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2� 15�78�7 <br /> �on�inue to pay ta L�nder the amount of�he separa�eiy��signated payments �ha�were due v�hen the <br /> �nsurance cov�rage ceased�o be�n effec�. Lender w��� ac�ept, use and re�ain these paymen�s as a <br /> non-refundable loss reserve in lieu of Mortgag��nsurance. Such Ioss reser�e sha��be nan-refundable, <br /> no�vvithstand�ng the fact that the L�an�s u��imateiy paid�n fu�l, and L.�nder sha��no�be required�o pay <br /> Borr�v�er an�in�erest or earn�ngs on such l��s reser�e. Lender can no longer requ�re loss res�r�e paymen�s <br /> if Mortgage�nsurance co�erage�in the amount and for�he perzod�hat L�nder requires} pro�r�ded�� an <br /> �nsurer selec�ed by Len�.er aga�n be�omes a�ai�able, is�b�a�ned, and Lender requires separate�y d�s�gnate�. <br /> paymen�s toward�he premiums for M�rtgage Insurance. �f L�nder requ�red Mor�gage �nsurance as a <br /> cand�t�on of mak�ng�he I.�an and B�rrov�er was required�o naak�separate��r designa�ed payments t�ward the <br /> premiums far Mor�ga���nsurance, Borr�v�rer sha��pay the premiums r�quired to rna�nta�n N.�ortgage <br /> �nsuran��in e�fe�t, ar�.o provide a nan-refundable�oss rese�-ve, unt�l L.ender's requirement for Mor�gage <br /> �nsurance ends in accordance with any written agreernen�between Borrower and Lender pro��dxng for such <br /> �erminat�on ar un�i���rn�ination is required by Appli�a�le Law. No�h�ng in th�s Section 1 D affe��s <br /> Borr�vver's obl�ga��on to pay�n�er�st at�he rate prou�d�d�n�he Na�e. <br /> Mor�gage Insurance rei7m�urs�s Lend�r�or any en��ty that purchases t�e Not�} f�r c�r�ain losses it may incur <br /> �f Barr�vwer d�es nat repay fihe Loan as agreed. �orrower��no�a par��to�h�Mortgag� �nsurance. <br /> Mor�gag��nsurers evaluate�he�r total risk on a�1 suc�insurance in force from time to time, and may enter <br /> into agreem�nts w��h other parties �hat s�ar�or modify�heir r�sk, or reduce I�sses. These agreements are on <br /> ��rms and cond��xons fhat are satisfact�ry to�he mortgage insurer and the other par�y �or par��es}�o th��e <br /> agreements, These agreemen�s may require the mortgage insurer to make paymen�s using an�source af funds <br /> �ha��he martgage insur�r may have availab�e�wh��h ma� �nGiude funds obta�n�d from Mor�gage Insurance <br /> premiums}. <br /> As a resu�ti of�hese agreemen�s, Lender, any purchaser flf the No�e, anflther insurer, any reinsurer, any other <br /> enti�y, or an.y affilia�e of any of�he fnrego�ng, may receiv� �direc�ly or indir�ctly} amounts�hat derive from <br /> �or might be charac�erized as3 a portion of Borrower's payments for Mortgage�nsurance, in exchange for <br /> sharing or m�d�fying the mortgag�insurer's risk, �r reduc�ng�osses. If such agreement pr�vides�hat an <br /> affilia�e af Lender takes a shar�of�he�nsurer's r�sk in e�cha�age f�r a share of�he premiums paid to�he <br /> insurer} �he arrangemen�is often ter�med "�apt�ve r�insurance." Fur�her: <br /> �a� Any such agreements wi�l not affect t�e am.ounts tha�Borrower ha�agreed to pay for Mor�gage <br /> Insur�n��, or��.y��.her�erm��f�he L�an. �uch agreements w�il na�increase the an�ount <br /> Barrower w���owe for 1Vlortgage Insurance, and they w���no�en�itle Borrower tn any refund. <br /> �b� Any su�h agreem.ents w���not aFfect�he r�ghts Borrawer has-if any-with respect tv the <br /> �Vlort�ag�Insurance under the I3omeowners Protec�ion Act of 1998�r any other law. �hese rights <br /> may inc�ude the righ�to receive certa�n d�sc�osures, to request and obta�n�ance��atia�of the <br /> 1Vlortgage Insurance, to have the M�rtgage Insurance terminated au�amat�ca�ly, andlar t�rece�ve <br /> a reFund of any Mortgage Insurance�remiums that were unearned at�he t�me t�f such <br /> canCe��a��on or term�nat�on. <br /> �'I. Assignment of M�sce��ane�us Proceeds: Farfeiture. A11 Misce��an�aus Proceeds are h�reby assigned to <br /> and shal� be pa�d�a i.ender. <br /> �f�he�'roper�y is damaged, such Miscel�ane�us Proce�d� sha�l b�applied to rest�ration�r repair�f t�e <br /> Proper�y, if the restora�ion or repair is economically feas�b�e and Lender's security �s not Iessened. During <br /> such repair ar�d restora��on period, L�nder sha�l have�he r�gh�ta ho�d su�h N��sce�laneaus Pracee�.s un��� <br /> Lender has had an oppor�un�ty to inspec�such Propert��o ensure th�wori�has���n comp�e�ed ta Lender's <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Farrtily-�ar�ni�MaelFreddiE Mac tJNl��RM lNSTRUM�NT �arm 3d�$11fl1 <br /> VMP Q VMP6{NEy{-{3�2f <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financia[Ser�ices Page 9 af 17 <br />