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2� 15�79�� <br /> �. ���u�an�y.Borrower sha�l occu�y, establish, and use th�Property as I�orra�uer's principal residence <br /> within 6U days a�er the execution of this S�curity Instrument and sha11 continue to occupy th�Prop�rty as <br /> Borrower's principa�residence for at�east one year after the date of occupancy,unless Lender otherwise <br /> agrees in writing�which consent shal�not be unreasonab�y withheld,or unless extenuating circumstances <br /> ex�st which are beyand Borrower's con�r��. <br /> ?. P�eservativn=Ma�ntenan�ean��rote�tionof the Property;Inspe�tians.Borrower shall not destroy, <br /> damage vr impair the Property,a��ow the Property to deteriarate ar c�mmit waste on the Property. Wh�ther <br /> or not B�rrower is residing in the Praperty,Borro�ver sha11 maintain the Property in order to prevent the <br /> Praperty from d�ter�orating or decreasing in value due to its candition.Un.less it is determined pursuant to <br /> Sectian 5 that repair ar restoration is nat econ�mica�ly feasible,�on�wer�ha1i pr�mptly repair the Property <br /> if damaged to a�roid fiurther deteri�rati�n ar damag�.If in�urance or condemnation proceeds are paid in <br /> con.n.ecti�n w��h damage to,or the taking of,the Property,Borro�ver shall be responsible for repairing or <br /> restar�ng the Prop�rty only if Lender has r�leased pr�ceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds <br /> for the re�airs and restoration in a single payrr�ent or in a series of progress payments as the work is <br /> comp�eted. If the insurance ar con�emn.a�ion pr�ceeds are not sufficient to repair or restare the Property, <br /> Borrower is not re�ieved�f B�rrower's obligation for the eompletion of such repair or restoration. <br /> L�nder or its agen�may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. �f i�has reasonable <br /> caus�,Lender may�nsgect the int�rior of the im�ar��ements on the Property. Lender sha�l give Borrower <br /> notice at the time of or pr�or to such an interiar inspection specifying such reasonab�e cause. <br /> 8. 8orrower's Lc�an Applicati�n,Borrower shall be in default if, during the Loan appl�ca��cess, <br /> �orrower or aay persons ar en�ities acting at the directian of Borrou�er or with Borro�er's knowledge or <br /> consent gave ma�erially fa�se,mis�eading,or inac�urate information or statements�v Lender(or failed to <br /> pravide Lender wrth materia�informati�n}in con.n.ection with the Laan. Materia�representations�nc�ude,but <br /> are not 1imi�ed t�,representations conceming Borrower's accupanGy of the Praperty as Borrower's principa� <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Protectionof Lender's tnterest in the Propertyand Rights Und+er this�ecurity Instrument.If�a} <br /> Borrvwer fa��s to perforrn the covenants and agreemen�s con�a.i�ed in this Security Instrument,�b)there is a <br /> 1ega1 proceeding that might signific�ntly affect Lender's inter�st in the Frop�rty andlor rights under th�� <br /> Security Instrument(such as a proceeding in bankrupt�y,probate,far condemnation or forfeiture, for <br /> enforcement af a lien which may attain priority nver th�s Security Instrum�nt or to enforce laws or <br /> regulations),or(c}Borrower ha�aband�ned the Propertys then Lender may dv and pay for whatever is <br /> reasonab�e ar appr�priate to protect L�nder's interest in the Property and r�ghts under this Security <br /> In�trument, including protecting andlor assessing the value vf the Proper�y,and securing andlor repairing <br /> the Property. Lender's actions can include,but are not�imited to: �a}paying any sums secur�d�ay a lien <br /> which has priority over this Security Instrument;[b�appearing in caur�;and(c)paying reasonable attorneys' <br /> fe�S to pra�ect its intere�t in the Property andlor rights under this Security Instrument, inc�uding its secured <br /> pos�tion in a bankruptcy proceeding. Securin�th�Propert�in��udes,but is not�imited to,entering the <br /> Property to make repairs, locks,replace or board up doors and windows,drain water from pipes, <br /> elim�nate building or other code violations or�angervus conditioas,and have utilities turned on or off. <br /> A�th�ugh Lender may take action under this Section 9,Lender�1aes not have to do s4 and is not under any <br /> duty or obligation ta do s�. It is a�r�ed�hat Lender incurs no liability for nat taking an�r or alt action.s <br /> authorized und�r this Section 9. <br /> q�3347141z54 ��33 4�2 t3817 <br /> NEBRASKA-Sir�gle Famfly-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac L1NIF�RM INSTRUMENT WiTH MERS Form 3a28 41Q1 <br /> VMR� VMPfiA(NE)�1342�.� <br /> Woiters Kiuwer FinanciaE S�rvices Page S of 17 <br />