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DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />200002054 <br />I, Kathleen Seitz, a resident of Hamilton County, Nebraska, <br />desiring and intending to establish a Present Durable Power of <br />Attorney operative under the provisions of the Nebraska Revised <br />Statutes, do hereby appoint, constitute, and designate my <br />husband, Anthony J. Seitz, hereinafter referred to as Agent, the <br />lawful and true Agent and attorney -in -fact for me; and I do <br />hereby further provide as follows: <br />PLENARY POWER <br />I hereby confer upon and grant to Agent plenary power, <br />without limitation. Agent shall have authority to exercise in my <br />name and on my behalf (i) all general powers set forth in Article <br />15 of Chapter 49 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes, (ii) generally <br />and universally the authority and power to act as and to be my <br />alter ego as to anything and everything not fully within the <br />scope of those enumerated general powers, and (iii) to the full <br />extent practicable the power and authority, without reservation <br />or restriction, to do or omit to do any act for or on my behalf <br />which a competent person could do or omit to do on his or her own <br />behalf. Without limiting the plenary power granted hereinabove I <br />declare that my Agent's authority to act in my name and on my <br />behalf shall include (i) the power and authority to buy, sell, <br />exchange, lease, option and otherwise deal in and with respect to <br />real estate and (ii) the power and authority to buy, sell, <br />exchange, option, vote, invest and otherwise deal in and with <br />respect to corporate stock, corporate and government bonds, <br />mutual funds and all forms of publicly traded securities. <br />However, concerning the making of gifts of my property the <br />following limitations shall apply to the authority of my Agent: <br />My Agent shall have the limited authority to make gifts of <br />my property to himself and my issue, which gifts are necessary to <br />provide for the health, education, maintenance and support of <br />each of them at the standard of living at which they lived during <br />the past year whether those gifts are of equal value or not. I <br />intend this to be a limited fiduciary standard which is fully <br />binding upon my Agent. <br />HEALTH CARE POWER <br />I appoint my above named Agent as my attorney -in -fact for <br />health care. I authorize my attorney -in -fact to make health care <br />decisions for me when I am determined to be incapable of making <br />my own health care decisions. <br />1 <br />