ach �f them, shail b� entitled t� enfvrce payment and
<br /> per#orrr�ance o�any ind�btedness or oblig�tians secured by�Chis Deed of Trus�and ta�xerGise a�l r�ghts and p�w�r�
<br /> under this Deed of Trus�, under the �redit Agre�ment, under any �f th� Related Docume�ts, ❑r under any other
<br /> agreemen� or any laws now ❑r hereafter in force; notvvi�hstanding, svme or all of su�h indebt�dr�ess and
<br /> obligativns se�ured by th�s ❑e�d Qf T�ust may nvvir ar her�af�er be atherv►rise secu�ed, wh�ther by mor�gage, deed
<br /> of trust, ple�lg�, lien, assi�r�ment or atherwEse. Neither the acceptance of this peed of Trust nar i�s en�orcement,
<br /> whether by court actic�n ar pursuant to the pvwer �af sa1� or other pawers con�ain�d in this ❑e�d ❑f Trust, shafl
<br /> prejudice or in any manne� affect Trustee's nr Lender's right to realize up�n Qr enfvrc� any �ther security naw or
<br /> hereaf�ter held by Trustee ar Lend�r, it being agreed tha�Trus�ee and Lender, and ea�h o�them, shall be �n�i�led to
<br /> enfar�e �his Deed �� rrus� and any other se�urity n�w or herea#ter held by L�nder ar Trustee in such order and
<br /> manner as th�y or either ❑f them may in their abs��u�e dis�r�tion d�termin�. Na remedy con�Ferred upon vr
<br /> rese�ved to Trus�ee vr Lender, is intended tv be e�c�lu�i�e of any other r�medy in this Qeed o� Trus� ar by law
<br /> pro�ided or permitted, but each shall be cumulati�e and shall be in additian tv e�ery vther r�medy gi�en in this
<br /> Deed af Trust �r naw or herea�ter exis�ing a�C law a� in �quity or by statute. E��ry po�ver or rem�dy giWen by �he
<br /> Cred�t Agreement or any of the f�elated C�acumen�s to Trustee ❑r L�nder vr �o whi�h either �f them may be
<br /> oth�rvu�se enti�le�, may be exercised, co�n�urrently ar independentRy, frvm time ta �ime and as often as may b�
<br /> deemed expedient by Trustee or Lender, and either vf th�r� may pursue inc�nsistenx remedi�s. Nathing in �his
<br /> Qeed �f Trust shal� be constru�d as prohibiting L�nder from seeking a d�ti�ien�y judgmen� against the Trustor ta
<br /> the exfient such actian is permitted by la�rv.
<br /> Ele�tivn vf Remedies. All of Lender's rights and remedies will be cumulati�e and may be exer�ised alone vr
<br /> together. If Lender d�cidEs to spend m�ney ❑r �o perform �ny of Trus�vr'� abligations under �hi� ❑eed o�Trust,
<br /> after Trust�r's failure tv d❑ so, that decision by Lender will not a�fecx Lender's right ta declare Trustvr in defauit
<br /> and t�ex�r�ise Lender's remedies.
<br /> Request far N�tice. Trustar, on beha��of Trusfivr and Lender, hereby reques�s that a copy ofi any Nvtice❑f Defaulf
<br /> and a copy of any Notice ❑f 5a1� und�r this D�ed ❑�Trust be maiied to them at the addresses se� �arth in the �irSt
<br /> paragraph vt this D��d❑�Trus�.
<br /> A�tarney�' Fess; Expenses. if Lender insti��tes any suit or �ction tv �nforce �ny �f the �erms af this Deed �f
<br /> Trust, Lender shall be enti�led tv r��o�er suGh sum �s the �ourt may adjudge re�sonable as at�orneys' fees at trial
<br /> and upon any app�al. Whether or nat �ny caurt actian i� in�ol�ed, and to Che exten� nvt pr�hibited �y law, al�
<br /> reasanab�e expenses L�nder in��rs that in L�nderrs ❑pini�an are ne�essary �t any time for the prote��ion v� it�
<br /> interest or the enfor�ement o�its rights shall become a part af the Indebtedness payah�e on demand and shall bear
<br /> �n�erest at the Credit Agr�ement rate from the date af '�he exp�nditure until repaid. �xpenses �o�ered �y th�s
<br /> paragraph fnclude, wi�hout limita�ivn, however sub�ect to any limsts under applicable law, L�nder's att�rn�ys' #ees
<br /> and Lender`s legal ��pens�s, whether or nat th�re is a lavusuit, including a�tvrneys' �ees and expenses for
<br /> banl�rupfi�y proc�Ed4n�s �ir�cluding e�forts to mvdify or va�ate �ny autamatic s��y or injunctiany, appeais, and any
<br /> anticip��Ced pos��judgmer�� cal�ectio�n serWices, the cost �� searching recards, ob�ain�ng title r�parts �including
<br /> �oreclasure reparts�, sur�eyors' rep�rts. and appraisal fees, title insuranGe, and f�es t�r�he Tru��Cee, to the ex�ent
<br /> pe�mi�ted by appli�able law. Trus�or als❑will pay any cvurt��sts, in add�t�on�a all vther sums pro�ided by�aw.
<br /> R�ghts of Trustee. Trustee shal! ha�� a��o#the rights and duties af Lender as set�orth in this sectivn.
<br /> PQWERS AND aBL1�ATIQNS DF TRlJSTEE. The fvllowing prv�isivns r�fating ta the powers and c�bligations af Trustee
<br /> are part❑f this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Powers of Trustee. In additian to all paw�rs❑f Tru�tee arising as a ma�ter af law, Trus��e shall h��e the pt�wer tQ
<br /> take�he fvllvwing acti�ns w�th respect ta the Prop�rty upon the wrrit�en r�quest o�Lender and Trustor: �a� join in
<br /> preparing and �iling a map or plat of the Real Property, including the dedi�a�ion af s�Creets ar �ther righ�s to the
<br /> �ub�ic; �b} join in granting any easem�nt or �reating any res�riction ❑n the Real P�vperty; and �C� jpin in any
<br /> subordination flr oth�r�greement affectin�this ❑eed of Trust�r the �nterest vf Lender under this Deed o#Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Truste� shall meet aii qualifiGations required for Trus��e under appli�abl� law. In additir�n to fihe rights
<br /> �nd rem�dies set ��rth aba�e, with respec� �❑ all �r any Rar� of the Prvperty, ��te Tru�tee shall h��e th� right t❑
<br /> foreclose by nca�i�e and sale, and Lender will ha�e xhe �i�ht to for�cl�se by Sudicial foreclosure, in either case in
<br /> accardan�e�ri�h and t�the�ull ex�ent pra��ded by applicable law.
<br /> 5uc�essor Trustee. Lender, at Lender's aption, may from time ta time app�int a suG�essor Trust�e t❑ any Trustee
<br /> appvinted unde� this D�ed af Trust by an instrument executed and acknav�rledged by Lender and recorded in the
<br /> office Q� �he r�corder �f HALL ��unty, State vf Nebrasl�a. The instrum�nt shail contain, in �dditian �❑ al[ other
<br /> m�tters required by state law, the names o�F the original Lender, Truste�, and Trus�CQ�, the book and page {o�
<br /> �ompu��r syst�m referencey where �hf5 ❑eed vf Trust is rec�rded, and the n�me and address o� the �uccessor
<br /> trustee, �nd the instrumen�shall be executed and acknawledged by all�he bene�iciaries under this Deed of Trus�ar
<br /> their su�cessors ir� interest. The success�r trustee, withvu� con�eyance o�the Prop�r�y, shall succeed �Ca a!! the
<br /> title, pQwer, and duties conferr�d upan the Trus�ee in this Deed of Trust and by applicabl� faw. This pracedure �or
<br /> subs�titutiQn of Trustee sha�i gou�rn ta the exclusion o�all other pra�isians far substitution,
<br /> N�TICES. Any notice r�quired t❑ be gi�sn under this L�eed �f Trust, incfuding wi�hau� limitation any not+ce c�f default
<br /> and any notice of sale sha�l be gi�en in writing, and shas! be �ff�cti�e when ac�ually deli�ered, when aGtually recei�ed
<br /> by t�lefa�simil� {uni�s$❑th�rwi�e required by lawy, when d�p�sited with a nationally r�cogni�ed overnight courier, ar, if
<br /> mailed, �rvhen deposi��d in the United Stat�s mail, as first class, ��r�ified or regis�ered mail postage prepaid, direc�ed t❑
<br /> �he address�s shown near th� beginning of this Deed a�F Trust. All copies af nvtices o��orecic�sure fram the halder �f
<br /> any lien which has priar�ty a�er this Deed of Trust sh�il b� sen� ta L�nd�r's address, as shown near the beginning of
<br /> th�s ❑eed of Trust. Any person may �hange his or her address for nati�es under this Deed ofi Trust by gi�ing farmal
<br /> written nca�ice ta the vther person ❑r persvns, speci�ying that th� pu�pos� a� the noti�e is �� change the persQn's
<br /> address. Far nvtice purpases, Trustor agrees�o l�eep Lender informed at al�times af Trustvr's current address. Unless
<br /> otherwise pro�ided o� required by law, i€��here �s more than ane Trus�ar, any natic� gi�en by Lender to any Trustar is
<br /> deemed to b�natice givsn ta afl Trustors. 1t wiff be Trustvrrs responsibility�v t��l the athers o�the notice from Lender.
<br /> MISGELLANE�US PR�VlSl�NS. The �Fall�wing miscellanevus pra�isions are a part a�this Deed afi Trust:
<br /> Amendmen�s. What is written in this ❑eed of Trust and in the Relat�d Documents is Trustor's entire agreement
<br /> with Lender cvncernin� the matters cavered by this Deed raf Trust. Tv be effecti�e, any chan�e or am�ndment to
<br /> this Deed of Trust must b� in writing and must be sign�d by whve��r wil! be boun�l ar obligated by th� chan�e or
<br /> amendm�nt.
<br />