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2� 15�78�2 <br /> in the Proper�� and rights under this �ecur��y Ins�rumen�; and �d} �akes such actian as Lender may <br /> reasanabl�r requ�re to assure that Lender's interes��n�he Prop�rt� and rights under this Securi��Ins�rument, <br /> and Borr�wer's ob�igatzon to pay the sunzs s�cured by th�s Security Ins�rument, sha�� �ontinu�unchan�ed. <br /> Lender may require tha�Barrower pay such reinstatement sums and expenses in one tir more of th�following <br /> forms, as sele�ted by Lender: �a} cash; �b}money order; �c}cert�fx�d check, bank check, treasurer's ch��k or <br /> cashier's ch�ck, pr��ided any such chec�is drawn up�n an ins�itu�ian v5rh�se d�posi�s are znsured by a <br /> federal ag�n�y, instrumental�t��r�nt�t�; or�d� E�e�tron�c Funds Transfer. Upan reinstatement by Borr�wer, <br /> �h�s Security �nsfrument and o�Iigations secured hereby shai� remain fu11�effecti�re as �f no accelerat�on had <br /> occurred. �3owe�ver, �h�s righ�to reinsta��sha��not apply in th�case of accelera�ion under Section 1$. <br /> �C3. Sa�e of Nate; Chang� af Loan Ser�icer: Notice of �rie�ance. The N��e or a par�ia� �nterest �n th� <br /> No�� (together wi�h th�s Secur��y�ns�rument}can�e so�d one or more�imes wi�haut pri�r notice ta <br /> Borrower. A sale might result �n a change�n�he enti�y �knawn as the "Laa�� Seruicer"�that c���eGts Periodic <br /> Pa�ments due under�he No�e and this Se�urity Instrumen�and performs ath�r mor�gage�oan serv�c�ng <br /> ob��gations under the Note, �his Se�ur�ty�ns�rument, and App�icable Law. There also migh��e one or more <br /> changes of the Loan Ser�icer unre�a�ed to a sale af the N�te. If there is a change af the Loan Ser��cer, <br /> Borrower wi�l he given wr�tten n��ice of��.e�hang�which wi�� sta�e the name and address�f�h�new L.aan <br /> 5ervi�er; �he address ta which payments sh�u�d be made and any other informa��on RESPA requzres in <br /> conne��ion with a na�ice af transfer af servicing. �f�he Not��s so�d and thereaf�er the Loan rs serviced h�r a <br /> Loan Ser����r other than the purchas�r of the Note, the mortgage loan ser�ric�ng ob�igat�ons to B�rrov�ver wi11 <br /> rernain�ith�he Loan Servicer ar�e transferred ta a successor L�an 5er��cer and are no� assunZed by the <br /> N��e purchaser un�ess�th�rv�zse pro�ided by the Note purchaser. <br /> N�i�her Barrow�r nar Lender may commence,jain, ar he��ined�o any�ud�cia� act�on�as either an <br /> indi�idua� ���igan�or the member�f a class} that arises from�he ather par�y's a�t�ons pursuant�o this <br /> Security In��rumen�or�ha�alXeges �ha��he other par�y has breached any pr�vision of, ar any duty flwed by <br /> reas�n�f, this Securi�y Inst�-u�n�nt, un�i� such Borrower�r I,�nder has n����ed the a�her par�y �v�r���such <br /> notice given�n��mp�iance wi�h �he requir�ments of Sec�ion �5} �f such aileged br�ach and afforded the <br /> o�her par��hereto a reasonable per�od after the g��ing of suc�.natice to�ake�orrec�i�e ac�ion. �f Appl�cab�e <br /> Lav�r pro�ides a time periad whic�mus�eiaps�before cer�ain a�t�on can be taken, that time perifld v�r�11 be <br /> de�med to be reas�nab�e far purpose��f this paragraph. The not��e of ac�elerat�on and�ppar�unity���ure <br /> given to Barr�wer pursuant to Sect�on 22 and th�not�c�of aCcel�ratifln given�o BarrQwer pursuant�o <br /> Sec�ian 1 S sha��be deemed t� satisfy the not�ce and oppor�unity to take correcti�re action provisions af this <br /> Sect�on 2�, <br /> �'[. Hazardvus Suhstances. As used �n�h�� Section 21: ta� ".I�a�ardor�s Substances"are�hos�subs�an�es <br /> defined as��xi�or hazardous substances, po��utants, flr vvas�es by Environmen�al Law and�he fol�awing <br /> su�stances: gas�line, keros�ne, other�lammable or�axic pe�ro�eum produc�s, t�xi�pesti�ides and�erbic�des, <br /> volatile s��vents, materiais con�aining asbes�as or�orma�deh�de, ar�d rad��act��e ma�er�als; �b} <br /> "�nvzrnr�mentat I.,���v"means federa� �aws and Iaws of the�ur�sdict�on where the Proper�y is Iocated that <br /> re�ate to hea�th, safety ar env�ronmental prfl�ection; ��} "Ertvz�•anr�xet2ta� C�eanr�p" includes any resp�nse <br /> action, remedia� ac��on, ar remo�al act�on, as def�ned �n Envir�nmen�al Law; and �d� an "����irat��r�ental <br /> �'onditiot�"�neans a cond�tian that can cause, c�n�ribu�e�o, or otherwise�rigger an�n�ironmental Cleanup. <br /> Borrower sha�l nat cause or perm���he presen�e, use, dispasal, storage, or re��ase of a�n� Hazardous <br /> Su�stances, or thr�aten to release any �iazardous Substances, on or in�he Property. Borr�wer shali not do, <br /> nor allov�r an.y�ne else ta do, any�hing affec�ing the Property �a}tha� �s �n v�olation of any En�vzronrnen�al <br /> Lavv, �b} which crea�es an Envir�nmental �ond��ion, or�c}�hich, due t�the presen�e, us�, or re�ease af a <br /> Hazardous Substance, crea�es a cond�t�on�hat ad�erse�y aff�c�s �he value af the Pr�perty. The pr�ceding�wo <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-�ar�nie M�elFreddie Mac 11NIFDRM 1NSTRUM�NT Form 3D�8 11�� <br /> VMP[� VMPE(N�y[i 3�2} <br /> Walters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 13 of 17 <br />