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2� 15�79�� <br /> C�EE� �F �RUST <br /> �Co�tinu�d� Page � <br /> Creditor ar FarFeiture Proceedings. �amrnencernent af foreclosure or f�rteiture prviceedings, whether by ju�icial <br /> pro�eeding, self-help, repossession vr any othe� methvd, by any �reditor o� Bar�vwer ❑� Trustor or by any <br /> go�ernmenta[ agency against any prvperty secu�ing �he lndebtedness. This inc�udes a ga�nishment af any af <br /> Ba�-rower's ar Trus�or's a�counts, inc�uding deposi� a�counts, wi�h Lender. How��er, this Event o� Default shall <br /> nvt apply if there is a gvad faE�h dEspu�e by Barrvwer or Tn.�stor as t❑ the validity or reas4nableness of the claim <br /> whi�h is�he basis a��he credi�v�a�fa�feiture prace�ding and i�Bo�rowe�or Trustor gi�es L�nder writ#en n��ice of <br /> the creditor vr fvr-�ei#ure proceeding and d�pasits with Lender monies�r a surety hond fior#he creditar or f�rfei�ure <br /> praceeding,in an amount determined by Lender,in its sole discret€on,as b�ing an adequa�e reser�e vr bond�or�he <br /> dispute. <br /> B�each of ather Agreemen#. Any breach by�vrrower ar Trus�or under the terms�f any other agreement between <br /> Bvrrvwer vr Trustor and Lender that is nnt remed��d v►rithin any gra�e periad pravided �herein, including wE�hvu� <br /> limita�ion any agreement concerning any indebtedness vr vth�r obliga�ian vf Borravver �r Trus�or to Lender, <br /> whe�her existing now vr fater. <br /> Events Affecting Guarantor. Any o�the precedfng events occurs with respe�t�o any guaran�nr, endarser, sure�y, <br /> or accommoda�ion pa�ty of any afr the lndeb#edness vr any guaran�ar, endvrser, sure�y, ❑r ac��rnmoda�ion par�y <br /> dies or be�ames in�ampeten�, vr revaf�es vr dispu�es th� ��fid�ty o�, or ��abili�y under, any �uaraniy vf the <br /> �ndeb�edness. <br /> Adverse Change, A ma�erial ad�erse change accurs in Borrov�rer's or Trustor's frnancial conditian, or Lender <br /> bel�eves the prvspect vf payment or performance of the Indebtedness is impaired. <br /> lnsecurity. Lende�-in gaod fai�h believes its�lf insecure. <br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ON DEFA�LT. if an E�en�of ae�au�#occurs under this Deed af Trus�, a�any time thereafter, <br /> Trustee or Lender may exercise any one or more of the fvllowing rights and remedies: <br /> A�celera#ivn EJpvn De�au[t; Additional R�medies. I�any Even#of Defau[�occurs as per the�erms af the Note <br /> secured hereby,Lender may dec�are a�l Indebtedness se�u�ed by this Deed of Tr�ust tQ be due and payabl�and <br /> t�e sar�shall thereupon become due and payable without any presen�ment, demand,protest or not�ce of any <br /> kind. Thereaf�er, Lender may: <br /> �a} Ei�her in person or by agent, v�rith ❑r wi�hout bringing any ac�ion or pro�eeding, or by a rec�ei�er <br /> appo�nt�d hy a court and vvithou�regard ta the adequacy of its security, enter upvn and�ake possessiQn <br /> o��he Property, o�any part thereof, in its own name or in the name o�Trustee, and do any ac�s which it <br /> deems necessary ar desirable ta preserve the�alue, marketah�li�y or rentability of the Property,or parf�f <br /> the Prape�ty or�nte�est in the Praperty; �ncrease�he income from the P�-operky or pro�e�t�he securifiy o� <br /> the Praperty; and, with ❑r withaut �faking possession of the Property, sue for ar�ther�wise Gollect the <br /> ren�s, issues and profits of the F'roperty, �ncluding those past due and unpaid, and app#y i�he same, fess <br /> costs and expenses o��peration and collectian att�rneys'fees,to any indebtedness secured by this Deed <br /> af Trust, all in such �rder as Lender may determine. The entering upon and taking possession of the <br /> Prvperty, the cal�e�kion af such ren�s, issues and pr�frts, and the appl��a�ion thereof shall not cure a� <br /> wai�e any defa�lt ar no�ice af default under�his D�ed of Trust or fn�alidate any act dvne in respons�t❑ <br /> such defaui�or pursuant tv such notic�a�defau�#;and, n�finrithstanding the continuanc�in possessian of <br /> the Property ar the collectian, receipt and appli�atian of rents, issues ar profts, Trus�ee nr Lender�hall <br /> be entitled#a exer�se e�ery right pra�ided for in�he l�ote ar th� Re[ated Documen�s or by law upon the <br /> occurrence of any e�ent of default,includ�ng th��ight to�xe�as�the power af sale; <br /> �b} Commen�e an a�ion�o�roreclose this Deed of Trust as a morkgag�, appoint a rece��er o�-s}aec�fically <br /> en�arce any vf�he co�enants hereof;and <br /> �G} Deli�er tv Tn.�stee a written deciara#�on af defau[t and demand for sale and a written no��c�of default <br /> and electivn�o cause Trustor's�n��r�est in�he Praperty�a be svld;which n�tice Trustee sha��cause to be <br /> duly frled�ar re�vrd in the apprapriate affices vf�he�oun�y in which�he F'raperty is Iocated;and <br /> (d} With respec�to alE ar an�part of the Persana� Praperty, Lende�shall ha�e al�the rights and remed�es <br /> o�F a secured party under the Nebraska Unifarm�ammercial Code. <br /> Fnrec�osure by Pvwer❑f Sale. If Lende�-elec�s ta fQrec�ase by sxerc�se of�he Pvwer vf Sale herein contained, <br /> Lender sha[[ no�ify Trus�ee and shall deposi�wi�h Trustee this Q�ed af Trus#and the Na�e and such receipts <br /> and e�idence o�expenditures made and secured by this D�ed o�Trust as Tnastee may require. <br /> �a} LJpon receip�o�su�h notice�rom Lender,Trustee shall cause to be reGorded, published and de[i�ereci <br /> to Trustar such Notic��f Defaul�and Notic�vf Sale as then required by law and by this L�eci af Trust. <br /> Trus�ee shall, withou� demand on Trusta�, a�ker such time as may th�n be required �y law and after <br /> recvrdativn vf such Not�Ge vf Default and af�er Notice of Sale ha�ing been gi�en as required by law, se�� <br /> the Property at�he time and p[ac� o�sale fixed by it �n such No��ce of 5ale, e�#her as a whale, or in <br /> separate Iots or parce�s vr item�as Trus�ee shall deem expedient,and in such order as it may dete�mine, <br /> at public auc�ian tv�he highes�bidd�r fc�r cash �n lawful maney of�he Uni�ed States payable a��h�time <br /> of sale. Trus�ee shall deliver to such pur�haser ar purchasers therevf its goad and sufficient deed or <br /> �eeds cvn�eying the property sv sald, but vuithout any cauenant ar warran�ty, express or implied. The <br /> re�itals �n such deed of any matters or facts shall �ae conclusive proof of the truthfulnes��hereaf. Any <br /> person, �ncludin�without IEmitativn Trust�r,Trustee,vr Lender, may pu�-�hase at such sale. <br /> �b} As may be permitted by I�w, after deducti ng a!I casts, fees and expenses of Trustee and of th is <br /> Trust, including cos�s of evidence o�title in connection wi#h sa[e,Trustee sha[I apply the proceeds�f sa[e <br /> to payment vf ��}al�sums expended under the terms of this�eed vf Trust or under the terms of the No�e <br /> no�then repai�, including but not #imited to accrue�! in�erest and late charges, �ii} al� other sums then <br /> se�ured hereby,and tiii}the remainder, i�any,�o the person or persc�ns lega�ly en#��le�i the�e�a. <br /> �c} Trus�ee may in the manner pro�ided by law postpone sale af a!1 vr any po�tivn of the Property. <br /> Remedies Not Excfus�rre. Trustee and Lender, and eaGh vf them, shall h� en�itled to en�orce paymenfi and <br /> performanc�of any�ndebtedness vr vbligativns secu�ed by th€s Deed of Trust and tv exercise all rights and powers <br /> under this Deed af Trust, under the Nate, under any❑f�he R�lated []ocuments, vr under any o�her a�reement vr <br /> any laws now ❑r hereafter in farce; notwi�hstanding, same ❑r a[1 vfi such indebtedness and obligations se�ured by <br /> this D�ed �f Trust may now �r herea�t�r be otherwise secured, whethar by m�rtgage, deed o�trus�, pl�dge, lien, <br /> assignment ar ❑therw�se. Nei�her the acceptance of�his Deed af Trust nvr its enforcement, wheth�r by �ourt <br /> actifln or pursuant ta the powe�-❑�sa�e or o�her powers contafn�d in this �ee� af T�-ust, shall prejudi�e vr in any <br /> manner affect Trustee's a� Lender`s right to �ealize upan or enfivrce any vther security naw ar hereafter held by <br /> Trus�ee v�Lenc�er, it be�ng agreed that Trustee and Lender,and�ach of thern, shall b�entitled�o enfvrce�his Deed <br /> vf Trust and any v#her se�uri#y naw vr herea�fi�r held by Lender❑r Trustee in su�h order and rnanner as they or <br /> e��her af them may in their absolute discretion de�ermine. No remedy conferred upan or res�nied to Trustee or <br /> Lender, �s in�ended t❑ fae exclus�ve a�any❑ther remedy in this Deed nf Trust nr by law pr��ided flr permitted, �ut <br /> each shall be cumulati�e and shall be �n addition to every ❑ther remedy gi�en in this Deed a� T�-ust vr now or <br /> hereafter axistin�at�aw or;n equity vr by statute. E�ery power�r remedy g�v�n �y the Mote or any of the Re�ated <br /> Dacuments tv Trustee vr Lender or tv which either ❑f them may be otherwise entifiled, may be exercised, <br />