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2� 15�78�2 <br /> designated a subst��u��not�ce address by nnt��e t� Lender. Borrower sha��promp���r no��fy L�nder af <br /> Barrower's�hange of address. �f Lend�r spec�fz�s a procedure for repar�zn� Barro�r�r's change of address, <br /> then B�rro�ver shall�n�y report a chang�flf ad�ress thraugh that sp�c�f�ed procedure. <br /> Th�re may be on�y on�des��nated notice addr�ss under�his S�curity Instrun�en�at any�n�time. Any n�t�ce <br /> to Lender sha��be gi�en by del�ver�ng zt or b�mailing it by f�rst ciass mail to Lender's address sta�ed here�n <br /> unless Lender has designated another address by notice t�Borrower. Any n�tice in connection�vith this <br /> S�curity Instrum�nt shai� nat b�deem��to have been gi�en t� L�nder unti� actually received by Lender. If <br /> any nat�ce requ�red by�his Se�ur��y Instrum�nt�s a�so requzred under App�icable Law, the Applica��e Law <br /> requirenl�nt w��� sa��sfy�he carrespondzng r�quir�men�under th�s S��ur��y �ns�rumen�. <br /> �6. Gorrern�ng Law; Se�erability; Fiules of Construct��n. This Security Instrument sha��be ga�erned by <br /> federa� �a�v and�he Iaw of th��urisdicti�n�n wh�ch the Praper�y i� located. AII rights and obliga�ions <br /> can�a�ned zn�h�s Se�ur�ty �nstrument are su��ect�o an�r requ�remen�s and�imi�atinns�f Appiica�le Law. <br /> Applicable Law m�ght e�plieitly or�mp�z��tly allov� the partzes to agree by con�ract or��m�ght be s��ent, but <br /> such silence sha�� not be construed as a pr�hzb�t��n against agreemen�by contract, �n�h�e�ent�hat any <br /> pra�ision or clause af this Securi�y Instrumen�ar�he No�e�nnfl��ts w�th Appiicable Law, SL1Ch C�Ilfll��5h��� <br /> not affect other pro�isions of this 5ecurity Instrum�.ent nr the N���wh��h can be gi�en effec�w��h�u�th� <br /> con��.�c��ng pro��s�on. <br /> As used in this Security Instru�m.ent: �a}wards of�h�mascul�ne gend�r sha�l m.ean and inc�ude correspand�ng <br /> neu�er�ords or words of�he ferninine gender; �b} wards in the s�ngular shai� mean and include the plural <br /> and�ice�ersa; and �c} the w�rd "may" gi�es sale d�scre��on w��h�ut any ob�igat��n t� take any a�tion. <br /> �7. Bvrrowe�'s Copy. Barr�wer sha�l be gi��n�ne cop�af th�N�t�and of th�s Secur�ty�ns�rumen�. <br /> '�8. Transfer of the Property ar a Beneficia[ [nterest in Borrower. A5 US�C� 1ri��I15 S�Ct10ri �S, "Interest in <br /> �he Prapert�" means an� l�gal or bene�zc�al interest�n�he Property, including, but not limi�ed to, thase <br /> beneficial interests�ransferred in a b�n�for deed, can�ract far deed, insta�imen�sa�es��n�rac�ar�scro� <br /> agr�emen�, the�n��n�of wh�Ch �s the transfer of t�tl�by Borrawer a�a future date�o a purchaser. <br /> �f a�l ar any par�of�he Praper�y ar ar�y �nt�rest in the Praper�y is sflid ar transferred �or if B�rr�wer is not a <br /> natura�person and a ben��cia� �n�erest zn B�rrotiver is sold or tran�ferr�d} withaut Lender's priar written <br /> c�nsent, Lender may require�mrned�ate payment in full af al� sums s�Cured b�this S�curity Instrument. <br /> �3awe��r, this option sha��not be exercis�d by Lender�f such exerczse�s prohibited b�Appl�cable Law. <br /> �f Lender exerc�ses th�s op�ion, Lender shail g��e Barrower not�ce of accelerat�on. 'I`he na�ice sha�l provide a <br /> period of no��ess�han 3�days frorn�he date the notice is given in accardance�vi�h Section 1 S �ith�n�vhich <br /> Borrower must pa�ail sums s�cur�d by th�s S��:urity Instrument. If B�rrower fails ta pay these sums prior to <br /> the exp�ration of this peri�d, L�nd�r may �nvoke any r�medies permi�ted�y this Security Instrument without <br /> fur�her nat�ce or demand on Borrower. <br /> 7 9, Borrower's Rignt to F�einstate After Acceleratian. �f Barrower meets certain candit�ons, Borrawer <br /> shaii ha�e the r�ght t4 ha�e enf�rc�ment of this S�curity Instrument disGan�inued at any time priar to�h� <br /> earliest of: �a} �ve days befor�sal�of�he Proper�y pursuant to any power�f sa�e con�ain��i in this Security <br /> �ns�rument; ��} such o�her period as Applicab�e Law m�gh�spec�fy far the term�na��on of Borrnwer's right to <br /> re�nstate; ar�c}�n�ry of a judgm�nt�nf�rcizag�his Secur�ty �nstrum�nt. Those condi��ons are�ha�Borrower: <br /> �a}pa�rs Lend�r a�� sums�vhich then�vou�d b�due under th�s Securit� Instrument and�h�N��e as if na <br /> acceleration had occurred; �b} cures any defauit af any oth�r�a��nants or agre�men�s; �c}pays alI expens�s <br /> inGurred�n enforcing�his Security �ns�rurnen�, �nc�ud�ng, bu�no���m�t�d to, reasanable att�rne�s' fees, <br /> property in�pect��n and valuation fe��, and other fees incurred for�he purp�s�af pro�ecting Lender's �n�erest <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingl�Farniiy-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac tJNIFQRM INSTRUM�NT Farm 3D28 11p1 <br /> VMP Q VMP6tNEi 41302) <br /> Wolters KIuw��Financial Ser�i�es Page 12 of 17 <br />