2� 15�77�5
<br /> Any app��ca�ion�f paymen�s, �nsuranc�proc�ed�, or Mis�e��aneous Pra�eeds to pr�nc�pal due under the Note
<br /> sha�l n��ex�end ar pas�pone the due date, or change the a�nount, of the Period�c Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escrow I�ems. Borrower sha�i pay�o Lender�n�h�day Period�� Paymen�s are due unde�the
<br /> Nate, un�il�he No�e�s pa�d in full, a sum��he "Funds"}�o pr��ide for payment of am�unts due for: �a� �a�.es
<br /> ,
<br /> and assessments and other items which can a�tain priority over this Secur��y �nstrumen�as a��en or
<br /> encumbrance o��h�Proper�y; �b} leaseho�d paym�nts ar graund rents�n�he Property, if an�r; ��}premiums
<br /> for any and a�� xnsurance required by Lender under Sec��on S; and�d} Mortgage Insuran�e pr�mi.ums, if any,
<br /> or any sums payab�e b�Borr�wer to L�nd�r�n l�eu of the pa�rment of Mor�gage Insuran��prem.�ums in
<br /> acc�rdance w�th�he pro�isx�ns of Section ��. These�tems are ca��ed "Escrov� ��ems." A�orig�na��on or at
<br /> any�ime�.ur�ng��e term af the Loan, L.ender ma�require�ha��ommunity Ass�c�a�ion Dues, F�es, and
<br /> Asses�men�s, xf any, be escrowed by B�rrov�r�r, and such dues, fees and assessmen�s sha��be an Escrov�r
<br /> ��em. B�rrav�rer sha��promptly furnish�� Lender a��notices of anloun�s t�be paid under this Section.
<br /> Borrawer sha�l pay Lender the Funds far Escrow �tems un�ess L,ender wai�es �3orrnwer's ob�igat�on ta pa�r
<br /> the Funds far any or all �scrow ��ems. L�nder m.ay waive Borro�ver's o��igati�n t�pay ta Lender Funds for
<br /> any or a�I Escra� �tems a�any��m�.e. Any such v�a��rer may onl�b��n v�rrx�ing. �n the even�af su�h wai�rer,
<br /> B�rrov�er sha�i pa�directly, v�hen and where payable, �he am�unts due fnr any Escrow �tems for which
<br /> payment of Funds has�een wai�red�y Lender and, if L�nd�r requires, sha�� furr�ish�a Len�.er r�cerpts
<br /> ev�dencing such payxnent w�thin such time per�od as Lender may r�qu�re. Borr��rer's a�l�gatian to rnake
<br /> such pa�m�n�s and to prov�de re�eipts sha�� for al�purp�ses be deexned to be a co�renant a�ad a�reemen�
<br /> con�azned�n�his Securi�y Ins�rum�n�, as�he phrase "cav�nan�and agreement" i�used in Sect�on 9. �f
<br /> B�rrower is obiiga�ed t�pay Escrow ���ms d�rectl�, pursuant ta a wai�er, and Borrower fa�is�o pay�he
<br /> amoun��.ue far an.Es�row Item, Lender n�a�r exercise its righ�s under Sec�ion 9 and pay such amount and
<br /> Borro�rer sha��then be ob��gated under Sectian 9 to repay to Lender any �uch amoun�. Lender may r��oke
<br /> the waiver as�o any or a�� Escrow �t�ms at any�im.e by a no����gi�ren in accordance with Se��ion 1.5 and,
<br /> upon such revacat�on, Borrovver sha�l pa�to Lender a�I Funds, and�n such amoun�s, �hat are�hen requ�red
<br /> under�his S�ct�nn 3.
<br /> I,ender may, a�any��m�, collect and hold Funds �n an am�unt �a} suff��ient t�perm�t Lender to app�� the
<br /> Funds at the time spec���d under R�SPA, and �b}no�to exceed the maximum amaun�a�ender can require
<br /> under RESPA. Lender shai�estima�e the amount of Funds due on th�basis of curr�n�data and reasonable
<br /> �st�mates of expend�tures of future Escrow �tem�ar othervvise in accordar�Ge vvi�h Appiica�le Law.
<br /> The Fund� shai�be held in an�nst�tu�ion whose d�pas�ts are insured by a federai ag�ncy, instrumen�a���y, or
<br /> en�ity �including Lender, if Lender is an�nstitutian wh�s�depnsi�s are sa in�ured}or�n any Federal Home
<br /> Loan Bank. L.�nder sha�1 apply the Funds to pay th�Escrow ��ems no Iater�han the�ime specified under
<br /> RESPA. L�nder sha1�no�charge Borr�wer for h�ld�ng and app�y�ng the Funds, annual�y analyzing the
<br /> �scrov� a�count, or ver��'�xng th����r�w �t��, ��.��s� L��.���`���s B��`�t�vve����:��es�t��z t��e Fu��c�5 a.ri�
<br /> Applicable Law permi.its L�nder�o make such a charge. Un�ess ara agreement is made in v�ri�ing�r
<br /> A�plica��e Law requires in�erest�o be pa�d on th�Funds, Lend�r shall not be required to pay B�rrow�r any
<br /> interest�r earn�ngs�n the Funds. B�rrow�r and Lender�an agree�n writ�ng, hawev�r, that interes� sha�l be
<br /> pa�d on the Funds. Lender shal� give to �arr�wer, wi�hou�charge, an annual a�coun�ing of�he Funds as
<br /> r�qu�red b�RESPA.
<br /> �f t�here�s a surplus of Funds he�d in es�rov�r, as defined under RESPA, Lender sha�� a���un��o Borrower for
<br /> the exctss funds in accordanc�w��h RESPA. If ther�is a shor�age of Funds heid �n e�cr�w, as defin�d under
<br /> RESPA, L.�nder shal�not�fy Borrov�er as r�quired b�R��PA, a�d Borrower shall pay�o Lend�r�he amaun�
<br /> necessary to make up�he shortage�n accordance wi�h RESPA, but xn n� more�han ��m�onth�y payments. If
<br /> �here��a de�ci�ncy of Funds he�d in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shaii no��fy B�rr�wer as
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fann�e MaelFreddie Mac IJNIF�RM INSTRUM�NT �arm 3Q28 11D1
<br /> VMP[� VMPS(NE3{13p2}
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