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2� 15�77�5 <br /> requ�red by RESPA, and Borr�v�er�ha��pay to Lender the amount necessary ta make up�he def�c��ncx �n <br /> accardance u�ith R.ESPA, bu� in no�than ��man�hly paymer�ts. <br /> Upan pa�rment �n fu11�f all sums se�ur�d b�r this S��ur��y �nstrum�n�, Lend�r sha�l pramptly refund t� <br /> Barr�w�r any Funds held by Lend�r. <br /> 4. Charges; Li�ns. Borr�u�er sha�i pay a�� ta�es, assessments, �harges, fznes, and �mpos�txons at�ribu�a��e to <br /> the Property v�hi�h can a��ain priorzty over this Securi�y �nstrument, �easeh��d payments�r groun�.ren�s on <br /> the Prflp�rty, if any, and��mmunity Asso�ia�ion Dues, Fees, and Asses�rnents, if any. T�th�e�tent tha� <br /> these�tems are E�crow �t�ms, Borrawer sha�� pay them in the manner provided�n Sect�an 3. <br /> Barrower sha��pranlpt�y discharg�ar�y �ien�h��h has przority o�er this�ecur��y Instrument un�ess <br /> B�rra�ver: �a} agrees �n�vriting��the payment�f�h�ab�igati�n s�cur�d��the lien�n a mann�r acceptab�e <br /> �a Lender, bu�anly s� �ong as Barrower is perfor�m�ng suCh agreement; �b}�ontests the lien in g�od fa�th by, <br /> or d�fends agaznst enf�rcemen�of�he li�n in, 1ega�proce�d�ngs wh��h �n L�nd�r's�pinion operate to prevent <br /> the enforcement of th�Ii�n�h��e�hose pr�ceedings ar�pend�ng, bu��n�y untzl su�h pr�ceedings are <br /> c�ncluded; ar�c� secures fram the ho�der of�he lien an agreement satisfact�ry�o Lender sub�rd�nat�ng the <br /> Iien��thi� Secur��y�ns�rurrz�r��. �f Lender determines that any part of the Praperty �s subject to a��en which <br /> can attain priari�y over this Security �nstrument, Lender may gi�e Borrower a nfl�ic��den��fyzng �he�zen. <br /> Wi�h�n �D days of th�date on which �hat no��ce is gi�en, Borr�wer sha�l satisfy the�ien or take one or n�.ore <br /> �f t�e actians set for�h aba�e in this Se���o�4. <br /> Lender nzay require Borrawer to pay a on��time charge f�r a rea� �stat��ax verificatio�andlar reporting <br /> service used by L�ndtr in c�nneCt��n wi�h this Laan. <br /> 5. Property Insurance. Barraw�r sha��kee�the improv�m�n�s now�x�s��n��r hereafter ere���d on the <br /> Proper�y insured against�ass by fire, ha2ards �nclud�d wi�hin the term "ex�ended ca�verage," and an�r other <br /> hazards �ncluding, bu�nn�Iimited�o, ear�hquak�s ar�d floods, for wh�ch L�nder requ�res �nsurance. Th�s <br /> �nsurance shal�be ma�ntazned in the amounts �inc�ud�ng d�du�tible I�vels} and for�he per���is that Lender <br /> r��q�.ir��. '�Ih�.����d�r r��u�r�s p��rs���t to�h��r�c��.��� s��t��a��s��x�.��.a�g�d�r��.g t�����of�h��.�a�x�, <br /> The insurar�Ce carr�er prav�dzng the insurance sha�I be chosen by Barr��rer subject to L�nd�r's righ��� <br /> disapprove Borrower's�h�ic�, v�h�ch right sha��n�t be exercised unreas�nab�y. Lender may r�quire <br /> Borrower to pay, in canne�tion vv�th th�s Loan, either: �a} a one�t�me charge for f�oad zane determainat��n, <br /> cer��f�catznn and tracking s�rv�ce�; �r�b} a ane-t��e charge for f��od zane determinat�on and�er�if�cation <br /> ser�ices and su�sequent charges ea�h tirne remapp�ngs or sim�lar changes�ccur whi�h reasanab�y m�gh� <br /> aff��t such determinatian or cer��f��at�or�. Borrov`rer sha�� a�so be responsible for the paymen�of any fe�s <br /> imp�sed by the Federa� Emergen�y Managemen�Agency �n connect�on w�th th�review of an� f�ood zone <br /> de�ermina�ion resu�tzng from an ob�ec��on by B�rrow�r. <br /> If B�rra�ver fai�s�a xna�n�a�n axzy af th�coverages describ�d abo�e, Lender may obta�n�nsurance c�v�rage, <br /> at Lender's ap�ion and Borrower's expense. Lender is under no obligat�on tn purchase any par��Cu�ar�ype or <br /> amount of coverage. Ther�fore, su�h co�era�e shal�c�ver L�nder, hut might or might nQt pra�ect Borrower, <br /> Borr�vver's equity in�he Pr�p�r�y, ar�h�con�en�s of the Proper�y, agains�any r�sk, hazard�r liabi�ity and <br /> might provide�rea�er or les�er cn�verage than was prevzousiy in effect. Borrawer acknow�edges that t��cost <br /> of the insurance c�verag�so ob�a�ned might sign�f�cant�y exceed the cost�f insurance that Borrower cou�d <br /> ha�e ob�aine�l. Any am�un�s d�sburs�d by Lend�r under�h�s ��ct�on 5 shall become add�t�ona�deb�af <br /> Borr�v�v�r s�cured�y�his S�cur�ty �nstrum�nt. These amounts shal�bear interest at�he Nate rate from�h� <br /> date nf disbursement and shall�e paya��e, w��h such �n�erest, upon notice from Lend�r to Barrower <br /> requ�sting pa�rment. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNI�aRM INSTRUMENT �orm 3D28 11a"I <br /> VMP� VMPS{N�y t�3Q�7 <br /> Walters Kluwer Finan�ial 5er�ices Page C vf 17 <br />