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2� 15�8�9� <br /> DEED DF TRU�T <br /> ��t�nt�nued� I�age 4� <br /> Securi�y �nter��t, Upon reques� by Lender, Trus�or shal! t�ke what��er ac��r�n is requ�sted by Lende� �o per�ec� <br /> and can�inue Lender's security interest in the P�rsanal Property. In addi#ian �o re�ording this ��ed of T�ust in the <br /> rea! property records, ��nder may, at any t�me and withaut �urth�r authori�ation �rom Trustor, file ex�cut�d <br /> counterparts, ��pies or reprodu�tions of �his ❑eed ❑fi Trust a� a �inanc�ng statement. Trustor shall reimburs� <br /> Lender for all expenses ineurr�d in perfecting or c�ntinuing �his securi�y interest, lJpvn defaul�t, Trus��r shal� not <br /> remoWe, se��r vr d�tach the Persvnal Property �r�m the Prap�rry, Upon de�ault, Trustar $hall ass�mble any <br /> Persanal Prop�rty nat a��i�ced �o �he Property in a manner and at a p�ace reas�nab�y c�n�enient tQ Trustor and <br /> Lender and make it a�ai�able �a Lender within �hr�e {3y days af�er receip� af written demand fram Lender �v the <br /> �xtent permi��ed by applica�le �aw. <br /> Addresses. The maiiing �ddresses �f Trustor �de�t�r� and Lender {secur�d party3 fram �rvhich snformation <br /> can�erning the se�uri�y interes� granted by this D�ed of Trus� may be o�tained �ea�h as required by �I�e �nifarm <br /> Corr�mercial ��de} are�s stated an�he first page of this ❑e�d o�Trus�t. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTQRNEY-IN-FACT. The �ol[owing prvWisivns r�lating to furth�r assurances �nd <br /> attorney-in-fact are a par�o�th�s Deed vf Trust: <br /> Fur#her Assurances. At any �ime, �nd �rom �im� to time, upon r�quest af Lender, Trus�vr wi�l make, execute and <br /> del��er, �r will cause�to be made, e�ecu�ed or de�ivered,ta Lend�r vr to Lend�r's designee, and when requ�sted by <br /> Lend�r, cause t� �e filed, recarded, refiled, or rerecord�d, �� fihe case r�nay be, at su�h t�mes and �n such of�ices <br /> and places as Lender may deem appropria�e, any and all such mortg�ges, deeds v�tru��, securi�y deeds, securi�y <br /> agreements, financing s�atemenis, Gontinuatit�n statements, instrument� of further assuranG�, cer�ificates, and <br /> o�her documents as may, in th� sale opinian af Lender, be necessary❑r desirahl� in arder to effectuate, camplete, <br /> per€�c�, cont�nue, ar �reser�e t 1} Trust�r's obligativns under the �redi�Agreement, this ❑��d ��Trust, and the <br /> Rela�ed D�cuments, �nd ��f �he �iens �nd securi�y inter��ts cr��t�d by��ri� Deed o�Trust as f�rst and pr�ar lien� <br /> �n th� Pr�per�y, wheth�r now awned ar hereafter acquired by Trustar. UnlesS prahibi�ed by �aw ar Lender agrees <br /> t❑the contrar�in writing, Trustar shall r�imburse Lender for�II cos�s and expen�es incurred in c�nnection with the <br /> matters re#erred to in this paragraph. <br /> Att�rney-inwFac#. If Trustvr fails to da any of the things referred to in �he �re�eding paragraph, Lender may da sv <br /> �o� and in fih� name o�Trustar and a�Trustvr's ex�aense, For �uch �urposes, Trustvr her�hy irre�ocably appoints <br /> Ler�der as Tru�tor's a�torney-inw�act for the purpQse af making, exe�u�ing, d�ii�ering, �iling, recvrding, and dving �II <br /> vther �hings as may be necessary or desir�ble, in Lender's �ole vpinian, to a�cvmplish �h� ma��ers referred to in <br /> the preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE, lf Trusto�pays all the #ndebtedness irvhen duer term�nates the credit line accvunt, and otherw�se <br /> per�o�ms all the o�[iga�ions irnpos�d upon Trus�or under this L7eed of Trust, Lender sha�� execute and deli�er to Trustee <br /> a requ��� for '�ull recon�eyan�e and shall �x�cute �nd d�li��r to Trustar sui��ble statem�n�s a� termination v�f any <br /> financing statement on file e�idencFng Lender'� security interest in �he Rents and the Persana� Proper�y. Any <br /> recan�eyan�e fee r�quired �y la�rv shail be paid by Trustar, i�p�rmitted by applicabie faw. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Trustar will he in de'Fault under this Deed v#Trust if any of the fallawing happen: {A} Trustor <br /> cammits fraud t�r makes a ma�erial misrepr�sentati�n afi any time in connection vr�i�h the Gr�di�Agr�ement. This can <br /> include, for example, a fais�� sta�ement abau� Trus�ar's inct�me, ass��s, liabili�ies, or any oth�r a�pec�s af Trustvr's <br /> �inan�ial candition. �B� T�rust�� d�e� not meet the repayment��rm� of�he Credi� Agreemen�. �C� Trus�or's activn Qr <br /> ina��ion ad�ersely affects th� colla#eral or Lender's ri�h�s in th� �ol�ateral, This �an include, �or example, failure ta <br /> main�ain required insuranc�, was�e ❑r destruc�iue use a��the dwelling, failure�o pay taxes, death of al3 persons iiah�e vn <br /> �h� account, transfer of titl� or saie v� the dwelling, c�eatEon af a senior lien on the dwe!ling v�it��ut Lender's <br /> permissian, foreclosure by the hold�r ofi anvth�r lien, or the use o#funds or the dwe��in��ar prohibi�ked purposes� <br /> RIGHTS AND FiEN[EDIES (7N DEFAULT. If an E�ent a� Defaul�occurs under�his C]�ed a�Trust, a� �ny �ime th�reaf�er, <br /> Trustee vr Lende�may exercise any pne or m�r��f�he�oll�vving ri�h#s and remedi�s: <br /> Acceleration upon Defauit:Additianal Re�nedies. �f any E�ent a�Default vccurs as per the terms of�he Credit <br /> A�reement secured h�reby, Lender may de��ar� all 1nd���edness se�ured by this Deed v�TruSt ta be due and <br /> paya�f� and �h� �ame shall thereupvn be�ome due and pa�able w�thout any presentmen�, demand, protest Qr <br /> no�ice a#any kind. Ther��fter, Lender m�y: <br /> �ay �+�her in persan or by ag�nt, with or without b�inging any ac�ian or praceed�ng, ar by � re�ei��r <br /> appr�inted by a �ourt ar�d wi'thout regard �o the ad�quacy of its security, enter upvn and take possession <br /> af�h� Praperty, or any pa�t�hereof, �n its o�rvn name❑r in the name of Trustee, and do any acts whi�h it <br /> deems nec�ssary ar desirab�e t❑ preser�e the�afu�, marketahility❑r rentabili�y af fihe Praperty, or part of <br /> the Property Qr int�r�st in the Pr�perty; increase the incame fram the Pro}���'ty or pro�ect th� s�cur4ty Qf <br /> �he Proper�y; and, with or wi#h�ut taking poss�ssian �f the Pra�erty, sue �or �r o�herwise Gallect �he <br /> r�nts� issues and prafi�� af the Property, in��uding those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less <br /> costs and expenses of opera�kian �nd collection a�tvrn�ys`fees,tv any ind�btedness secured by�his Deed <br /> of Trust, all in such order as L�nder may determine. The �ntering upon and taking p�ssessivn o� th� <br /> Property, the collec�ion ❑f su�h rents, issues and prafits, and the appli�ation th�revf �ha�� nvt cure ar <br /> wai�re any de�auEt or notice of default under this Deed of Trust or in�alEdate any act dt�ne in response ta <br /> such defaul�Qr pursuant tv such natic�af default� and, nc�twithstanding the cvntinuance in pv�s�ssion af <br /> the Propert� c�r the c�llection, receipt and applica�ion a� rents, issu�s ar pro�its, Trusr�e or L�nder shall <br /> be en�itled ta exercise e�ery right p���ided far in �he Credit Agreem�nt vr th� Refated Do�uments ar hy <br /> law upan the v�curren�e of any e�en�of de#ault, including#he right to exercise�the power of sa[�; <br /> �b� C�mmen�e an �c�ion tio foreclose this �eed v�Trust as a mortgag�, appain�a recei�er vr specifically <br /> en�vr�e any of the�c���nants he�eQf; �nd <br /> (cy C3eli�er to Trus�ee � wri��en declaration of d��ault and demand far sal�ar�d a wfittcn nati�e�f defaul� <br /> and electian ta cause Trustor's inter�st in �he Property t� h� sald, wh��h natice Trustee shall �ause�o be <br /> duly�i�ed far re�ord in the appropriate❑ffi��s vf tihe Cvunty in�vhich the Praperty is IQcated; and <br /> {�� IlUith re�pect to a!! or any par��f th� Persvna[ Prnperty, Lender shall ha�e a�! the rights and remedies <br /> o��secured p�arty under the Nek�raska Unif��m Cammer�i�l �od�. <br /> Fareclosure by Paw�r af Sale. lf Lender ele�ts to foreclose by e�cerG�se v�th� Pov�re��f 5a�� herein cantained, <br /> Lender sh�ll na�ify T�us�ee and shall deposit wi�h Trustee this C�e�d o�F Trus'� and the Cred�t Agreement and <br /> such r�c�ip�s and e�iden�e o�expenditures made and se�ured by this Deed a�Trust as Trustee may require. <br /> ��f LJpan r�ceipt vf such na�ice from Lend�r, Trust�� sha[� Gause ta be recarded, puk����hed and defi�ered <br /> to Trustor such Na�ice of Default and Nvtice a�f Safe as �hen required by I�w and by this �eed v�Trus�. <br /> Trus�ee shall, withou� demand on Tru�tor, af�er such �ime as may then b� required by law �nd a#ter <br /> recardation o'�such Natice of L�fault and aft�r Na�ice r�f 5ale having been given as required by iaw, seii <br /> �he Praper�y at the �ime and plaGe vf sale fixed by it in su�h Nafii�e af 5ale, eifiher as a wh�ie, or in <br /> separate lots or parcels or items as TrusteE shall deem expedient, and in su�h order as it may d�termine, <br /> a� public auctian t� the highest bidder far cash in law#ul maney af the United 5tates payable at the �ime <br /> o� �ale. Trustee shal� de�iu�r tQ such purcC�aser �r purchasers th�reof its gvod and sufficient de�d o� <br /> deeds con�ey�ng th� property s� s�ld, bu� withau� any covenant ar warran�y, ea€pr�ss ar impfied. The <br /> recit�ls in such de�d ❑�F any rnatters vr fac�s shall b� conc�us��e proof vf the �ruthfulness th�reo#. Any <br />