2� 15�7938
<br /> The property is loca��d in ,..Hall.................................................. at .,.......,..,,..................,....
<br /> {�ounty)
<br /> 7233 S ll�th Rd V�o�d River Nebraska ����3
<br /> ...........................�,�.�.....�.................! .,.......�.......,....�...�...............? .....................
<br /> ' {Address} {City} �ZIP�ad�)
<br /> Tage�h�r with all rights, easements, appur�enances, raya�ti�s, mineral rights, oil an� gas rights, all water and
<br /> riparian rights, ditches, and water stock and ail existing and future impro�ements, �tructu�res, fix�ures, and
<br /> repl acements that may now, flr at any time in the future, be part�f the reai estate desCribed above �all referred
<br /> �� as "Property"}.
<br /> 3. MA�IMU�M �BLIGATIUN LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this �e�urity Instrument at any
<br /> ane time shal� nat exceed $ ���,���:.o.�................................... . This limitation of am�unt does not
<br /> include inrerest a.nd other f��s and charge� �alidly made pursuant to �his SecuriCy I�strument, Alsa, this
<br /> 1 imitatian does not apply ta ad�ances made und�r the terms of this Security �nstrument to protect
<br /> Beneficiary's security and to perform any of�h�co�enants contained in this Se�urity in�tru�nent.
<br /> 4. SE�URED DEBT A�TD F'�JTURE ADVANCES. The term "Se�ured Debt" is d�fin�d as foll�ws:
<br /> A.Debt incurred under the t�rms of a�l promissory no�e�s), contract�s}, guaranty�ies} ar other e�idenc� of
<br /> debt des�ribed bel�w and a�� their extensions, renewals, madifi�ations or substitutions. �You rrtust
<br /> speci��arty ider�tif�the debt{s� secured Qnd you shauld include the fir�ar,maturity date��'such de�t{s}.}
<br /> Note Dated UctQber 31� 2�15 In The Amount af $�D� ���.�0
<br /> Accruing At A Variable Rate With A Maturity �ate �f Nov�mb�r �5� 2�2�
<br /> S a i d Laan I n Th� Name�s} �f Raymond B Fraxaken
<br /> Ancl Te r�s sa R Fran}�en
<br /> B. A1� future advan�es fram �en�fi�iary ta Trus��r ar oth�r future o�ligatiQns of Trustor ta �eneficiar}�
<br /> under any prami�s�ry not�, contract, guaranty, flr other �viden�e af d�bt �xecuted by Trustor in favor
<br /> of �eneficiary after this �ecurity Instrum�nt whether or nat this S�curiry Instrumen� is spe��fically
<br /> referenced. If mor� than one person signs this �e�urity Instrument, �ach Trustor agrees that this
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument will secure all future ad�ances and fu�ur� obiigatians that ar� gi�en to or incurred
<br /> by a�y ane or more T�-us�or, �r any one or more Trustor and athers. All future ad�ances and other
<br /> future �bligations are s�cur�d by this Security Instrument even though all or par� may not yet b�
<br /> ad�anced. All future ad�ances and vther fu�ure nbiiga�ions are secured as if mad� on the date of th�s
<br /> Security Instrument, Nothing in C�115 Security Instrument sha11 constitute a commi�m�nt to make
<br /> additional ar future loans or ad�ances in any amount. Any such cammitment mus� be agreed to in a
<br /> separate writing.
<br /> �. AlI other abligations Trus�or owes to Ben�ficiary, which may �ater arise, to th� e�tent na� prohi�ited by
<br /> law, in�luding, but not limited to, liabilities far o�erdrafts relating �a any depasit account agr�ement
<br /> between Trustor and Beneficiary.
<br /> D.All additional sums ad�anced and �xpenses incurred by �eneficiary f�r insuring, preser�ing or
<br /> o�herwi�e pro�ecting the Property and its �a�ue and any athe� sums advanced and �xp�nses incurr�d by
<br /> Beneficiary under the terms of this �ecurity Instrument.
<br /> In the e�ent �hat Bene�ciary fails to pro�id� any required natice of the right af rescissi�n, Benefi�iary waives
<br /> any subsequent security inter�st in the Trustor's principal dwelling that is created by this Security In�trument.
<br /> S. DEED �F TRUST ��VEItiIANTS. Trustor agre�� �hat th� cfl�enants in this section are material o6ligations
<br /> under th� Secured Debt and this Se�urity Instrument, If Trustor breaches any �o�er�ant in this sec�ion,
<br /> Benefi�iary may refus� to make addit�onal extens��ns of cr��it and reduce the credit limit. By no� �xercising
<br /> either r�medy on Trustor's breach, B�neficiary does nat waive BenefiGiary's right ta lat�r consider the e�ent a
<br /> �rea�h if it happens again,
<br /> Payments. Trustor agree� that all paym�n�s und�r the Secured Debt will be paid wh�n due and in a�cordan�e
<br /> with �he t�rms of the Secured I�ebt and this Security Xnstrument.
<br /> Prior Secur�ty Interests, With re�ard ta any oth�r mor��age, deed of trust, s��urity agreement or other lien
<br /> document that creat�d a prinr security in�er�st or encumbrance an the Prop�rty? Trustor a�rees t� make a11
<br /> payments when du� and to perform or comp�y with all c�venants. Trustar alsa agrees not to a11ow any
<br /> modifieation or �xtens�an of, nor to request any future ad�ances under an� n�te flr agreement secured by the
<br /> lien dvcument withaut B�nefi�iary's priar written appro�al,
<br /> �laims Agarnst Title. Trustor will pay all �axes �including any tax assessed to this Deed of Trust},
<br /> assessments, �iens, en�umbrances, lease payments, ground rents, uti�ities, and other charges relating to th�
<br /> Property when due. Ben�ficiarx may require Trustor �o pro�ide ta Beneficiary copies of a1l notices that such
<br /> amounts are due and th� receipts e�iden�ing Trustor's payment. Trustor will def�nd titl� to the Proper�y
<br /> against any c�aims that would impair the iien of this 5ecurity �ns�rumen�. Trustar agre�s ta assign to
<br /> Beneficiary, as requesCed by Ben�fi�iary, any righ�s, claims ar defenses Trustor may have against parties who
<br /> supply Iabor or materials to maintain or impro�e the Property.
<br /> Security Instrument-Dper�-End-Cansumer-NE DCP-REDT-N� 71�12�1�
<br /> VMPQ Rankers SystemsT"^ VMP-C465�N�� t1 1 Q77,�D
<br /> Waiters Kluwer Finan�ial Servicss C�?1994,2Q11 Page�af�
<br />