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2� 15�7938 <br /> Property Condition, Alterations and Inspe�tion. Trustor wiil keep the Property in ��od �andition and <br /> make all repair� that are reasonably neC�ssary. Tru�tor shall not cammit or a11ow any waste, impairment, or <br /> deteriflration af the Property. Trust�r agrees that the na�ure of the occupancy and use will not sub�tantially <br /> change without Beneficiary's prior written consent. Trustor will n�� permit any change in any license, <br /> restricti�e co�enan� or easement withaut Beneficiary's prior written consent. Trustor will notify Beneficiary <br /> of all demands, proc�edings, claims, and actions against Trustar, and of any loss or damage to the Prop�rty. <br /> Beneficiary ar Benefic�ary's agents may, at Beneficiary's option, enter the Praperty at any r�asonab�e tim� for <br /> the purpose �f inspecting the Prop�rty. B�n�ficiary shall give Trustor notice at the time of ar before an <br /> insp�ction specifying a reasanable purp��e for the inspec�ion. Any inspection of the Proper�y shall be en�irely <br /> for Beneficiary's benefit and Trust�r will in na way rely on Beneficiary's inspectian. <br /> Authority to Perform. If Trustor fails to perform any duty or any af the co��nants contained in this Se�urity <br /> Instrument, Beneficiary may, withaut notice, perform or cause th�m ta be p�rfarmed, Trustar appo�nts <br /> Benef�ciary a� attorney in fac� tQ sign Trustor's nam� or pay any amoun� nece��ary for perf�rmanc�. <br /> Benef�ciary's right to perf�rm for Trustar shall nat create an obligatian ta perfarm, and Benefi�iary's failure <br /> to p�rform will not preclude Benefi�iary frflm exercising any af Beneficiary's other rights under the law or <br /> this Security �nstrument. <br /> L�aseholds; Condominiums; Flanned Unit De�elo�ments. Trustor agrees ta comp�y with the pr��isions of <br /> any lease if thi� Security Instrument is a� a leasehoid. If the Proper�y in�ludes a unit in a condominium or a <br /> plann�d uni� deve�opment, Trustor wi�l perfflrm all �f Trustor'� duties under th� covenarats, by-1aws, ar <br /> regulations of the condominium ar planned unit development. <br /> Condemnation. Trustor will �ive Beneficiary prompt notice af any pending ar thr�at�ned action, by private <br /> or pub�ic entities to purchase ar tak� any or all of the Property through condemnation, eminent damain, ar <br /> any other means. Trustar authorizes Beneficiary to inter��ne �n Trustor's name in az�y of th� abo�e described <br /> actions ar claims. Trustar assigns to Beneficiary the pr�ceeds of any award Qr clatm for damage� c�nnected <br /> with a candemnatian ❑r other taking af all or any part of the Prap�rty. 5uch proceed� 5ha11 be considered <br /> payments and will b� applied as pra�ided in Chis Security Instrument. This assignment of proceeds is subject <br /> ta�he t�rms af any priar mortgage, deed of tru�t, security agre�ment or other lien d�cum�nt. <br /> InSurance, Trustor shall keep Fr�perty insur�d agains� loss by fire, fload, theft and other hazards and risks <br /> r�as�nably asso�iated w�th the Property due to its typ� and l�catian. This insurance sha11 b� maintained in �he <br /> amnunts and for th� periods that Beneficiary requires. What Beneficiary requires pursuant t� the prec�ding <br /> twa s�ntences can chan�� during the term af the Secured Debt. The insurance carrier pro�iding the insurance <br /> shall be chos�n by Trustor su�jec� ta B�neficiary's approval, which shall not b� unreasona�ly withheld. If <br /> Trustar fails ta maintain the ca�erage described abo�e, Beneficiary may, at BenefiGiary's optivn, obtain <br /> co�era�e �Q pratect ��nefi��ary'� ri�hts in the Pro�er�y ac��rding ta th� terms af this Se�urit� Instrument. <br /> A�� insur�nce polici�s an� r�newals shal� b� ac�eptable �o Beneficiary and shall include a standard "r�ortgage <br /> clause" and, where app�icable, "loss payee claus�." Trust�r shall immediatel� notify Beneficiary af <br /> cancellation or terminati�n of Che insurance. Beneficiary sh�ll ha�e the right to hald the �]011C1�5 and <br /> ren�wals. �f Ben�ficiary re�uires, Trustar shall immediaCely gi�� to B�neficiary ail receipts of paid premiums <br /> and renewa� notic�s, Upon loss, Trustar shail gi�e imm�diate notice to �he insuran�e carrier and Beneficiary. <br /> Beneficiary may make praof of loss if na�made immediate�y by Trustor, <br /> Unless oth�rwise agreed in writing, all insurance proceeds shall be applied to th� restora�ion or repair of the <br /> Praperty or to the Secured Deb�, whether or not then due� at Ben�ficiary's optian, Any application af <br /> pr�ceeds ta principal shall n�� extend or postpan� the due date af the s�hedul�d payment nor change th� <br /> amount of any payment. Any �xc�ss wi11 �e paid to the Trustar, If the Property i5 acquir�d by Beneficiary, <br /> Trus�or's right to any insurance policies and pro�eeds resultin� fram damage to the Proper�y before �he <br /> acquisition shall gass t� Ben�ficiary ta the extent of the Secured Deb� immediately�efare the acquisitinn. <br /> Financial Report5 and Additiona� Documents. Trustor vWi�� pro�ide t� Beneficiary upon request, any <br /> financial �tatement or informatifln Beneficiary may d��m reasvnably necessary. Trus�ar agrees to sign, <br /> deliver, and file any add�tional documents ar�ertifica�iflns that Beneficiary may consid�r necessary to perfect, <br /> continue, and preser�e Trustar's o�ligations under this Security �nstrument and B�n�ficiary's li�n status on <br /> the Prvperty. <br /> 6. WARRANTY �F TITLE, Trus�or warrant� that Tru�tar is ar wil� be lawfui�y seized of th� estate con��yed <br /> by�his 5ecurity Instrument and has the right t❑ irrevocably gran�, c+�n�ey, and sel� the Property ta Truste�, in <br /> trust, with power of sale, Trustar alsa warrants �hat the FrQpert� i� unencumbered, �xcept for en�umbrances <br /> of record. <br /> 7. DUE ��I SALE, �eneficiary may, at �ts option, declare the entire ba�ance of the SeCured Debt to b� <br /> immediat�ly due and payabl� up�n the creat�an of, or cantract for the creatian af, a transfer or sale of all or <br /> an� par� of the Praperty, This right is subje�t to the restriCtions imposed by federal law �12 C.F.R. 591}, as <br /> applicab�e, <br /> Security instrument-�pen-End-Cvnsumer-!VE flCP-R��T-NE 7121201� <br /> VMP�6ankers SystemsT"" VMP-G4fi5�N�y �1 1 a?}.DD <br /> Walters Kiuwer Financial S�r�ices C�199�,2��1 Page 3 of� <br />