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2� 15�7�32 <br /> satisfactior�, prflv�d�d�hat such �nspectz�n shall b�undertak�n pr�mp�Iy. Lend�r may pay fnr the r�pa�rs <br /> and r�s�aratzan xn a sin�le disbursem�nt�r in a serzes of progress paymen�s as�he�vork�s completed. <br /> Unle�s an agreement�s made in writ�ng or Appl�cab�� Lavw requires interest to be paxd on such <br /> Miscellane�us Proce�ds, Lend�r sha�� not be r�quzred to pay B�rr�wer any interest�r�arnings on such <br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds. �f the restQratzon or repazr �s not economical�y feasible or Lende�r's securi��r wou�d <br /> be lessened, �he M�sce��ane�us ProG�eds shall be app�zed�a�he sums secured by th�s Se�ur�ty�nstrument, <br /> u�hether or no�then due, with th�e�cess, if an�r, pa�d t� Borrower. Such M�sce��aneous Proce�ds sha��be <br /> appi�ed�n th��rder provid�d far xn S���i�n 2. <br /> �n�he�vent af a to�a1 taking, des�ructi�n, ar loss in�ra�ue of the Property, the M�scel�aneous Procee�s sha�� <br /> be app��ed to the sums se�ured by�h�s Security Instrum�nt, whether or�.ot then due, w�th th�e�cess, if an�, <br /> paid�o Borro�ver. <br /> In�h�event of a par��a� tak�ng, destructzo�, o�r loss in�a�ue�f the Proper�y in wh�ch th�fa�r mark�t value of <br /> the Propert�r zmm��ia�e��befor�the par��al taking, destruc��on, or loss in valu�is equa� �o or greater than the <br /> am�unt af�he sums secured by�his Secur��y �ns�rument immed�ate�y befor�the par�ia� tak�ng, d�struct�an, �r <br /> ��ss in va�ue, un�ess Borrovver and Lender a�h�rwise agree�n wr��ing, �he sums secured by�h�s Securx�� <br /> �nstrumen�sha��b�r��u�ed by the am�un�af�h�Mis�e��an��us Pr�ceeds mul�ip�ied by the fol�ow�ng <br /> frac��on: �a} the�otal. amaunt of�he sums secured imm��ia�ely before the part�al taking, de�tru.c�ion, ar�o�s <br /> in value divided by �b� th�fa�r market value of the Prap�rty immed�ate�y before the partia�ta.k�ng, <br /> d�struc�ion, ar lflss �n�alue. Any balance shal� be paxd to Borrower. <br /> In the event of a part�al taking, destructi�n, or�oss �n value of the Proper�y �n wh�ch�he fa�r marke��a�ue�f <br /> the Proper�y�mme�iately�efore the partxal taking, destruct�on, or loss in value is�ess thax�.the a�n�u�t of th� <br /> sums secured�mmediate��befare th�par��al taking, d�s�ruc���n, or l�ss �n�alue, un�ess Borrow�r ar�d <br /> Lender a�herwise agree�n vvriting, the M�sce�lan���s Proc�eds sha�l be app�ied ta the su�ns s�cured by�h�s <br /> Security�nstrumen�wheth�r or n�t the�ums are then due. <br /> �f the Proper�y is a�andoned by Borr�wer, or�f, af�er notzc�by L�nder�a Borrow�r tha�the�pposing Party <br /> �as def�ned�n�he n�x�sentence}off�rs to make a.�award�o set�le a claim for damages, B�rrower fails to <br /> respand�o Lender v�ith�n 3�days after the date the�.ot��e xs given, Lender is author�z�d t��o�le�t and ap�lY <br /> the Misce�laneous Pro��eds�ither�o restorat�or��r repair af the Proper�y or�a the sums secure�.hy th�s <br /> Security Instrum�nt, wh�ther or not then due. "�pp�sing Par�y" means the third par����a�owes Borrovver <br /> M�sce��aneous Pra�eeds or�he party against wham Borrow�r has a righ�af action in regard�a M�scellaneous <br /> Pr�ceeds. <br /> Borrower s�a�l be in d�fault if any a�t��n�r praceed�ng, whether ci�i� �r crimina�, is b�gun that, in Lend�r's <br /> �judgment, cauld r�sult in f�rfei�ure af the Prnper�y�r oth�r xna�eria� impairment af Lender's�nterest�n th� <br /> Prnp�r��or righ�s under thzs Securi�y�n�trumen�. Barravver can cure such a default and, �f acc��erat�on has <br /> occurred, reinstate as provzded in Section �9, by causing th�actzon�r pr�ceeding to be d�sm��issed�vith a <br /> ru��ng�hat, in Lend�r's judgment, prec�udes farf�zt�re nf th�Proper�y or a�her materia� impairrnen�of <br /> Lender's �nt�rest in th�Praper�y flr righ�s under th�s Secu�ity Instrument. The prac�eds af any award�r <br /> c�azm.for damages that are a��ributa��e�o�he impairm�nt of Le�ader's�n�eres� �n the Prnperty are her�by <br /> ass�gned and sha11 be pa�d ta Lender. <br /> All Miscellaneous Proceeds that are nnt appli�d�o rest�ra��on or repair of the Pr�perty shall b�app�ied in the <br /> �rd�r prov�ded fnr in Section 2. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-�annie Ma�l�reddie Mac UN���RM INSTRLiMENT �ar�n 3fl28�101 <br /> VMP(� VMP6{NE}[13��f <br /> WvEt�rs Kfuwer FinanGial 5er�ices Page 10 of�7 <br />