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2� 15�77�5 <br /> in�he Proper�y and righ�s under this Securi�y�ns�rumen�; and (d} �akes such action as Lender may <br /> reasonab�y r�quir�to assur��ha�Lender's �n�er�s� in�he Property and r�ghts under this Se�ur��y �ns�rumen�, <br /> and Barrow�r's obligat�on ta pay the sums secured by th�s S�cur�ty �ns�rument, shall can�inue unchar�ged. <br /> Lender rn.a�require�hat Borrower pay such re�ns�atemen�sums and expenses in ane�r more af the fa��ow�ng <br /> forms, as se�ected by Lender: �a� cash; �b}money arder; �c}cert�fied checky bank check, treasurer's check or <br /> cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an inst�tutxon whose deposits are�nsured b� a <br /> federa� agency, instrumentaiity ar entity; or�d} Eiec�ronic Funds Transfer. C�pon re�ns�atemen���r Borr�wer, <br /> �hi5 �ecur�ty�ns�rumen�and obliga�ions se�ured hereby sha�� r�ma�n fu11y effect��e as if na acce�era�ion had <br /> occurr�d. �3ov�ever, �his righ��a reinsta�e shall not app��r �n the case of ac�eierat�on under�e�t�on 1 S. <br /> �C3. Sale vf Nate; Change vf Loan Serr►icer; N�t��e af Grie►rance. The No��or a par�iai in�eres� in th� <br /> Na�e �ttigether w��h�h�s Securit� �n�tru�nent}can be sold one or more�im�s�z��aut pr�ar not�ce to <br /> Borro�ver. A sa�e m�igh�resul�in a chang�xn the enti�y �knawn as t�e "Loan Ser�i�er"} that co�le��s Per�odic <br /> Pa�ments du�under the Note and th�s Securx���nstrument and performs other m�r�gage l�an servicing <br /> obligat��ns under the No�e, �h�s Security �ns�rumen�, and Appiica�l�Law. There a�sa mzgh�be�ne or mor� <br /> changes of�he I.�an Serv�cer unre�ated to a sa�e of�he No�e. If there is a�hange of the Loan Ser��cer, <br /> Borrawer wi��be gi�ven wr�tten nfltxce of�he change�vh�ch wi�l s�at��he name and address of the nev�r Loa� <br /> Ser�icer, the address to wh��h pay�nen�s should be made and any other inf�rmat�on R.ESPA r�qu�res in <br /> connection w��h a notice of�ransfer of ser�v�cing. If the No�e�s s��d and thereafter the Loan is serviced by a <br /> Loan Ser`ricer o�her�han the purchaser of the Nate, the mortgage Ioan s�rv��ing�bliga�ions to Borr�wer wx�l <br /> remain v�i�h�he L,oan Serv�cer or be�ransferred ta a successor Loan Serv�cer and are no�assumed b�r�he <br /> Note purchaser unless o�h�rw�se pravided by the No�e purchaser. <br /> Ne��her Barrower n�r Lender may com�mence,j oin, or be j oin�d ta an�r judicial ac�ion�as either an <br /> �ndividual l�t�gant or the memb�r of a��ass} �ha�arises fram the a�her par��r's ac�ions pursuan��o th�s <br /> Security Instrum�nt or that alleges tha��he other par�y has�reached any provision�f, or any duty owed hy <br /> reason af, this S�curit� �nstrumen�, until such Borrower�r Lender has no�i��d the o�her par�y �with such <br /> no��ce�i�ren�r�com���ar�.ce w���.��e req��rerr�en�s c��Sec�ior� ��� o�s�uc1��1leg�d��eac�a a�d ��ford�c��h� <br /> other par��hereto a reasflnabie periad af�er�he g��ing of such na��ce�o�ake carrective act�on. �f Applica��� <br /> La�pr�v�d�s a�ime period v�rhi�h mus�e�apse before certa�n action can be taker�, that�ime per�fld w�l�be <br /> deemed�a be reasnna���for purposes�f this paragraph. The no�zce af a�c�lera��on and�ppar�unity�o cure <br /> gxven�o Borrower pursuan��a Sec�ian�2 and the notice of accelerat�on given to Borrower pursuant t� <br /> Sec�ion 18 �hal� b�deem�d to sat�sf��he na��ce and apportunity to take corrective ac�ion prow�sions �f thxs <br /> S��t�on 2�. <br /> ��. Hazardou� Substances. As used�n this Sec�ion Z�: �a} "Ha�ardous Substances"are thos�substances <br /> def�ned a�t�xxc or hazardous �ubs�an�es, po��utan�s, �r wastes�y Environmen�a� Lavw and the f�ilowirig <br /> substances: gasol�ne, kero�ene, o�her�Iamma��e ar toxic pe�r�leum produ��s, t�xi���������.�� �t����'���;�d��, <br /> valatile sol�en�s, materials con�ain�ng asbes�os or forma�dehyde, anc�rad�oaCti�e mater�als; ��} <br /> "Env�ror�m�ntal�w"means federa� iaws and�aws of th�jur�sdi�tion v�rhere�he Property is loca�ed�hat <br /> relate to health, safety ar env�r�nmental protect�on; �c� "En ui ronj�2entar Cleanup"�nc�udes any response <br /> act�on, remedial act��n, or rem�val action, as de�ned in Environn�.en�al Lav�; and�d} an "Ertvi�anmental <br /> Cor�c�itian"m�ans a condi��on�ha�can cause, contribute to, or atherw�se tr�gger a.� En�xronmental Cleanup. <br /> Barrower shall not caus�or perm�t the presence, use, disposal, s�arage, or release af an�Hazardous <br /> Substances, or threaten t�re�ease any Hazardnus Subs�ances, on or�n th�Praper�y. Borrov�er sha�� no�da, <br /> nor a�1ow anyone e�se to do, anything affecting the Proper�y �a} �ha�is in v�tilat�an�f any En�ironmentai <br /> �aw, �b}which crea�es an En�v�ronmental�ondi�ian, or(c} which, du�to the presenc�y 1.15�y or release of a <br /> �a2ardous Subs�ance, crea��s a cond��ion tha�adversely affec�s the�a1ue af�he Proper�y. The preceding tw� <br /> N�BRASKA-Singie Family-Fanni�MaelFreddie Mac UNiFflRM INSTRUMENT Form 3D28 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMP6{N�f�13�2y <br /> Wolters Kluw�r Finar�ciai Ser�i�es Page�3 af 17 <br />
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