2� 15�78�7
<br /> A�� insurance poiic�es r�quired by Lender and renewa�s of such pa�ic�es shall be subjec�to Lender's rzght to
<br /> di�approv�such pQlicies, shall inc�ude a standard mar�gage clause, and shal� name Lender as mort�a�e�
<br /> a�dlor as an additional �oss payee. Lender shal�have�he right to haid the po��c�es and renewal cer��ficates. �f
<br /> L.�nder requ�res, Borraw�r sha�l pr�mptly g�ve t� Lender al� rece�pts of paid premiums and renevval no�ices.
<br /> �f Borrower ol�tains any form of�nsurance coverage, not otherwise require�.by Lender, for damage to, or
<br /> destruction�f, the Proper��, such po�ic� sha�l ir�clude a standard mor�gage c�ause an�shaii name Lender as
<br /> mor�gagee andlor as a�add���ona1 Ioss pa�ee.
<br /> �n th��v�n�af los�, Borrovver sha11 give promp�natice�o�he insurance�arrier and L.ender. Lender may
<br /> make proof of�oss �f no�made promp�iy by Borrower. Un�ess L�nder and Barra�er otherw�se agre��n
<br /> v�rri��ng, any �nsurance proceeds, whether or not the under�y�ng insuran�e was required by Lend�r, sha��be
<br /> app�ied�o restoration ar repair of the Prop�r�y, �f�he res�ora�ion or r�pa�r is econ�mically feas�b��and
<br /> Lender's security �s no��essened. During such repair and rest�ration periad, Lender sha�i have th�rxght�o
<br /> hold such�nsurance proceeds unti� Lender has had an oppor�un�ty to inspec�such Proper�y�a ensure�he
<br /> work has been comple�ed t�Lender's satisfaction, pravided��.at such inspec��on shal�be under�aken
<br /> promptiy, Lender ma�d�sburse pr�ceeds far the r�pairs and re��orati�n in a sing�e payment or in a series of
<br /> progress payments as the w�rk xs comp�e�ed. Unless an agreement�s made in writing ar App�icabie Law
<br /> requ�res �n�eres��o�e pa�d on such insuranc�praceeds, Llender�hall na��e required ta pay Barrovver an�r
<br /> in�er�s�or�arn�ngs�n such proceeds, Fees for publ�c ad�us�ers, or oth�r�hird par�ies, reta�ned by Barrovver
<br /> shall not be paid ou�of�he insuran�e proceeds and s�aal�be the sole obligation�f Barr�v�rer. If�he res��ra�ion
<br /> �r repair�s no�ec�nom��al�y feas�ble or Lender's security w�u�d be le�sened, the insuran.ce proceeds sh.all be
<br /> appii��.tfl �ie sums secur�d by���s Securi�y �nstrument, �vhe�her or not�hen du�, with�he exc�ss, if an�,
<br /> paid�� B�rrower. Su�h insurance proceeds sha��be app��ed in�he order pro�ided for in Section�.
<br /> �f��rrower aba�adons�he Pr�perty, Lender may ��e, neg���ate and s�tt�e any ava��al��e i�surance�ia�n-�.and
<br /> rela�e�.ma�ters. If B�rrower does not r�spand wi�hin 3�days to a not�ce from Lender�hat the insurance
<br /> carrier has�ffered��set��e a c�a�m, then Lender ma�neg��ia�e and set�ie�he c1a�m. Th�34-day period wili
<br /> b�g�n when�h�nat�ce�s given. Yn ei�her even�, or�f I.ender acqu�res the Proper�y under Sect�on Z2 or
<br /> otherwise, Borrower here�y assigns to Lender�a� Barr�wer's rights�o any �nsurance proceeds in an anzount
<br /> not to exceed�he am�unts unpaid und�r the No�e or�his Secur��y�nstrumen�, and �b} any other of
<br /> Borrower's right� ���h�r than the r�ght to an�refund of unearned premiums paid by Borr�wer�under al1
<br /> insurance pa��cies co�ering�he Proper�y, �ns�far as su�h rights ar�app�icab�e�� th�co�era���f the
<br /> Proper�y. L.�nder may use the insurance proce�ds e��her to repair or res�are the Proper�y or�o pa�amounts
<br /> unpaid und�r�he Note ar this Se�urity Ins�rument, whe�h�r�r not then du�.
<br /> 6. �ccupancy. Borrower sha��occupy, es�abiish, and use th�Property as B�rrower's princ�pa� residence
<br /> within G�da�s af�er the execu�ion�f th�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen�and sha�� continue to occup�r th�Prop�r�y as
<br /> Borr��rer's prxn�ipa� r�s�d�nce f�r a��eas�one year after�he date of occupanc�r, uniess I..�nder oth��-�rise
<br /> agrees �n writ�ng, which cansent shall no�be unreasonably wi��eld, or unless�xtenuating c�rcumstances
<br /> �x�s�wh��h are�eyond B�rrower's c�ntroi.
<br /> 7. Preser�atian, Maintenance and Protect�an of the Property; Inspections. Borrower shall no�destroy,
<br /> damage or impair the Proper�y, ai�aw�he Property to d��eriorate ar c�mmit waste on�he Proper�y. �hether
<br /> or not Borr�vv�r�s r�s�d�ng �n the�'roper�y, Borrower shai�maintain the Property in ord�r��pre�ent�he
<br /> Proper��from d�ter�ora��ng or d�creas�n� �n value due to i�s�onditian. Unless i� is de�ermin�d pursuant to
<br /> Sect�on 5 �hat repa�r or res�orat�fln�s no����nom�ca�i�feasibl�, Borrovwer shal�pr�mptly repair the Pr�perty
<br /> �f damaged tfl avozd further de��ri�ra�i�n�r dama�e. �f insuranc�ar candemna���n pr�ceeds are paid in
<br /> connec�ion�i�h damage�o, ar�he�ak�ng of, �h�Proper�y, Borrov�er sha�l be resp�ns����far repa�r�ng or
<br /> restoring the Proper�y only if L�nder has released proceeds for such purposes. L,ender may dis�urse pro�eeds
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Family-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM lNSTRUM�NT Form 3�28 11�1
<br /> VMP Q VMPfitNEf[13�2}
<br /> Wolters Kluwer�inanciat 5ervices Page 7 vt 17
<br />