. � 2� 15�8�89
<br /> Transfer of the�rnp�rty or� �ene�cial Int��res�in B�rr��ver. �f aIl ar any par�of the Pr�per�y�r any in�eres�
<br /> in it is sold ar transferred ��r if a benef�c�al interest in Borr�wer is so�d ar �ransferred and I3orrower is na� a
<br /> natural p�ers�n} v�i�hout Lender's�prior wr�tten c�nsent, Lender may, at i�s op�ion, r�quire �mmed�a�e paym�nt �n
<br /> full af al� sums secured by���is S�curity �nstrument. H�wever, �h�s �p�i�n shall not he exerc�sed b}� Len�er �f
<br /> exercise is pr�h�bited by'federal Ia�v as af the d�a�e af�his Securi�y�nstrumen�.
<br /> �f Lender exer�i.ses this opti�n, Lender sha�l g�ve �orrower n�t�ce �f accelera�ion. The natice sha�l pro�ide a
<br /> periad Qf na� �ess.�han the min�mum number of�days es�ablished by .Applicable Law frnm �he da�e the notice �s
<br /> d�iivered �r mailed vvi�h�n wh�ch Borro�i�ver mus� pay a�l sums secured by th�s Securi�y �ns��-ument. If Barr�vtrer
<br /> fails ta pa}� these.surns priflr to �he expira��ori of�his peri�d, �Lender may invake any remed�es perm�t�ed �y �h�s
<br /> Securi�y�nstrumen�w��h�ut fur�her na�ice ar�demand on Barrower.
<br /> Borr�vWer�s Right ta ��xns�ate. If Borrov�er �nee�s certain c�nditions, B�rrav�er shall ha�e �he r�gh� �o have
<br /> enforcement of�h�s Secur�ty Ins�rume�t discant�nued a�any tim� priflr���h� ear�ier�f �a� 5 days ��r such o�her
<br /> period as App�icable Law may spec�fy for r�instatement��eFare saie of the Property pursuan�to any pav�er�f sale
<br /> c�ntained �n �his Secur�ty Ins�rumen�; or ��� �ntry of a jud�men� enforcing th�s�Security Instrument. Those
<br /> conditi�ns are �ha� Borr�wer: �a� pays Lenc�er a�i sums v�h�ch then wou�d be due under�h�s Securi�y �nstrument
<br /> and�he Contract as�f no accei�rat�on ha�oc�urr�d;�b}cures any defaul��f any other c�venants ar agreements;�c}
<br /> pays aI�expenses incurred i.n�nfor�ing this Security Instrumen�, in�lud�ng,but na��irri�ted to,reasonable att�rneys'
<br /> fees to the ext�n�perm��ted b��aw; and�d}takes such action as�ender may reasonably require t� assure that the
<br /> �ien of th�s Secur�i.y�ns�rumen�,Lender's righ�s��n�l�e Property and Borrower's abiiga��on�a pay the,�u�ns se�ured
<br /> by �his Securi�y Ins�rument shal� c�ntinue ur�changed. Upon reinsta�em�n��y Barro�ver, this Securi�.y Ins�rumen�
<br /> and the �bligat��ns secured h�reby shall remain fully effec�ive as zf no acceleration �ad accurred. However, �h1s
<br /> r�ght�a�re�n��ate shall n�t app�y in the �ase.�f acce�era�i��.under the section����ed T�ansfer af the Proper�y vr a
<br /> Benef�cia�Inter�st in B�rro�ver.
<br /> Hazardou�SubStances.$arrawer shall n��cause�ar�ermit the presence, use, d�sposal, storage, or re�ease af an�
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or�n the Praper�y. Borro�ve�`shal�n�t dfl,ra�r a11ow anyorie else to d�,anything affecting
<br /> �he Prop�r� �ha� is in v��la���n of any En��ron�nenta� Law. The pre�ed�ng �v�o sentences sha1� no� apply �� th�
<br /> presence,use,or starage,on�he Propert��f sma�l quan�i��es of Hazardous Subs�ances�hat are generaXl}�recQgn��ed
<br /> t��e apprapria�e t�norma�residen�ia�uses and�o maintenance of the Property.
<br /> B�rrower sha�l pr�mp�ly g�ve Lender wr�t�en notice af any�n�estiga�ian,c�aim,demand, lawsu�t ar flther ac���n by
<br /> any g�vernmental or regula�ory agency ar pr�va�e par�y in�a��ing the Properry and any Ha�ardaus Substan�e or
<br /> Enrriran�-nen�al Law �f which Borrov�rer has aetual ��vvledge. If Borr��er learns, or is nati�ed by any
<br /> gavernmental or regu�a�ary a�th�rity,�hat any��mava��r�ther remediati�n of any Hazardous Subs�ance affec��ng
<br /> �he Prop�rty is necessary, �orrovver sha�l pr�mpt�y �ake a�l r�ecessary remed�al��ac���ns �n accordance vvi�h
<br /> Environmen�al Law. ��
<br /> As used in this paragraph, "Ha2ardous Substances" ar��h�se subs�ances def�ned as t��ic �r ha�ard�us substances
<br /> by Envir�nr�ental La�w and ��he fallavv�ng substanc�s: gasoline, kerosene, ��h�r flamma�ble or ta��c pe�roleum
<br /> produc�s, taxic pesticid�s and herbicides, vo�a�i�e sal�en�s, mater�a�s c�ntain�ng asbest�s �r forma�dehyde, and
<br /> radiaac�i�re materia�s. As use�in this paragraph, "En��ronmenta�Law"means federa�_�aws and laws�f the state of
<br /> Ne�raska that r�late�o hea�th, safe�y or env�ranmenta�pra�ec��on.
<br /> Accele�-ation; l�.emedies. Lender shal� gi�e notice �o Borrnv�v�r pr�or tv accelera�ion f�ilvw�ng Borr�wer's
<br /> breach vf a�y coven�nt nr agree�nQnt in �h�s Security Instrunner��or the Contrac�under vWh�ch accelera�ion
<br /> is permitted �but no� p�ior�.a acc�ler�ti�n �nder the sectian ti�led Transfer nf the Prop�rty or a Ben�f��ia�
<br /> Interest f n ]Barr�wer, unle�� A�pi�cab�e Law pro�ides ��hervv�s�}. 'The notice shall specify: �a) the d�faul�;
<br /> �b} �he act��n requ�re€� �o cure the default; (c� a date, not ���s than the minimum nun��er �f da�s
<br /> estab�ished by App�icab�e Law from the date�he na�ice�s gi►r�n to Borrovver, by which th�e def�ult must be
<br /> cured; and (d� �hat fa�lure to cure the defau�� on or b�fore the date specif�ed in the nvtice may re�ult �n
<br /> ac�exeratian ❑f the sums s�cured by this �ecurity Instrument and sale nf �he Prop�rty. To th� �x�en.t
<br /> perm�tted by��aw, th� ��ti�� sha�l fur�her inform B�rravarer�f�he right to reins�ate after acc�l�rativn and
<br /> �he r�ght to bring a c�urt a�tian���ass�rt�he r�vn-e��5te�ce of a default or any other d�fens��f�a�ro�+v�r to
<br /> acce��ra�ion a�d sale. If the d�fault i� n�t cured on ar bef�re the date s�ecified �n �he n�tice, L�nder at i�s
<br /> optivn may requ�re imrnediate payment in ful� �f a�� sums secured by this Secur��y Instrument w�thout
<br /> further deman� and may in�ake �he �ower of sal� and any �ther remedies permit�ed by App���ab�e Law.
<br /> Tu �he �xtent permit�e� by law, Lender �h�l� b� entitled to co��ect a�� expen�es incurred in pursuing the
<br /> remedies pr���ded in th�s S�ction, in��uding, but not �imited to, reasonab�e a�torneys' fees and �o�ts�f t�tle
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If the pawer�f sale is invaked,Trustee shal� record a motice �f defau�t in each cnunty in�vh�ch any par�of
<br /> the Proper�y is �ocated and sha�l ma��c���es of such �ot�ce in �he mann��-prescrib�d b��.pp��cab�e Law tfl
<br /> Borrower �nd tv the ather persans prescribe� �by App�icabl� Law. Af�er �he t�m� required �y App�icable
<br /> Law, Trustee sha�l gi�e pu�l�c natic� of sal� to �h� �persvns and in the manner prescribed by Applica��e
<br /> Law. Trustee,�ithou�demand on Barrower, s�a��sell the Praperty at pub�ic auction �o the h�ghest �idder
<br /> at the time and p�ace amd under the.terms designat�d x���he motice of sale�n�ne nr more parcels and�n any
<br /> order Trust�e determ�nes. Trus�ee may .pos�pvn� sale af �11 ar any parce� o� �he l�rvperty by pub��c
<br /> announcement at the time�nd p�ac�uf any�r��i�usly s�hedu�ed sale.I..�ender ar its designee may purchas�
<br /> th�Property at any sal�.
<br /> Upon receip� of payment a�the price b�d, Trus��e shall deli�er #o �he purchas�r Tru�teeis deed �on�eying
<br /> �he Proper�y. The reci�a�s �m the Trustee's deed �hall he pr�ma faci�e�id�nce of the�ruth af th�statemen�s
<br /> Q Z�D4-2015 CQmplaance Systems,Inc.AdBC-63AE-2�
<br /> Cnnsumer lteai Estate-Se�urity Instrurnent DL2436 Pabe�of 5 www.camplia�cesystems.cam
<br />