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2� 15�7794 <br /> The property is located �n ...Ha 1 l.................................................. at ..................................... <br /> (County} <br /> 23 Lillian Ln Doni,phan ...,,,,.,, Nebraska 6$$3z-9��6 <br /> ........................................................ ......... .................... .� ....... ..... ....... <br /> (Address} �City} (ZIP Code} <br /> Together with a�l rights, ea5ements, appurtenances, r�yal�ies, mzneral rights, oil and gas rights, al� water and <br /> riparian rights, C�1�CI1�5, and water s��ck and all e�isting and futur� impra�ements, struc�ures, fi�tures, and <br /> r�pla�ements that may now, or at any time in the future, be part of the real estate described abo�e �all referred <br /> to as "Pr�perty"}. <br /> 3. MA�IMUM �BLIGATI�N LIMIT, The t�tal pr�ncipal amount seCured by this Se�uri�y Instrument at any <br /> one time shall not exc�ed $ 10 0,�o 0 0;,o o................................. . This limita�i�n of amount does not <br /> include interest and other fees and charges �alidly made pursuant to this Security Instrument. Also, this <br /> limita�ion does not apply to ad�an�es made under the terms of this Security Instrument to protect <br /> Beneficiary's security and to perfarm any af�he co�enants cantained in this Security Instrum�r�t. <br /> 4. SECURED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANC�S. The term "Secured Debt" is defined as foll�ws: <br /> A.I]ebt incurr�d under the terms of a�� promissory note�s}, contract�s}, guaranty(i�s} or oth�r e�idence of <br /> debt described below and all their ex�ensions, renewals, m�difications or substitutions. (You must <br /> specr;�car�y iden�ify th�de�t�s} secured and you shourd ir�c�ude�he final m�t�ur�ty date of sr�ch de�t{s}.� <br /> Note Datecl �ctober 2 9� ��15 In The Amaunt �f $1��� 4��.4� - <br /> A��ruing At A Variable Rate With A Maturity Date �f C�ctob�r 16, �02D <br /> Saicl Loan In The Name(s} �f Jan E B�ts�h <br /> And Dianne M Botsch <br /> B. Al� futur� ad�ances from Beneficiary ta Trus�or or other future obligat�ons of Trustor ta Seneficiary <br /> under any pramissory note, contract, guaranty, Qr ather e�idence af d�bt executed b� Trust�r in fa�ar <br /> af Ben�ficiary after this Security Instrument whether or not this Security Instrument is specifically <br /> refer�nced. If mor� than one person s�gns this Security �nstrument, each Trustor agrees that this <br /> Security Instrument wil� secur� a�l future ad�ances and future obliga�ions that are gi��n tn or incurr�d <br /> by any one �r mare Trustor, ar any one or more Trustor arad others. All future ad�anc�s and other <br /> future obligations are se�ured by this Security Instrum�nt e��n thaugh al� or part may nat yet be <br /> ad�anced. All futur� advances and other futur� obl�gat�ans are secured as if made on the date of this <br /> Secur�ty Instrument. Nothing in this Security Instrument shall c�nst�tute a commiCmen� xo make <br /> additianal. or fu�ure �oans or ad�ances in any amount. Any such commitment must be agre�d to in a <br /> separate writing. <br /> �.All other obiigatians Trustor owes to Beneficiary, whi�h may later arise, to the extent not pr�hibired by <br /> 1aw, including, but not lim�ted tv, liabilities for overdrafts relating to any deposit account agreement <br /> between Trustor and Beneficiary. <br /> �,AlI additianal sums ad�anced and expenses incurred by Beneficiary for insuring, preser�ing ar <br /> otherwise protect�ng the Pr�perty and its �alue and any other sums ad�anced and expenses in�urred by <br /> B�neficiary under the terms of this 5ecurity Instrument. <br /> In the e�en�tha� Benefic�ary fails to pro�ide any requir�d natice of the right of res�issian, Benefi�iary waives <br /> any subsequent security interest in the Trustor's principal dw�lling�hat is created by�his Security Instrument. <br /> S. DEED C]F TRi]ST CaVENA.N�rS. Trustar agre�s that the co�enants in this section are material obligat�ons <br /> under the 5ecured Debt and this Security Instrumen�. �f Trustar breaches any co�enant in this section, <br /> Beneficiary may refuse t� make additional extensi�ns of cred�t and reduce the credi� �imit. By nat exercising <br /> either remedy on TruSt�r's breach, Beneficiary does not w�.i�e Beneficiary's right ta �ater constder the event a <br /> br�ach if it happens again. <br /> Payments. Trustnr agrees that a11 payments under�he Secured D�bt will be paid when due and in acc�rdan�e <br /> wi�h the terms of the Secured Debt and this Security Instrument. <br /> Prior Security Interest5. With regard t� any t�ther mortgage, deed of trust, security agreemen� �r other lien <br /> da�ument tha� created a prior s��urxty interest or encumbran�e on the Pr�perty, Trust�r agrees to make all <br /> payments when due and ta perform ar comply �uith all ca�enants. Trus�or also agr�es nat �o allow any <br /> modification or extension of, nor to request any future ad�ances under any note or agreement se�ured by the <br /> lien document without Beneficiary's prior written appraval.. <br /> �laims Against Title. Trustar will pay a11 taxes �lI]C�L1�lI7,� �.7,� t�x ass�ss�d to �his Deed �f Tru�t}, <br /> assessments, �ie�s, en�umbranc�s, �ease p�yments, ground rents, ut�lities, and oth�r charges r�laring to the <br /> Property when due. Beneficiary may require Trust�r to pra�ide to Beneficiary copies of a11 notices tha� such <br /> amounts are due and the receipts e�idencing Trustor's payment. Trustor will defend titl� to the Prop�rty <br /> against any claims that would impair the lien of this S�curity Instrumen�. Trustar agrees �o assign �o <br /> Benefi�iary, as request�d by Beneficiary, any rights, claims nr defenses Trust�r may ha�e against parties who <br /> supply labor or materials t�maintain or impro�e the Property. <br /> Security Instrument-Open-End-Cansumer-N� �CP-R��T-NE 71�12��1 <br /> VMP�gankers 5ystemsTM VMP-C4fi5�NEf f 1 1�7f.0� <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancia!Ser�ices�1 994,2�11 F'age 2 of 6 <br />