2� 15�7799
<br /> Any app�ication af payments, insurance proc�eds, ar Misceilaneous Proce�ds�o princ�pai due under the No�e
<br /> shal� not extend flr postp�ne�he du�da�e, or�han�e the amoun�, af th� Fer�odic Payn�ents.
<br /> 3. Funds far Escrow I��ms. Borrower shail pay to Lender fln the day Periodic Faym�nts are due und�r the
<br /> No��, un�i��he Note �s paid �n full, a sum��he "Funds"} to pro��de for paym�nt of amounts due for: �a} ta��s
<br /> and assessrnents and a�her�tems which can attain priorit�o�rer th�s Security Instrument as a�ien or
<br /> encumbrance on�he Proper�y; �b� ieasehfl�d pa�m�n�s or ground rents on�he Prapert�, if an�; �c�premiums
<br /> f�r an� an�aIi insurance requ�red�y L.�nder under Section 5; and �d} N�or�gage Insurance premiuxns, �f any,
<br /> or any sums payabie b� Barrovver tn Lender in�ieu of�he paym�nt of N�or�gage�nsurance premiums in
<br /> accardance w�th the pro�xs�ons of Sec��on �D. These i�ems are called "Escrow �tems." At orig�natian or a�
<br /> any t�me during�he t�rn1�f the Loan, Lender may rec�uire that�ommunity Assoc�a�ifln I�ues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessments, if an�, b�escrov�red t��B�rrower, and su�h dues, fees and assessm�n�s sha11 be an Es�rovv
<br /> I�em. B�rrower shal�promptly furnish ta Lender all nat��es�f am.ounts�o be pa�d under th�s Sectian.
<br /> Borrow�r sha�l pay I.�nder the Funds for�scrow �tem�s un�ess Lend�r v�a�ves Bnrrovver's obliga�ion to pa�
<br /> the Funds for any�r a�I Es�row ��ems. Lender ma�v�aive Borrower's obl�ga��on to pay to Lender Funds for
<br /> an}�or all Escrow I�ems at an.�r�ime. An� such wa�ver may onl��e �n wr���ng. In the e�ent�f such wa��er,
<br /> Borrower sha��pa�directly, v�hen and where payable, �h�amounts du�for any �scrov�r ��ems for wh�ch
<br /> pa�ment of Funds has been wa��ed by Lend�r ands �f Lend�r requires, shall furnish to L�nder receipts
<br /> e�idencing such payment vvith�n such time period as I.ender may requ�r�. Borr�wer's abligat�on�o make
<br /> such paymen�s and�a provide receipts sha�l f�r a11 purp�ses b�de�med�o be a�o�renan�and a�reement
<br /> contained �n this Security Instrumen�, as�he phrase Ficav�nanr and agre�ment" �s used �n Secti�n 9, If
<br /> Barrower is obl�ga�ed�o pay E�cro� I�ems directl�, pursuant ta a v�►lai�er, and Barrav�er fa�ls to pay the
<br /> amoun�due for an Escrow ���m, Lender ma�exercise its rights under Section 9 and pa� such amoun�and
<br /> Barrow�r shall th�n be�bligated under 5ection 9�o repay to Lender any such amount. Lender may r��ok�
<br /> the wa�ver as to an�or all E�cr�w I��ms at any tim�by a not�ce gi�en in ac�ordance ur��h Sec�ion 15 and,
<br /> upon such re�ocation, Borrower shall pa�r to Lend�r a�l Funds, and in such am�unts, �hat are then required
<br /> under this S�ction 3.
<br /> L�nder may, a�any tirne, �ai�ect and ha�d Funds in an amount �a} suf�cient to perm�� Lender ta app��r the
<br /> Funds at the tzme spe��f�ed under RESPA, and��}not to e�c�ed the maximum a�moun�a lender can require
<br /> under RE5PA. Lender sha�� est�ma�e�he amaunt of Funds due on�he basis of curren�data and reasonable
<br /> est�mates af expenditures of future Escrow I�ems or otherwis� �n accordance with Applicable Law.
<br /> The Funds shall b�held �n an ins�z�u�ion whose depas�ts are insured by a federa� agency, xnstrume��ality, or
<br /> en�i�y �includ�ng L.ender, if Lender is an ins��tut�on whos�deposi�s are so �nsured}or in any Federal Home
<br /> L�an Bank. Lender shall app�y th�Funds ta pay the Escrow ��ems n��ater than the time speci�ed under
<br /> RESPA. Lender sha�I no��harge Borrawer for holding and applying�he Funds, annually anal�zing the
<br /> esCrow account, or�erifying�he Escrow �tems, un�ess Lender pa�s Borrovver�nterest on�h�Funds and
<br /> Applicab�e Law permits L�nder to make such a charge. Un��ss an agreement is made�n wr�ting�r
<br /> Applicable Law requires �nteres�tn be paid on the Funds, Lender sha11 no�be required�o pay Borrower any
<br /> interest or earn�ngs on the Funds. Borrovver and Lender can agree�n v�rr�t�ng, hav�r�Wer, �hat in�erest shai�be
<br /> paid on the Funds. Lender shall gi���o Borrower, v�r�thout charge, an annua� account�ng of the Funds as
<br /> requir�d by R�SPA.
<br /> �f there is a surplus of Funds h��d in escrov�, as d�fined under R.�SPA, Lender shal� accoun�ta Borrourer for
<br /> the excess funds�n accordan�e wi�h RESPA. �f�here is a shar�age of Funds heid in escrow, as de�ned under
<br /> RESPA, Lender sha�� n�tify Borr�vver as required�y RESPA, and Borrawer shall pay to Lender the amoun�
<br /> necessar��o make up the shor�age in accordance with RESPA, but in no more than 1�mont�ly payments. If
<br /> there is a defic�ency of Funds he�d �n escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shal� no�ify Borr�v�rer as
<br /> N�6RA5KA-Single�ar�-�ily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM lNSTRUMENT Farm 3Q28 7101
<br /> VMP� VMPS{NEy t'f 3��f
<br /> Walters Ktuwer Finar�cial 5er�ices Page 5 of i 7
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