2� 15�7794
<br /> Property Condition, Alteration5 and Inspection. Trustar will keep the Property in good condition and
<br /> make all repairs that are reasona�ly necessary. Trus�ar shali not commi� or ai�ow any waste, impairment, or
<br /> deterioration of the Praperty. Trustor agrees that the nature af the accupancy and use will not substantially
<br /> change withou� ��neficiary's prior writ�en cans�nt. Trustar will no� permi� any �hange in any license,
<br /> restrictive covenant or easement w��hout Beneficiary's prior written cansent. Trustar will no�ify Beneficiary
<br /> of all d�mands, proceedings, claims, and ac�ions against Trus�or, and af any loss ar damage ta�he Property.
<br /> Benefi�iary or Beneficiary's agents may, at Beneficiary's aptivn, enter the Proper�y at any reasonable time far
<br /> �he purpase of inspecting the Proper�y. Beneficiary shall give Trust�r noti�e at the time of or before an
<br /> inspecCian specifying a reas�nable purpnse for the inspectian. Any in�pe�tinn of the Property shail be en�irely
<br /> for Beneficiary's benefit and Trustar wi�l �n no way rely on Beneficiary's inspection.
<br /> Authority ta Perform. If Trustor fa�ls to perfarm any duty�r any of the cavenants can�ained in this S�curity
<br /> �nstrument, Beneficiary may, withaut notice, perform �r cause them to be perfarmed. Trustar appoints
<br /> Beneficiary as attorney in fact to s�gn Trustar's name or pay any amoun� necessary far performance.
<br /> Beneficiary's right ta perform for Trustor sha11 notr cr�at� an obliga�ion to perform, and Beneficiary's failure
<br /> to perf�rm wi�� not preclude B�neficiary fram e��rcising any of Beneficiary's other rights under the 1aw or
<br /> this Security �ns�rument.
<br /> Leaseholds; �ondominiums; Planned Unit De�elopments. Trus�or agrees tn comply with the pravisivns of
<br /> any lease �f this 5ecurity Instrument is on a leasehold. If th� Praperty includes a un�t in a condominium nr a
<br /> planned uni� de�e�opm�nt, Trustor will perform all of Trustflr's duties under the co��nants, by-laws, vr
<br /> regulations of the condaminium or planned unit de�elopment.
<br /> �ondemnation. Trustor will gi�e B�neficiary prompt notice �f any pending �r threatened aCtion, by pri�ate
<br /> ar public entx�ies �o purchase or take any ar al� of the Property through cnndemnation, eminen� domain, ar
<br /> any other means. Trustar authorizes Beneficiary to inter�ene in Trustor's name in any �f the a�o�e described
<br /> actians ar claims. Trustar assigns to Benef�ciary the proceeds of any award or �1aim fnr damages canne�ted
<br /> wi�h a condemna�ion or other �aking of a11 ar any part of the Property. Such proceeds shall be considered
<br /> payments and will be applied as provided in �his Security �nstrument. This assignment �f proceeds is subject
<br /> t�the terms af any priar martgage, d��d af trust, security agreement or other lien dacument.
<br /> Insurance. Trus�or shall keep Praperty insured aga�ns� loss by fire, flaod, thef� and other hazards and risks
<br /> reasonably assaciated with the Property due t� its type and location, This insuran�e shall be maintained in the
<br /> amounts and f�r the periods that Beneficiary requires. What Beneficiary r�quires pursuant to the preceding
<br /> two senten�es can change during the term of the Secured Debt. Th� insurance carrier pra�iding the insurance
<br /> shall be �hosen by Trustor subject ta Beneficiary's appro�al, which sha11 not be unreasanab�y withheld. If
<br /> Trustor fai�s ta maintain the co�erag� descr�bed abo�e, B�neficiary may, a� Beneficiary's option, abtain
<br /> ���erage ta pratect Ben�ficiary's rights in the Praperty accarding to the terms of this Security Instrument.
<br /> Ali insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable �� Beneficiary and sha11 include a standard "mortgage
<br /> clause" and, where applicabie, "lflss payee clause." Trustar sha11 immediately notify �eneficiary af
<br /> cancellatian or termination of the insurance. Benefi�iary shall have the righ� ta hold the policies and
<br /> r�newals. If Beneficiary re�uir�s, TruStar shali immediately gi�e ta Beneficiary all receipts of paid premiums
<br /> and renewal notices. Upon loss, Trustor shall gi�e �mmediate notice to the insuranc� carrier and Benefic�ary.
<br /> B�neficiary may make proof of Ioss if nat made immediately�y Trustor.
<br /> Unless atherwise agreed in writing, a11 �nsurance proceeds sha�1 be appl�ed to �he restoration or repair �f the
<br /> Proper�y or to the Secured Debt, wheth�r ar nnt then due, at Beneficiary's �ption. Any appl�cation of
<br /> proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpan� the due date of the scheduled payment nar change the
<br /> amount of any payment. Any excess wi11 be paid ta the Trustar. If the Property is acquir�d by Beneficiary,
<br /> Trustor'S righ� �o any insurance policies and pro�eeds resu�ting from damage �o the Property befare th�
<br /> a�quis�tion shal�pass ta Benefi�iary t❑the extent of�h�Se�ured Debt immediately before the acquisitinn.
<br /> Finan��al Reports and Additional Do�uments. Trustar will pr��ide ta Beneficiary upan request, any
<br /> finan�ial statement or infarmaCion Beneficiary may deem reasanably necessary. Trustor agrees ta sign,
<br /> deliver, and file any additional documents or certificati�ns�hat Benef�ciary may c�nsider ne��ssary to perfe�t,
<br /> cantinue, and preser�e Trust�r's obligations under th�s Security Instrument and Beneficiary's lien status an
<br /> the Property.
<br /> 6, WARRA.NTY �F TITLE. Trust�r warrants tha� Trust�r is or w�11 be lawfully seized of the estate con��yed
<br /> by this Security Instrum�nt and has the right to irrevoca�ly grant, c�n�ey, and se11 the Prop�rty ta Trustee, in
<br /> trust, wi�h power of sa�e. Trustor a�so warra�nts that the Pr�perty xs un�ncumbered, excep� for en�umbrances
<br /> ❑f rec�rd,
<br /> 7. DUE �N SALE. B�neficiary may, at its optian, d�clare the entire baiance af the Secured Deht to be
<br /> immediately due and payalale upon the creation �f, ar contract far the creation af, a transfer or sale nf ai� or
<br /> any part af the Property. This righ� is subject t� the res�ric�ions impnsed by federal law �12 G.F.R. 591}, as
<br /> appli�able.
<br /> Security Instrument-Dpen-End-Consumer-N� OCP-REDT-NE 7/2/2011
<br /> VMP��ankers Systems"� VMP-C465fNEy �1 1�7�.QQ
<br /> Wvlters Kluwer�inan�ial Ser�i�es�1 994,2011 Page 3 of�
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