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2� 15�79�� <br /> I�EED �F T�.U�T <br /> ��ot�t�nued} Page 4 <br /> this Deed a�Tru�t and take wha�e�er vther ac�ian Es requ�s#ed by Lender to perFec�and cantinue Lender's lien on <br /> the Rea� Praper�ty. Trus�vr shal� reimburse Lender for all taxes, as described �elaw, tvge#her with all expenses <br /> incurred in recording, p�rtec�ing ar continuing th�s Deed of Trust, inc�ud�ng withvu� �imi�at�an all faxes, fiees, <br /> documentary stamps,and vth�r charges for recarding v�register�ng�his Deed of Trust. <br /> Taxes. The fallowing shal� cvnstitute taxes to which �his section appli�s: {'I} a specific tax upon this �ype ❑�F <br /> De�d ��Trust or upan a�l or any park of the Indebtedness s�Gured by th�s Deed �f Trus#; �2} a specific tax vn <br /> Bvrrawer which Borrower�s authorized �r requi�-ed to dedu�t from payments on th� Indebtednes�se�ured by this <br /> �y�e of❑eed of Trust; �3} a fiax on this type v�Deed vf Trust chargeable against the Lender vr the holder of the <br /> No�e; and {4} a spe�ific tax an all or any pvr��vn vf the lndebtedness or vn paymen#s of principal and int�rest <br /> made by Barrower. <br /> Subsequen� Taxes. If any �ax tQ which this sect��n app�ies is enacted subs�quent �o the date vf this Deed vf <br /> Trust, this e�ent shall ha�e the same e�fect as an Ever� of De�ault, and Lender may exercise any �r af I of its <br /> a�ailabfe remedies for an Even� a� Default as pra�ided below �nless Trus�or either �'�} pays fihe tax �efore it <br /> bec�mes deiinquent, or �2} �ontests the ta�as pro�ided aba�e in the Taxes and Liens se�ion and deposits with <br /> Lender Gash ar a sufficien�cv�porate sure�y bond or ather security satis�actory�o Lender. <br /> SEGURITY ACREEMENT; FINANGIN� STATElI�ENTS. The �o��vw€ng pra�isians r�lating ta this Deed of Trust as a <br /> secu�ity agreemen�are a part❑f this Deed❑f Trus�: <br /> Security Agreement. This �ns�rumen� shall cvnstitute a Security Agreement �v the extent any af the Properky <br /> constitutes fx�ures, and Lender shall have all af the rights af a secured party under the Unifarm Cvmmercia[Cnde <br /> as amended frQm time tQ��me. <br /> Security lnterest. Upon request by Lender, Trusto� shall #�ke whate�er action is requested ay Lender to perfe�t <br /> and continue Lender's �ecurity intere�t in the Rents and P�rsonal Prap�rty. !n addi�ion tv recarding this ❑eed of <br /> Trust in the real pr4perty records, Lend�r may, at any tim� and without fur�her authorization fr�m Trustor, file <br /> executed coun�e�parts, copies ar repraductivns ❑f this Qeed o� Trust as a financing sta�ement. Trustor shall <br /> reimburse Lender for all expenses in�urred in perfec#ing vr can�inuing this securi�y interest. Upvn defaui�, Trustor <br /> shall not rema�e, se�er o� detach �he Persona� Property from the Property. Upon default, Trustor shall assemble <br /> any Personal Property no#a�fixed to the Prvperty�n a manner and at a place reasonably con�enient ta Trustvr and <br /> L�nder and make it avaifable t❑ Lender within three t3} days afte� �-�ceipt af writ�en demand frvm L�nd�r tfl the <br /> ex�ent perm��ted by appli�able law. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses a� Trustvr {debtor} and Lender tsecured par#y} �rom wh�ch information <br /> can�erning �he secur�ty in�erest granted by this ❑eed o�T�ust may he obtained ��ach as required by the Uni�orm <br /> ��mmercial Code}are as sta�e�on th�first pag�vf�his Deed of Trus�. <br /> FlJRTHER ASSURANCES; ►4TT�RNEl�-IN-FACT, The fvlfowing prvvisivns re�ating to furth�r assurances and <br /> a�torney--in--fa��are a part af this ❑eed vf Trust: <br /> Further AsSurances. At any time, and from time to time, upvn request o�Lender, Trustor will make, �xecute and <br /> del iver, or wil� causs to iae made,exe�ute,d or del ivered, to Lend�r or fo Lende�'s designee,and when reques�ed by <br /> Lender, �ause to be filed, reoarde�l, ref led, or rerecorded, as the case may be, at such times and in such offi�es <br /> and plaoes as Lender may deem apprapriate, any and a�l such martgages, deeds of trust, se�urify deeds, securi�ty <br /> agreemerrts, f�nan�ing s�a�ements, oont�nua��on sta�emen�s, instrurr�ents ot furthe� assuranoe, �ertifica�es, and <br /> vther docu ments as may, i n th e sol e opi ni an of Lender, be necessary or desi rabl��n order�v efFe�tuat�, cvmp[ete, <br /> perfect, continue, or preserve t1} Borr�we�'s and Trustor's �bligations under the 1Vote, this Deed o�Trust, and <br /> th� Related Doc�amen�s, and ��} the liens and secUrity�nterests creat�ci }�y this veed of Tf-ust as f t-st and priv� <br /> liens on the Property, whefh�r naw vwned or hereaf�er aoq��red by Trt.rsfior. Un[ess prohibited by law ar Lender <br /> agrees to th�cfontrary in writing, Trus�or sha[I reimburse Lender�vr alf �asts and exp�nses incurr�d in cvnnecti�n <br /> with the matters referred�o in�h�s paragraph. <br /> Afi�orney�in�Fact. lf Trustor�ai1s�o d❑any o�the thing�ref�rred ta in the prec�ding paragra�h, �.ender may clv sv <br /> for and in�h�name of Trustar and at Trusto�'s expense. For su�h purposes, Trustor her�by irrevo�ably appaints <br /> Lender as Trustors attorney-i n-fact for�he purpose of rraa�cing,executi ng, del iveri ng, ft�i ng, recarding,�nd dvi ng ai I <br /> other th�ngs as may be necessary or desira[ale, in L�nder's sole vpinian, to aocomplish the matters re�erred�o in <br /> the Preceding parag�aph. <br /> FULL PERF�RMANGE. 1f Borr�wer and Trustor pay al��he indebtedness when due, and T:-ustor vtherwise perForms all <br /> �he ob�igations im��ed upon Trustar under thfs Deed of Trust, Lender shall exe�ute and deli�er�o Trus�e�a request for <br /> full reconveyance and shal�execu�e and de�iver�o Trustar suitabl�sta�ements of terminativn of any f[nancing statemen� <br /> on fi l e e�iden�i ng Lender's secu rity i n�erest i n�he Rents and the Persana[ Property. Any reQonveyance f�e requ�red by <br /> iaw shall be paid�y Trustor, if permitted by applicab�e law. <br /> EIIENTS QF DEFAULT. Each of the f��iowin�, at Lend��`s vption, shali canstitute an Event af Default unde�this Deed <br /> of Trus�: <br /> Payment D�fault. Borrower fai�s t� make any payment when due under the lndebtedness. <br /> �ther Defaults. Borrvwer vr�Trusto�- fails ta comply w�th or to perfarm any c�ther term, vbligation, eovenant or <br /> condition con�ained in�his Deed of T�-ust o�in any af the Reia�ed Documen�s ar to comp�y with ar tv perform any <br /> term,❑�liga�ion,co�enant❑r condi�ion can�ained in any nther a�reement between Lender and Barrawer or Trustar. <br /> Comp��ance Defau[�. Failure to comply with any other term, obfigation, cvvenan� or canditiQn �ontained in this <br /> ❑ee�o�Trust,th� Nc�te pr in any of the Related Dvcuments. <br /> Defiault on��her Payments. Faifure of Trustor within the time required by this Deed vf Trust�o �ake any payment <br /> for#axes ar insurance, ar any a�her payment necessary tv p�event f�ling of or ta ef�Fect discharge of any lien. <br /> D�fau�t in Fa�vr ofi Third Parties. Shou�d Barrvwer nr any Grantvr default under any loan, extension of credit, <br /> security agreemen�, purchas�ar sales agreem�nt, or any other agr�emenfi, in fa�nr of any ather�reditor ar person <br /> that may materially affiect any v� �orrower's or any Grantor's property ar Bor�ower's ability �o repay tha <br /> Indebtedness t�r Borrower's vr Grantor's ability�a perfvrm thei��especti�e vbli�ativns unde�this De�d of Trus�vr <br /> any af th e Re#ated Docu ments. <br /> False Statemen�s, Any warran�y, �-epresenta�ion or statemen�made ar fu�-nished to Lender by Bvrrower�r Trust�r <br /> �r�n B4rrovuer's ar Trustor's behalf under�his Deed of Trusf or the Re�a�ed Dacuments is fa�se ar m�sleading in <br /> any ma�erial respect, either now or at the tim� mad� or furnished ar be�omes false ar misleading at any �ime <br /> thereafter. <br /> �e�e�ti�e Callafieraliza#ion. This aeed af Trust ar any of�he Refated Da�uments �eas�s t� be �n �ull fa�ce and <br /> ef���� tincludin� �ailure o�any �o��ateraf docum�nt tv create a�alid and perfected securi�y interes�or lien} at any <br /> �ime and fo�-any reason. <br /> Death a�Insol�ency. The dissvlutivn �r term�nativn vf�3orrvwer's v�Trustar's existence as a going �usiness, the <br /> �nsa�vency af Barrov+rer or Trus�ar, the appointment of a receiver�or any part of Bvrrawe�`s vr Trustor's prope�ty, <br /> any assignment fo�-the benefit af credi�ors, any�ype o��reditor wark�ut, or the Gommencement of any proceeding <br /> under any hankruptcy or inso��ency laws by ar against Borrower or Trus�ar. <br />