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2� 15�7�32 <br /> requir�d by RESPA, an�.Borrower shal�pa�ta Lender the am�un�nec�ssary�o make up the def�ci�ncy in <br /> accordanc�vv��h RE�PA, �ut �n no more�han ��month��pa�rmen�s. <br /> [Jpon payment in fu�� of a�l sums secured by this Secur��y Instrument, Lender sha�l pro�rnp�l�r�fund�a <br /> B�rrower any Funds held by Lend�r, <br /> 4. Cnar�es; Liens. Borrower sha�l pay al� taxes, assessments, charges, �nes, and �mpos�tzons a�tribu�a��e t� <br /> �h�Praper��which can at�ain priori�y��er�his Secur�ty �nstrument, �easeho�d payments�r ground ren�s an <br /> t�e Praperty, �f ar�y, and Community Associa�ion Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. T�t�.e ex�en�t tha� <br /> these i��xns a�r�Escraw ��ems, B�rrower sha1�pay�hem�n the manner pr�v�ded in Se�tz�n 3. <br /> Borrovtrer shall prampt�y d�scharg�ar�y�ien which has przority over this Se�urit�Ins�rument unless <br /> Borrow�r: �a� agrees in wr�ting to the payment of th�flb�igation secured by�he lien in a manner acceptab�e <br /> �a Lender, but on��sa long as Bnrrower is perform�ng such agreement; �b}cantests the lien in good faith by, <br /> or d�fends against enforcement of the�xen�n, �ega�proceed�ngs which in Lender's�pinian operate�o pre�en� <br /> the�n�arcem.ent of the lien vv�i�e thos�praceedings are pendzng, �ut�nly un�il such praceedings ar� <br /> conclude�; or�c} secures fram the ho�der�f�he��en an agr�ement satisfactory to L�nder subordinating the <br /> l��n t�th�s S�cur���r �ns�rument. �f Lender de��rmines that any part af the Proper�� is subjec�to a li�n which <br /> ca.r�a�tain pri�rz�y o�er�his Security�nstrumen�, L�nder rnay g�ve Barrower a not�ce id�ntify�ng the 1ien. <br /> With�n ��days�f�he date on which�hat nat�ce�� gi�en, Borrower sha�� sa��sf�the�ien ar take�ne or more <br /> of the a���ons s�t for�h a�ove in this S�ct�on 4. <br /> Lender may requ�re Barr�wer��pay a one--�ime�har�e f�r a rea� es�a�e tax��rif�ca�ion andlar rep�r�ing <br /> ser�rx�e used by Lender�n cannec�i�n wi�h this Loan, <br /> �. Property Insu�ance. Borrov�r�r shal� keep the improverr��nts no� ex�st�ng ar h�r�after ere�t�d on the <br /> Proper�y insur�d aga�ns�loss b�r f�re, hazards �ncluded wi�hin the t�rrn "ext�nd�d c�verage," and any��her <br /> ha.�ards�ncluding, but n�t limi�ed to, �arthquakes and floods, for wh�ch Lend�r r�qu�res �nsurance. Th�s <br /> �nsurance shal�be ma�ntaxned in the amounts ��nc�uding deducti��e leve�s} and for the perz�ds tha�Lender <br /> requ�res. What Lender requzres pursuant�o th�preceding sentences can change during the term af�he Loan. <br /> The insurance carrier pra�id�ng th�insurarlCe shall be chosen by Borrawer su�ject to Lender's right to <br /> disapprove Borrower's chaice} wh�ch r�gh�shal� not b�exercised unr�asonab�y. Lend�r may require <br /> Borrower to pa�, �n connection with�h�s Loan, �x�her: �a} a one-time charge for flaod znne determinat�on, <br /> c�r�z�catian and track�ng ser�ices; or�b} a one-t�m�charge for flood zon�de�erm�ina�xon and certi�cation <br /> serv���s and subsequen�charges each time remapp�ngs�r similar�hanges occur wh�ch reasonably mxght <br /> affec�such d�terminatzon or cer�ifica�ion. Barrower sha�� als�be r�sponsib�e for�h�payment af any f��s <br /> impos�d by the Federal Emergenc�Managemen�Agency in c�n�ec�i�n with�he revie�v of any flood zone <br /> de��rminati�n r�su��xng from an ob�ec��an by B�rrawer. <br /> If Borrower fai�s t�ma�ntain any of the�o�erages�escribed abo�e, Lender ma�r�btain�nsurance c�verag�, <br /> a� Lender's opti�n and Borrower's expense. Lender�s und�r no ab��ga�i�n�a purchas�any par�icular type ar <br /> amaunt�f cov�rage. Therefare, such co��rage sha��c�v�r Len��r, bu�xn�ght or nu�ht no�protect B�rrower, <br /> Borrower's equity �n the Pr�per�y, or the cant�nt�of�h�Pr�perty, aga�nst an�r r�sk, ha2ard or�xab�lity and <br /> m,.�ight prov�de greater or�esser c���rage than was pr���ously in effect. Borrower acknowl�dges�ha��he cas� <br /> �f the insuran����verage s�ob�a�ned might sign�f�cant�y exGeed the c�st of�nsurarzc�that Barrower cou�d <br /> have obta�ned. Any am�un�s d�sbursed�y Lender under�his S�ction S shall b�come addi��ona� deb�of <br /> Borrovver s�cured�y th�s Security �nstrument. These amflunts sha��bear interest at the No�e ra�e from the <br /> da��af dis�ursement and sha�� be payable, �vith such�nterest, upon notice fram Le�der to Barrower <br /> requesting pa�merit. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-�annie Mael�r�dd�e Mac UN�FQRM 1NSTRUM�NT Form 3028 1101 <br /> VMP(Q VMPSiN�y t13�Z� <br /> Wolters ICtuwer�inancial Ser�ices Page fi of�7 <br />