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2� 15�77�2 <br /> ��. Borrower Nat Re�eased; Fo�bearan�e By Lender Not a 'UVa��er. Extensian of�h�t�me for paym�nt or <br /> modificat�on of amortization of th�sums secur�d by this �ecur��y Ins�rument granted by Lender t� Borrawer <br /> or any Su�cessar in In�erest�f Borrower shal� nat operate�o re��ase�he Iiabi�i�y of Borrovver or any <br /> Su�cessors in�n�erest of Borrov�er. Lender shal�no�be required�o commence pr�ceeding� agains�any <br /> Successar�n�n�erest of Barr�wer ar�o refuse�fl extend time for pa�rnen�nr otherwise mod�f� amar�ization <br /> of the sums secured b�this S�cur�ty �nstrument�y reason of any demand made by�he�ri�inal Bnrrov�er or <br /> any Successors in�n�erest of Borro�er. An� farbearance by Lender i�e�.er�is�ng any right or remedy <br /> in�luding, w�thout�imita�ion, I�;nd�r's accep�ance of�ayments from third persflns, �nt�t�es or 5uccessors �n <br /> Int�rest of Borrower�r in amaunts Iess than�he amount then due, sha�l no�be a ura�ver of or preclude th� <br /> ��ercise of any r�gh�or remedy. <br /> 13. Jaint and Se�era! L�abi[ity; Co-signers; Su�cesSvrs and Assigns Baund. Borrower co�r�nants and <br /> agrees�hat Barrov�er's obliga�ions and liab�li��r sha��be joint and se�eral. Howe�er, any Bo�rro�nrer who <br /> �a-signs this Se�uri�y Instrumen�but does not e�eGu�e the Note�a "�o-s�gner"}: �a� is co-signing�his <br /> Securi�y �nstrum�nt only�fl m�r�gage, gran�and con�e��he coµsigner's interest in the Proper�y under�he <br /> ter�ms of this S�curi��r �nst�-ument; �b� is not persona�ly abliga�ed to pay the sum,s secured by this Securi�� <br /> Instrument; and�c} agrees that Lend�r and an���her Borr�v�rer�an agree�o�x�end, modif�, forbear or mak� <br /> any accon�moda�ions v�rith regard t��he terms flf�his Se�urity Ins�rument or the Note wi�haut the co�signer's <br /> consen�. <br /> Sub�ect�a�he provisians of S��tian 18, any Successor �n �nteres�of B�rrower vvho assumes Borrower's <br /> ob�igations under�his Secur�t� Instrument in writing, and �s appra�ed by Lender, sha�i�b�ain a11 of <br /> Barrawer's righ�s and benef�ts under�h�s Security Ins�rument. Borr�wer shal�not be reieased from <br /> Barrower's obl�ga�ions and lia�i�ity under this Security Ins�rument unless Lender agrees�o such release�n <br /> �ri��ng. The co�enan�s and agreem�n�s af this Securi�y�nstrument shal�bi�d�e�.cept as pro��ded in S�ctian <br /> ��}and�enefi�the successors and assigns of Lender. <br /> 'i 4. Lvan Charges. Lender may c�arge Borrower fe�s f�r services perfox-n�.ed in connec�ion v�rith Borrnwer's <br /> default, far the purpose of pro�ect�ng L,ender's �nteres� in the Proper�y and righ�s under th�s Securit� <br /> Instrument, including, but not limi�e�to, attorne�s' fees, propert�r �nspect�an and�a�uat�on fees. In regard to <br /> any�ther f�e�, the absence nf express auth�rit� in this Secur�ty�nstru�m.ent to charg�a specific fee ta <br /> Borrflwer sha�I no�b��ans�ru�d as a proh�bition on the char�ing of such fee. Lender may nn��harge fee� <br /> �ha�are expressly prohibited�y th�s Securit� �ns�rumen��r by Applicable Law. <br /> If�he L.�an is sub�ec�to a 1aw which sets maximum loan charges, and�ha��aw is �nally in�erpre�ed so�ha� <br /> the interes�or other�oan charges c���ected or�o be collec�ed in connec��on with the L�an e�ceed�he <br />�d�imi�s, then: �a� an�r such Ioan charge shail be reduced b��he amount necessar�to reduce the <br /> charge�o the perm��ted I imit; and �b3 any sums a�read�c�l��c�ed fr�m Borrower which exceeded perm�.tted <br /> �imi�s wili be r�funded to Borrav�rer. Lender may choo�e to make�his refund b�reduc�ng�he principal owed <br /> under the Note�r b� mak�ng a direc��aymen�t�B�rrov�er. If a refund reduces princ�pai, the reduct�on wii� <br /> be treated as a par�ial prepayment wi�haut any prepaymen�charge �whe�h�r ar nat a prepayment charge�s <br /> pro�id�d for under�he Note}. Borrav�rer's ac�eptance of an�such refund made by d�rect payment to <br /> Borrower will cons�itute a uraiver of any r�ght�f act�on Borrower migh�have arising out of su�h o�er�harge. <br /> 1 a. Nat�ces. A��natices gi��n by B�rrower or Lender in connection v�►ri�h�his Security �ns�rument mus�b��n <br /> wr�t�ng. Any noti�e�o Borrower in�onr�ec�ian with�h�s Secur�t� Instrumen�sha��be deern.ed �o have bee�. <br /> g��en to Barrower when ma�led by f�rs�class mail or wh�n actua��y de�i�ered�o Borr�wer's no�i�e address if <br /> sent by o�her means. Not�ce to any one B�rrower shall�onst��ut�notice to aiI Borrowers unl�ss Appiica�b�� <br /> La�r expressl� requ�res atherwise. The no�ic�address sha11 b�the Property Address unless B�rrower has <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3�28 11D1 <br /> VMP� VMP6�N�)�1302� <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inanciai 5er�ices Page 1 1 of 17 <br />