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2� 15�8�89 <br /> interes� from �he da�e of d�sbursement at �he same rate assessed on ad�ances under the �ontrac� and sha�I be <br /> payab�e,v�x�h�n�eres�,upon n�ti��from Lender�o B�rro�ver reyues�ing paymen�. <br /> Inspect�on, Lender or its agen� may ma�e reasonab�e entries upan and inspections of th� Pro e . Lender sha�l <br /> � �Y <br /> gi�e Barrov�er not�ce at�he��me of ar przar to an �nspectifln spec�fying reasona�le cause for�he i.nspectifl�. <br /> Cflndemnation. The pr�ceeds of any award�r cla�m f�r damag�s, dir�ct ar conse�uen��a�, �n conne��i�n w��h an <br /> Y <br /> �ondemna�xan or o�:her�ak�ng of any par� vf�he Proper�y, �r far can�eyance ip lieu of c�ridemna��on, are hereb <br /> � <br /> ass�gned and shall be paxd�o Lender. � � <br /> �n �he e�en� af a �a�a� �ak�ng �f the Pr�per�y, the proceeds shaii b� a �ied.�� �he sums secured <br /> pp by �has Securl� <br /> Ins�rument, vvhe�her or no� then due, �v��h any ex�ess paid to Borrower. �n the eve�� af a par��al �aking �f�he <br /> Pr�perty �n whi�h the fa�r marke� �alue �f�he Pr.operty �mmed�a�e�y before �he �aking �s �qua1 ta or greater�han <br /> �he amoun� �f�he sums secured by �h�s Securi�y �ns�rument immedia�e�y �aefore �I�e �ak�ng, un�ess Borrourer and <br /> Lender otherv�ise agree �n writing,�he sums s�cured by th�s Security�nstrument sha�l be reduced by the arnount of <br /> �he proceeds mui�iplied hy�he fo��o�v�ng fraction: �a��he�ata� amaun�of�he sums se�cured immedia�e�y befare the <br /> tak�ng, d�vided by �b} �he fa�r marke� value �f�he Praperty im�nediate�y befare �he �ak�ng. Any balance shal� be <br /> paid to Bflrrov�er. �n �he event of a par��al �ak�ng t�f�he P�-opert� i_n wh�ch the fair marke� va�ue of the Prope�-ty <br /> immed�ate�y befare the ta�xng �s less �han �he amoun� of�he sums secured immediate�y bef�re �he tak�ng, un iess <br /> Barrav�er and Lender othervv�se agree 1n writ�.ng�r un�ess App���abie Lav�:o�her�vise pro��des, �he pr��eeds �hall <br /> be applied��the sums secured by�h�s S�curity Instrumen�v�he�her or no��he sums are then�due. <br /> If the Pr�perty �s abandoned by Barrower, or if, after n�t�ce�by Lender�o B�rrawer that the c�x�demn�r�ffers t� <br /> make an a�rard or se�tle a�Ia�m far damages, Borrower fa�Is�v respor�d to Lender�vi�h�n the min�mum nurnber�f <br /> da�s es�ab��shed b�Appli�ab�e La�v after the date�he n�tice is g��en, Lender is�:u�hor�zed��collect and apply the <br /> pr��eeds, at i�s op�ian, ei�h�r �o restorat��n ar repair af the Proper�y Qr to �he sums secure�. by �h�s Se�ur��y <br /> �ns�rument,whether or not�hen due. � <br /> Unles� Lender and Borrovver o��aer�v�se agr�e in �r��ing, any appl�cati�n af praceeds ta pr�n�ipal shal� no�e��end <br /> or postpone the due date�f the payments due under�he Con�:ra�t�r change the amount�f such paymen�s. <br /> Borr�wer Not Re�eased; Forbearance By Lender Not a Wa��er. Ex�ension �f �he �zm� for payment or <br /> m�dif ca�ion vf am�r�izatian of�he sums secured �y �his Se�urity �nstrument grant�d by Lender �a B�rrovver or <br /> any successor in in�er�s� of Borrawer sha�l no� opera�e t� release �he �iabil��y of the nr�g�na� Borro�ver �r <br /> Barr�vver's successflrs in in�erest. Lertder sha�� nat be rec�uired �fl commen�e pr�ceed�n�s aga�nst any suc�essor in <br /> �n�eres�or refuse�o ex�end�ime for payment or otherw�se modify amor��zatian of the sums secured hy this Secur�ty <br /> Instrum�nt by reason of any demand made by the origina] Barrower or B�rr�wer's successors �n in�eres�. Any <br /> forbearar�ce by Lender �n exercising any rxgh�or re�nedy sha�� �zo��e a waiver �f or preGlud� the exer��se of any <br /> right�r remedy. <br /> Su�cessors and Ass�gns Baund; Ja�n� and.Se�er.a� L�ab�lity; Accammadatxan ���gners. T�e covenants and <br /> agreements �f�h�s Se�ur�ty �nstrument shall b�nd and benef��he success�rs and assigns of Lender and Borrower; <br /> subje�t �o the prav�sions of sec�i�n ti�ied Transfer nf the Prnperty ar a Senef�cia� �nteresr �n �orrower. <br /> Bflrr�vver's co�enants and agreements shal�be jo�n�and severa�. Any pers�n wha co-si�ns t��is Secur�#.y�nstrument <br /> bu� has na personal Iiabii�ty un�der the �ontract �"Acc�mmodat�on� Signer"}: �a� is ca-sign�ng �h�s Security <br /> Instrum�nt on�y �o martgage, gran� and cfln�ey �hat Accammoda�iQn Signer's in�erest �n �he Proper�y under the <br /> �erms af �he Secur�ty Ins�rumen�; �b� is not persona�ly ab�i,�a�ed �o pay the sums secured by th�s Secur��y <br /> �ns�rument; and�c� agrees that Lender and any o�her B�rrawer�nay agree ta extend, mod�fy, f�rhear ar make any <br /> acc�mmada��ans���h regard�o the terms�f�his Securi�y�nstruznen�or the C�ntract withou��hat Accammodation <br /> S�gner`s�onsen�. . . <br /> Loan �harges. If the Ioan secured by th�s S�curx�y Instrumep� is subject ta -a �aw vvhich se�s maximum �oan <br /> charges, and�ha� �av� �s fnal�y �nterpre�ed so�hat�he �nteres�or o�her lo�n�charges col�ee�ed ar�o b�coi�ected �n <br /> connec��on�v�ith �he �oan ex�eed �he permit�ed 1imi�s, �hen: �a� any such loa�� �charge sha�l be reduced by the <br /> amaun�necessary�o reduce �he charg��� the permi�ted l imi�s and�b� any sums a�ready c����c�ed from Borrower <br /> vvh�ch exceeded perm�tted limi�s vv�l� be r�funded �o I3orrower. Lender may ch�ose �� make �his refund by <br /> , <br /> reduc�.ng �he pr�nc�pa� awed under�he �on�ract or by mak�ng a d�rect payment�o B�rro�ver. �.f a refund reduces <br /> pr�nc�pa�,the redu��ian wzll be trea�ed as a partia�prepaymen�under the�on�rac�. . . <br /> No��ces. Any�natice �� Barrouter provided far in �his Se�ur�ty Instrument shall be gi�en by deI��ering i� ar by <br /> mai�ing it by firs�c�ass ma���unless Applicab�e Law requ�res use of anoth�r me�hod. The na�i�e shali b� d�rec�ed to <br /> �he Pr�perty Address or any o�her address Borrov�er des�gpa�es by no�ice ta L,ender. Borrovver agrees �o prfl��de <br /> Lender w�th Borro�ver's most current ma�Iing addres�, as i� may �hange fram timew�o-t�me. Apy na�ice to Lend�r <br /> shall�e g�ven by f rs�ctass mail�o Lender's address s�a�ed herein or any o���er address Lender des�gna�es by nat�ce <br /> ta Borro�er. Any noti�e pravided for �n �his Se�uri�y�nstrurnen�sha��be deemed�o have be�n gi�en�o BQrrov�er <br /> ar Lender v�hen gi�en as pro��d�d�n�h�s paragraph. � <br /> Ga�ern�ng Law; Severabi��ty.Th�s Secur��y�nstrumen�shal�be governed by federaI �a�and the�aws�f�he s�a�e <br /> of Nebraska. In �he e�ent �hat ar�y prov�s�on �r ��ause of�h�s S�curity Ins�rumen� ar �he Con�ract confli��s w��h <br /> App�icab�e Law, such.confl�cti sha�� nv� affect other pra�isions of t�is Securi�y Ins�rument or�he �antract which <br /> �an be g��en effec�w�thflu�the canfl�c�ing pr�visi�n. TQ�h�s end�he pr��isions of�his�ecuri�y�n��rument and�he <br /> �antrac�are de��ared to be se�erab�e. <br /> B�rrvwer's�opy.Borra�wer sha�l be g�ven one copy❑f�his Se�uri�Ins�rument. � � . <br /> L�2404-2015 Comp�iance Systems,Iz�c.AGB�-G3 AE-2�15,3,S.I a64 � � <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security instrument DL2d3d Pa�e 3 vF5 . .. � , www;c� <br />