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2� 15�77�2 <br /> satisfa�ti�n, provid�d�hat such inspec���n sha�i be undertak�n prarnpt�y. L�nder may pay for the repa�rs <br /> and restara�ion in a singl�disbursemen�or�n a ser�es of pr�gr�ss payments as the wark �s completed. <br /> Un�ess an agre�ment is made in wr�t�ng or App�icab�e Law r�quzres �nterest tfl be pazd on such <br /> Mis�el�aneous Pro�eed�, L�nd�r sha�� no�be requ�r�d�o pay Barrower any interest or earnings an such <br /> Misce�xaneous Proc��d�. If the restara��on or r�pair is not ec�nam�ca�ly feas�b�e or Lender's se�urity would <br /> be�essen�d, th�Mis��l�art��us Pr�ceeds shaii be applied to �he sums s�cur�d by th�s Securi�y �nstrument, <br /> whether or not�hen due, w��h the excess, if any, pa�d to Borrow�r. Such Mis��llaneous Proceeds sha�l be <br /> app�ied in�he flrder prflv�ded for in Secti�n 2. <br /> �n the e�ent of a t�tal taking, des�ruc��on, or�oss �n�a�ue�f the Pr�per�y, th�Mzscellane�us Praceed� sha�l <br /> be appl��d to the sums secured by th�s S��urity �nstrument, whe�h�r�r n�t then due, �vi�h the�xcess, �f any, <br /> pa�d t� Borrnwer. <br /> �n th�even�of a par��a� �aking, des�ruC�ion, �r�os� in valu��f the Proper�y in which�he fair market vaiue of <br /> �h�Property immediatety bef�r�the par��a� ta.��n�, d�struct�on, ar loss in value�s equal ��or greater�han the <br /> amount of th�sums secured by this Secur�ty �ns�rumen�zmmedzat��y bef�r�the par��a� taking, destructi�n, or <br /> �nss �n va�ue, unless Borrower ar�d Lender otherwise agre��n wr�ting, the sums secur�d by th�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrument shal�b�reduced by �he amount of th�Miscellar�eous Prace��s multiplied by�he fo��ow�ng <br /> fraction: �a}the to�a� amount�f�he sums �ecured immediately befor�th�partia� taking, destruct�on, or�oss <br /> in value d�vided by �b} the fair nzarket�a�ue nf the Propert� �mme�zate�y befare the partial tak�ng, <br /> destruc�ion, or�ass in va�ue. Any balance sha11 be pa�d t� B�rr�wer. <br /> �n the�v�n��f a par�ial�aking, destruetion, or loss in�alue of t�e Prop�r��r in which the fair marke�value of <br /> the Praperty �mmed�a�e�y bef�r��he par�ial taking, destru�t��n, or l�s� �r��alue is �ess than�h�amoun�of the <br /> sums secured imm�diate�y bef�r��he par�ia�tak�ng, destruction, nr lnss in va�ue, unless Borrower and <br /> Lender other�ise agree in wri��ng, the M�scel�a.�eous Pr�ceed� sha��be app��ed�o �he sums secured�y this <br /> Securi�y Instrument whether or na�the suxns are then due. <br /> �f the Proper�y is abandoned by Borro�ver, or if, after n�tice by L�nd�r to Borrower�ha��he�ppasing Par�� <br /> �as de�ned�n�he next sen�en��� offers to make an awarc�to settle a claim f�r damages, Barrflw�r fai�s �o <br /> respond ta Lender wzthzn 3�days after�he dat�the noti�e is gi�en, Len��r is auth�rized to col�ect and app�� <br /> the Miscellaneaus Praceeds e�ther to restora��on nr repa�r�f th� Proper�y or t��he sums secure�by �his <br /> Se�urity Instrumen�, whether flr no��hen due. "�ppas�ng Par�y" means th��hird par�y that owes Barr�wer <br /> M�sc���aneaus Proceeds ar the par�y against wham Borr�wer has a righ��f ac�ion in regard�� M�sce��aneous <br /> Proc�eds. <br /> Borr�wer sha�l be�n defau�t�f any acti�n�r prn�e���ng, whether��vil or criminal, is begun that, in L�nder's <br /> �udgment, c�uld resul� in forfe��ure of�he Prnperty�r ather mat�r�al impairmen�of Lender's interes�in�he <br /> Pr�per�y or rights under this S�curi�y �nstrument. B�rrawer�an cure such a defau��and, if a��eleration has <br /> accurr�d, reinstate a�provided in Sec�ion �9, by causing the actzQn�r proceeding�o be d�sm�ss�d w�th a <br /> ru��ng�hat, �n Lender's judgment, prec�udes forfeiture of the Property ar other materia� in-�pairm�.en�of <br /> Lender's �n�eres�in the Property�r rights under this Security Instrument. The pr�ceeds of any award or <br /> claim for darnages that are attr�bu�ab�e to�he impa�rmen�of L�nder's int�res��n the Prop��.y are hereby <br /> assi�ned and shail be pazd�o Lender. <br /> AI� Miscellaneous Proc�eds tha� are no�applied to res�aration or repa�r af the Proper�y sha�� �e app��ed zn the <br /> order prov�ded f�r�n Section�. <br /> NEBRASKA-Singl�Famiiy-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNiF�RM INSTRUM�NT Form 3028 1101 <br /> VMP[� VMP�{N�)�73�2� <br /> Wolters Kluwer�in�ncial 5�rvices Page i�of 17 <br />