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2� 15�77�5 <br /> s�n�enGes �ha��no�appl� tn the presence, use, �r storage on the Praperty of sma�� quantit�es af Hazardous <br /> Su�s�ances �hat are genera�ly rec�gn�zed ta be appropr�ate�a norma� residentia�uses and to main�enar�c�af <br /> �h�Pr�perty ��nciuding, �ut n�t lim�ted��, hazardaus subs�anc�s �n�onsurner produc�s}. <br /> Borr�wer sha�x prampt��r give Lend�r wr�tt�n not�c�of�a} any in��stigation, c�a�m, demand, lawsuit or other <br /> act�on b� any g�v�rnmenta� or regu�a�ary ag�ncy�r private party invo�ving th�Pr�per�y and any Hazardous <br /> Substance or En�vironrnen�a� LaW of wh�ch Borrower has ac�ual kno�ledge, �b} any En�ironmenta� <br /> Cond�tian, inC�uding bu�n�t lin7it�d��, any spilling, �eaking, discharge, release or threat of r��east af any <br /> �3azardous Sub�tan�e, and �c} ar�y candi��on�aused by�he pres�nce, use or release nf a�azardous Substance <br /> wh�ch adv�rse�y aff�ct� the value af the Prap�rty. If Borrovver learns, or is natif�ed by any governmental or <br /> re�u�at�ry au�horzty, or any priwa�e party, that a��r�mnva� �r o�her remediatian af an�Hazardous Substanc� <br /> affec��ng the Proper�y is necessar�, Barrowe�shall prazrzpt�y�al�e al� necessary remedia� act�ons in <br /> accnrdan�e wi�h�n��r�nmen�al Lav�. Nathing her�in shal� create any obl�gation on L�nder for an <br /> Envzronmental C�eanup. <br /> Nvn-lJnifvrm �o�enants. �orrawer and L�nder covenant and agree as fol���vs: <br /> 2�. A�celeration; Remedies. Lender shal�give noti�e x�Borrower priar to acce�erat�on fo��awing <br /> Borrower's�reach of any covenant or agreement�n th�5 Security Ins�rument �but no� priar�o <br /> acce�era�ion under Sect�on 1S un�ess App�i�ab�e Lavv prov�des oth�rwise}, rI'he not�ce sha��specify: �a} <br /> �he d�fault; �b} the ac�ion required to cure the default; ��} a date, n�t��ss than 34 days from the da�e <br /> th��nat�ce is g�v�en to Sorrower, by wh�ch�he defau��n�ust be cured; and �d} tha� fa��ure to cure the <br /> defau�t on�r befor�the da��sp�cified in the no�ic�m�ay resu�t�n a�ce��ra�ion of the sums secured�y <br /> this Secur�ty Ins�rument and sa�e of�he Property. The natice shall further�nform Borrower of the <br /> right ta re�nstate after accelerat��n and�he r�ght�o bring a court a�tion to ass�rt�he non�-ex�s�ence�f a <br /> default or any other defen�e of Borrower to acce�eration and sale. If the defau�t�s n�t cured on or <br /> before the date�p�ci�ed�n�he n��ice, L�nder a��ts opt�on may require imnr��diate pay�nen�in fu�l�F <br /> a��sums secured by thi5 Security Instrument without further dem�n.d and may�n�oke�he p�vver of sale <br /> ��d����th�r��m+���+�s p�r�.��t�d by A�a�al�������a�►�v, L��dex sh�l�be entit�ed�o�a��ect a�� ex�pen�es <br /> �ncurred�n pursu�ng�he remeclies provided in th�s Section�2, inc�ud�ng, but no��inc�ited to, rea�onab�e <br /> at��rneys' f��s and costs af ti��e ev�dence. <br /> If�he power of sa�e is�nvoked, Trustee shall record a no�ice of defau�t in each caunty in vvhi�h any <br /> part�f�he Pro�erty is�oca�ed and shal�ma�l�api�s of such nQtiice�n the manner prescr�b�d by <br /> App��cabie Lavv t�Borrower and�o�he o�her persons prescr�bed by Applicab�e Law. After xhe t�me <br /> requ�red by Appl�cab�e Law, Trus�ee sha�l giv� public not�ce of sa�e to the persans and�n the manner <br /> �rescribed�y Applicable Lavv. Trus�ee, without demand�n Borrower3 sha�l�ell the Property at pub��� <br /> auc�ion to�he highe5t b�dd�r at�he��me and place and under the��rxns designated in�h�e notice of sa�e <br /> �n one�r more parcels and�n any�rder Trustee de�erm�nes. Truste�may pns�pane sa�e of a�l ar any <br /> parc�� of�he Property by pu��ic announcemen� at the t�me and p�ac�of any pre�iousiy schedu�ed sale. <br /> Lender or i�s des�gnee may purchase the Property at any sa�e. <br /> Upon receipt of paym�n� af the price bidy Trus�e�sha��de�i�er to the purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> con�ey�ng�he Proper�y. The recitals�n the Trustee's deed sha�� be prima facie ev�dence of�he tru�h of <br /> the sta�emen�s mad�th�rein. Trustee 5ha11 app�y the proceeds oF the sa�e in�he f���owing ord�r; �a} �� <br /> a�l cos�s and exp�nses of�xercising the power af sale, and the�a�e, including�he paymen�af�he <br /> Trustee's Fees�c�ua��y�ncurred and reasonal���at�orneys' fees as permit�ed by Appi��able Law; �b} to <br /> all sums secured by th�s S�curity Instrument; and �c� any excess�o the persan or pers�n5 legaliy <br /> entit�ed tn��. <br /> NE9RA5KA-Single�amily-�annie MaelFreddie Ma�LJNIF�RM fNSTHUM�NT Fvrm 3�28 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMP6{N��t13d�� <br /> Wolters Kl�wer Financial 5er�ices Page 14 af 17 <br />