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2� 15�79�� <br /> ser�iees and�ubsequent charges�ach t�me remappings�r similar ehanges occur which reasvnabiy might <br /> affect such determination or c�if�cation, Borrower shat�a�so be respon�ib�e for the payment of any f�es <br /> imgosed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in connec�i�n with the review of any flood zone <br /> determination resulting from an objeetion by Borrower. <br /> If Borrower fa�1s to maintain any of the coverages descr�bed aba�re,L�nder ma�abtain insurance coverage, <br /> at Lender's optian and Barr��v�r's expen�e.Lender is under no abligation�o purchase any particular type ar <br /> amount of co�erage. Therefore,such coverage sha11 cover Lender,but migh�ar might not protect B�rrower, <br /> Borro�ver's e�uit�in the Property,�r the conterxts of the Property,against any ri�k,hazard or liability and <br /> might pro�ide greater or lesser coverage�han was previously in effect. �orrower ackn�wledges that the cost <br /> of the insurance caverage so obtained might significantly exceed the cost of�nsurance that Barrower could <br /> have obtained.Any amounts disbursed by Lender un�er this Section S sha��become additional debt af <br /> Borr�wer�ecured by this Security Instrument. These amounts shall bear interest at th�Note rate from the <br /> date of disbursement and shall be payab�e�with such�nterest,upon notice from Lender to Borro�er <br /> requesting payment. <br /> A11 insurance policies re�uired by Lender and renewals of such polic�es sha11 be subj ect to Lend�r's right to <br /> disapprov�such po�icies, sha11 include a standard mortgage�lause,and�ha11 name Lender as mvr�gagee <br /> andlor as an additi�nal l�ss payee. Lender shall have the right to h�1d the policies and renewat certificates. <br /> If Lender requires,Bonower shall pramptly gi�e to Lender a11 receipts of paid premiums�nd renewa� <br /> notices. If��rrower obtains any form of insurance coverage,�ot otherwise required by Lender, for damage <br /> to,�r destruc�ion of,�he Property,�uch policy shal� include a standard mort�age ciause and sha11 name <br /> Lender as martgagee andlor as an additionall�ss payee. <br /> In the event of�Qss,�3arr�wer sha��gi�e promp�notice to�he insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may <br /> make proof of loss if n�t made promptly by Bvrro�er.IJn�ess Lender and�orro�ver other�vise agree in <br /> writing,any insurance proceeds,�vhether or not the underlying insuran�e was requir�d by Lender, �ha11 be <br /> ap�l�e��a restoration or repair of the Pr�perty, if the restoration or repair is economi�ally fe�sible and <br /> Lender�s security is not lessened. During such r�pair and restoration per�od,Len.der shall have the right to <br /> hold such�nsurance pr�ceeds until Lender has had an apportunity to inspect such Property to the <br /> work has been completed to Lender's sa�isfaction►,pro�ided that such inspection sha11 be undertaken <br /> promptiy, Lender may d�sburse proceeds far the repairs and restaration in a single payment or in a series of <br /> progress payments as the work is comp�eted.Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Lavv <br /> require�interest ta be paid on such insurance proceeds,Lender sha11 not be requir�d to pay B�rro�ver any <br /> xnterest or earnings an such proceeds.Fees for pub�ic adjusters,ar other third parties,retained by Borrower <br /> sha11 not be paid out of the insurance proceeds and shall be the sole obligation of Barravver.If the restoration <br /> or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's�ecurity��u1d be lessened,the insurance prac�eds sha11 be <br /> applied to the sums secu.�red by this Security Instrument,whether or not t�aen due,with the excess, if any, <br /> pai�to B�rrower. Such�nsurance praceeds sha��be applied in the�rder provided for�n Secti�n 2. <br /> If Borrower abandans�he 1'roper�,Lender may f��e,negotiate and settle any available insurance claim and <br /> related mat�ers. �f Borrower does nv�respond within 3U days to a n�tice fr�m Lender that the insurance <br /> carrier has vffered�o s�ttle a claim,then Lender may negatiate and settle the c1a�m. The 34-day period will <br /> begin when the not�ce is given. �n either��ren�,or if L�nder acquires the Property und�r Section��or <br /> �therwise,Bvrro�ver hereby assign.s t�Lender�a}B�rrower's rights to aay�nsurance proceeds i.n�n amount <br /> not to exceed the am�unts unpa�d under the Note or th�s Security In.str�ment,aad(b}any other of <br /> Borraw�r's rights(other th�.n the right ta any refund of un.�arned premiums paid by Borrower}under a�l <br /> insurance palieies covering the Prop�rty,�nsafar as such rights are app�icable to the coverage�f th� <br /> Pr�per�r. L�nder may use the�nsurance praceeds either to repair or restare the Property or ta pay amounts <br /> unpaid und�r the Note or th�s Security Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> NEBRASKA-�ingle Family-Fannie MaelFr�eddfe Mac UNIFaRM INSTRtJMEIVT WITH MERS Fom:3028'i1�1 <br /> VMP g v�n�4�E}��3a2}.ao <br /> Wolters Kl�wer Fi�anctal Services Page 7 af 17 <br /> q�3347141�54 ��33 4a2 Q717 . <br />