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2� 15�7799 <br /> BQRR�'L�'ER C�V�NANTS ��a�Borrower is lawful�� se�sed of�he estate hereby conv�yed and has the r�gh�to <br /> grant and c�nvey �he Pr�pert� and that the Prap�rty �s unen�umbered, ex�ep�far encu�n.bran��s�f recard. <br /> Barr��ver warrants and vv�l� d�fend generally the tit�e to �h�Prop�rty against all claims and demands, subject to <br /> any encumbrances af rec�rd. <br /> T�iS SE�URITY INSTRUMENT combines un�form cavenants fflr national use an�nan�unifarm covenar��s �vith <br /> lim.zted variations by jur�sd�c��on�o constitute a uniform security ins�rument�ov�ring real prop�rty. <br /> Unifar�m Ca�enants. Borrower and L�nder Ga��nant and agree as �o��ows: <br /> 't. Payment �f Principal, �nterest, Escrov►► �tems, Pre�ayment Charg�s, and Lat� Charges. Barraw�r <br /> shal�pay when due�he prin�ipal of, and interest❑n, the debt e�id�nced by the N�te and any pr�pa�ment <br /> �harges and late charg�s due under the Nate. Borrower sha�1 als�pay funds for Escrflw Items pursuant t� <br /> Sec�ion 3. Payments due under the Nnte and�his S�curity �nstrument shall be mad�in U.S. currenc�. <br /> However, if any check ar ather ins�rumen�r�cei��d by L�nd�r as payment under�he Nate�r�his Security <br /> �nstrumen�zs returned to Lender unpaid, Lender may r�quire that any ar a�l su�sequent paymen�s due under <br /> the�Iote and�h�s Security �nstrum�nt be made in�ne or mor��f the fo��ow�ng forms, as se�ected by Lender: <br /> �a} �ash; �b}money ord�r; �c}certified check, bank check, treasurer's chec�or cashier's check, provided any <br /> �uGh che�k is drawn upon an�nstitut�on wh�se depasits are insured hy a federal agency, ins�rum��ntality, or <br /> ent�ty; nr�d} Ele�tr�nic Funds Transfer. <br /> Paym.ents are deemed rece��ed by Lender when receive�at the location des��nated �n the No�e or a�such <br /> �ther�ocat�on as may be designated by Lender�n accordance with the notice pro��s�ons �n Section 15. <br /> Len�er may re�urn any payment or partial payment if the payment or partia� payn�ents are�nsuf��czent to <br /> br�ng�he Loan curr�nt. Lender ma� ac�ept any pa�ment or part�a�payment insufficient to br�ng th�Loan <br /> curr�nt, v�ith�u�wai�er of any r�ghts hereunder or prejudice to �ts r�gh�s�o r�fus�such paymer�t or partia� <br /> paym.�nts xn�he futur�, but Lender�s na�ob�igat�d ta apply such paym.ents at the time such pa�men�s are <br /> accepted. �f�ach Peri�dic Pa�ment �s app���d as af its schedu�ed due date, �hen Lender n��d not pay inter�st <br /> on unapp�ied funds. L�nder ma� h�ld such unapp�ied funds until Borrawer makes paymen�s to t�r�ng the <br /> Loan current. �f Barrovsrer does nnt do so v��thzn a reasonab�e peri�d af time, Lender sha�l e�ther apply such <br /> funds�r return them to Borrower. �f not appli��l�ar��er, such funds wili�e appli�d to the outstanding <br /> pr�ncipal balanc�under the Not� zmmediately pr���t� forec�osure. No offset or cla�m�vhich Barravver might <br /> have now or in the future agains� L�nder shall r�lie�e Borrow�r from making payments due under the Note <br /> and th�s Security Instrumen�or performing the cavenan�s and agre��nents se�ured b� th�s Securi�y <br /> Instrumen�. <br /> �. App�icati�n vf Paym�nts v� Prviceeds. Excep� as atherwise descr�bed in�his Section�, a�l payments <br /> accepted and applied by Lender sha��be appli�d in th�fo��ow�ng order of pri�rit�: �a} interest due under the <br /> Note; ��}prin�ipal due under�he Na�e; ��} amounts du�u�der Sect�on 3. Such paymen�s sha�l be appl�ed to <br /> each Periodic Payment in the arder�n whzch z�b��ame due. Any rem.a�ning amounts sha�i be appli�d firs�to <br /> tate charges, second to any ather amaunts due under�his S��urity Instrumen�, and then to reduce the <br /> principal balance�f�he No�e. <br /> �f Lender receives a paym,en� fr�m Borrow�r for a de��nquent Perifldic Payment which include� a suf��ient <br /> amflunt to pay any late charge due, the payment rnay be appl�ed�o the del�nquen�payment and the late <br /> charge. �f more than�n� Periodic Paymen�zs outstandxng, L�nder may app�y any paymen�rece��ed fram <br /> B�rrow�r�o the repaymen�of�he Periodic Paym�en�s �f, and tn the extent that, each paymen�can�e pa�d in <br /> fuil, T� th�extent that any excess exis�s after the paymen� �s app�ied t� the fuil payment of one or mar� <br /> Periadic Paym.en�s, such excess may be appl�ed ta any la�e char�es due. Valun�ary pr�payments shall be <br /> app�xe� f�rst to any prepaym�nt charges and th�n as described in�he No�e. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle�amily-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UN1�C3FiM INSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3028 1141 <br /> VMP� VMF'6[N��t�302y <br /> W�fters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 4❑f 17 <br />