2� 15�78�7
<br /> satisfa�t��n, pr���ded that suc�a inspec��on sha�l be undertaken prompt��r. Lender may pay for the repairs
<br /> and rest�ra�ion in a s�ngie disburs�rnent ar in a ser�es�f pr�gress paymen�s as�he work is camp�e�ed,
<br /> Unless an agr��ment zs made in�vriting or Applica�a�e Law requires interest to be paid on such
<br /> Mis��ilarz�ous Pro�eeds, Lender shali nat be required t�pay Barrov�er any in�erest or earnings on su�h
<br /> Miscei�aneous Praceeds. �f the restoration or repair is nat economically f�as��Ie or Lender's se�urity wau�d
<br /> be �essened, the Misce��aneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Securi�y �nstrument,
<br /> wheth�r or not�hen due, v�i�h�h���cess, if any, paid to Borrower. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shal� be
<br /> app�ied in the order pravided for in Section 2.
<br /> �n the ev�n�of a�atal ta�ing, des�ructinn, or i�ss i��alu�af�h�Pr�per�y, th�Misce�lan�ous Proce�ds sha��
<br /> be app��ed to �he sums secure�.�ay �his Secur�ty Instrument, whether or no�theri due, w��h the excess, �f any,
<br /> paid ta Borrower.
<br /> �n the event of a par��a��aking, des�ructian, or Iass �n�alu�of th�Property �n vvhich�he fair market valu��f
<br /> the Prop�r�y �mm�dzate�y befflre the par�ia� taking, destructi�n, or l�ss in�ra�ue xs equa��o or gr�at�r�han the
<br /> amount of the sums secured by thzs Secur�t� �nstrumen�immediatel�before�he par��a� taking, de�truct�an, or
<br /> los� �n valu�, unless Borro�v�r and Lender��herwise agree in wr��ing, the sums s�cured by th�� Securi�y
<br /> Ir�strument shall be r�duced b�r�h�am�unt of�he Miscellaneous Prflceeds mu�t�p��ed�y �he fall�wing
<br /> fra����n: �a} the t�tal amount of�he sums secured zmmed�ately before�he�art�a�tak�ng, d��truc�ion, or��ss
<br /> zn�ra�ue d�v�de�.by �b}th�fazr marke�va�u�af�h� Property immed�a�e�y befnre th�par�ial taking,
<br /> d�s�ru�tzan, or�oss in value. Any balance shal�be pazd to Borraw�r.
<br /> �n�he ev�n�af a par�ia�tal�ing, destructian, or loss in value af the Proper�y in which�he fair market va�ue of
<br /> th� Property im�rnediately befare the part�a�taking, de��ruction, or Iass in value is less than the amaunt�f the
<br /> sums �ecur��i im�medzately b�f�re the par�ia�taking, destruction, or loss in�a�ue, un�ess Bnrr�wer and
<br /> Lender�therwise agree zn wr�ting, the Misc�llaneous Proceeds shall be applzed to the sums secured by this
<br /> Secur�ty �nstrument whe�her or no��he sums are then du�.
<br /> �f�he Proper�y is abandoned b�Borrower, or if, after not�ce b�r Lender.�o Borra�ver that the Qpposzng Party
<br /> �as def�ned�n the nex�sentenc�} affers t�make an award to set�Ie a claim far damages, Borrovver fa��s to
<br /> respond�o L�nder w�thin 3�da�s af�er�he date the notice is given, Lender is autharized t�co��ect a.�d app�y
<br /> the Misce�laneous Proceeds either�o restara���n or repair of th�Praper�y or t�th�sums se�ured by this
<br /> Security Znstrumezat, �vhether or nat then due. "�pposing Par�y" means the th�rd par�y that owes Borrower
<br /> M�s�e��aneaus Pr�ceeds or�he par�y agains�whom Borro�ver has a rzght�f ac��on�n regard t� Misce��an�ous
<br /> Proce�ds.
<br /> Borravver s�.a.��be zn defaul�if any acti�n�r praceeding, vvhether ci�ii�r crimina�, �s begun tha�, zn L�nder's
<br /> judgment, cou�d result in f�rfeiture�f the Praper�y ar o�her ma�erial impairment af Lender's int�rest zn the
<br /> Proper�y or r�gh�s under this Secur��y�nstrum�n�. Barrower can cure such a default and, �f acc���ration has
<br /> occurre�, rei�sta�e as provided in Section 19, by causing the action�r proceed�ng to b�dism.zssed v��th a
<br /> rulzng that, irz Lender's�udgment, precludes forfeiture of the Pr�perty or��her ma�er�a� �mpa�rmen�of
<br /> Lender's �nter�st in�he Proper�y or righ�s under�his S�curit� �nstrumen�. The proce�ds�f any awar��r
<br /> cla�m for damages �hat are attrzl�utab�e�o th��mpairmen�of Lender's in�erest zn the Property are hereby
<br /> ass�gned and shall be paid to L�nd�r.
<br /> Al� M�scel�ane�us Pr�ceeds that are not app�ied�o re�t�ra���n or repa�r of the Property sha�I be appl�ed�n the
<br /> order provid�d f�r in Sectzan 2.
<br /> N�SRAS}CA-Singie Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Ma�UNI�DRM INSTRUM�NT Fvrm 34Z8 11�1
<br /> VMP Q VMPS{NE�t'�3023
<br /> Wo1E�rs Kfuwer Fir�ancial S�r�i�es Page 1 D af 17
<br />