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2� 15�7�32 <br /> Al� insurance p�lic�es requ�red by Lender and renevva�s af such pn��c�es sha���e su�ject to Lender's rxgh��a <br /> d�sapprove such pa�ic�es, sha�i include a standard mor�gage clause, and sha��na�me Lender as rr�flr�gagee <br /> andlor as an additiona� �ass paye�. L,ender shall have�he r�gh�t�hald the pa�i��es and renewal certificates. �f' <br /> Lend�r requ�res, Borrawer sha�l promptly giv�t� Lender a�� rece�p�s of paid premiums and renewal.not�c�s. <br /> �f Borrower ob�ains any form of�nsurance caverage, not o�herw�se requ�red�� Lender, for damag��o, or <br /> destruc�ion of, th.e Property, such pal�cy sha11 �nclude a s�andard mor�gage clause and sha��name Lender as <br /> mortgagee andlar as an add�tzona� �oss payee. <br /> In the e�en�of Ioss, Borrower sha��gx�e pramp�no��c��o the�nsurance carrier and Lender. L�nder rnay <br /> make proof af loss if no�made pronnp��y by Borrawer. Unl�ss L.�nder and Borravver atherwise agree in <br /> writin�, an�insurance proc�eds, vvhe�her or not�he under�ying �nsurance was requ�red by L�nder, shal�be <br /> applied to res�orat�on or repa�r of�.he Pr�p�rry, if the res�aration ar repair is economically feasible and <br /> Lender's secur��y is n�t lessened. During such repa�r and restorat��n period, Lender sh�ll have�he r�gh��a <br /> ha�d such insurance proc�eds until I�nder has had an�ppor�uni�y ta inspect such Prflper�y���nsure the <br /> �rark has�een completed to Lender's satisfacti�n, pr�vided tha�such�nsp�ction shall be und�r�aken <br /> promptly. Lender may d�sburse proceeds for the repa�rs and res�oration�n a single payment or in a series of <br /> progr�ss paymen�s as the v�rork�s completed. Unless an agr�emen�is made�n writing or Applicable Law <br /> requires int�res�to b�paid on such insurance proceeds, Lender sha��n��be required tn pay Borrower any <br /> in�erest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for publi�ad�u�ters, or o�her�hird par�ies, re�a�ned by Barrov�rer <br /> sha�l not be pa�d out of the insuranc�proceeds and sha��be�he sole oh�igation�f Borrower, If the res�arat�on <br /> or repa�r i�no�ecflnomuca��y feasib�e or Lender's securx�y wau�d be�essened, the insuranGe praceeds sha��be <br /> applied to�he sums secured by th�s Security I�s�rumen�, �vhe�her or not then due, wi�h fihe�xcess, �f any, <br /> paid ta Borrow�r. Such insurance pr�ceeds shaXl�e appl�ed in�he order pro�ided for�n S�c��an�. <br /> �f Bflrr�wer abandons the Proper�y, Lender�rnay f��e, ne���iate and se���e an� a�vailab�e�nsurance c�aim and <br /> re�ated ma��ers. �f Borrawer does riot respond with�n 3D days to a notic�from Lender tha��he insuranc� <br /> carrier has offered to se����a c�a�n�, �hen L�nder may nega�ia�e and sett�e the c�airn. The 30--da�p�riod w�ll <br /> beg�n when the notice�s given. �n either event, �r xf Lender acqu�res the Property under Section�2�r <br /> o�h�r�v�se, Borr�wer hereby assigns to Lend�r�a}Borr�wer's rights�o any�nsurance proceeds in an amaunt <br /> not�o exce�d�he amounts unpa�d under�he Note or�his Secur��� �nstrument, and�b} an�oth�r�f <br /> Borr�v��r's righ�s �other��.a�x�he rxght t� any refund of un�arned premiums paid b�r Borr�wer}und�r a�� <br /> insurance po�iczes�o�er�ng�he Proper�y, xnsofar as such rights ar�applica��e���h�coverage of the <br /> Prop�r�y. Lender�m.ay u�e�he�nsurance proceeds e�ther ta repa�r or res�ore the Proper�y or�o pay amount� <br /> unpaid under the No�e or this Securz���nstrum�n�, wheth�r or not�hen due. <br /> 6. �ccupancy. Borrawer shall occup�r, es�ablis�, and use the Proper�y as B�rr�wer's pr�ncipal residence <br /> within 6�days after�he executi�n of th�s 5�curity�ns�rument and shal�cont�nue to oc�upy�he Proper�y as <br /> Borr�wer's princ�pai residence for a��east one year af�er the date af occupanc�r, unless Lender otherwise <br /> agrees xn v�riting, wh�ch�onsent shali no�be unreasonab�y v�rithhe�d, or unless e�tenuat�ng circumstances <br /> ex�s�which are beyond B�rraw�r's�ontrol. <br /> 7. Preser�atian, t1lfa�ntenance and Protection of the Praperty; �nspections. Borrower shal�na�d�stray, <br /> damag��r impair�he Proper�y, a��ow�he Property to det�riora��or��mmi�was�e�n the Proper�y. �L�Vheth�r <br /> or not�orrawer�s r�sid�ng in�he Proper�y, Borrower shal� mainta�n the Pr�per�y in arder to prevent the <br /> Proper�y fr�m de�eriara�ing or decreasing in�ralue�ue�o ��s condit�on. t�n�ess �t is de�ermined pursuant�o <br /> Sec�ion 5 �ha�repa�r or r�staratian is no�econom�ca��y feas�bi�, B�rrower sha��promp��y repair�he Proper�y <br /> �f damaged�o awoid fixr�her deterioratian or damage. �f�nsurance nr condemnation proceeds are paid in <br /> connection wi�h damage�o, ar the�ak�ng of, the Proper�y, Borrower sha��be r�sponsible f�r repair�ng or <br /> restoring the Proper�y flnly if Lend�r has re�eased proceeds for such purp�ses. Lender may d�sburse proceeds <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-�annie MaelFreddie Ma�UNIFpRM INSTRUM�NT Farm 3��8 110'i <br /> VMP� VMP6[NE)�13D2y <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 7 af'i 7 <br />
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