2� 15�7595
<br /> �E�D �F TF�LJST �
<br /> ' Pa e �
<br /> Loan nlo: 7 aD15�47 �Gvntinued� 9
<br /> Enviranmentai Laws. Trustor authvri�es Lender and its agenfis �v enter upon the Property to make such
<br /> inspections and tes'�s, a� Trustar's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate �o determin� compliance of the
<br /> Praperry with this sec�ti�n v�f the Deed af Trust. Any inspect�ons o� tests made by Lender shall be �ar Lender's
<br /> purposes �nly and shall nat be canstrued�a �reate any responsibi��ty vr liability on�he part of Lender�o Trustar o�
<br /> to any other pa�svn. The representatians and warranties cantained herein are based on Trustor's due diligence in
<br /> � investigating the Property far Hazardvus Substances. Trus��r hereby {'1} releases and wai�es any futur� claims
<br /> against Lender fvr indemnity ❑r cont��buti�n in �he event Trustor becomes liab[e �vr c[eanup or other costs under
<br /> any such �aws; and ��} agrees tv indemni�y, defend, and hald harmless Lender against any and alf c[aims, �osses,
<br /> � �iabiiities, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may direc�iy or�ndirect�y sustain or suffer resufting from
<br /> a breach o�this sectivn o-F the Deed o�T�ust or as a consequence of any use, gene�ati�n, manu�acture, st�rage,
<br /> disposa[, reiease ar threaten�d release vccurr�ng pri�r ta T�ustor's ownership ar interest in the Property,v�rhether�r
<br /> nat the same was ar should ha�e been knavvn to Trustor. The p�ovisivns of this section o� �he ❑eed o�Trust,
<br /> snc[uding�he obiigation tv �ndemni�y and defend,sha[i surWi�e the payment a�the lndebtedness and the sa�isfac�ivn
<br /> _ and recon�eyance n#the Ii�n of this C�eed of Trust and shal� no�be a�#ected by Lender=s acquisi�ion o�any in�eres�t
<br /> in the Property, whether by�oreclasure vr vtherwise.
<br /> Nuisance, Waste. Trustor sha�� not cause, conduct or permit any nuisance nor �ommit, permi�, or suffer any
<br /> � stripping of ❑r waste on vr ta the Property or any portion o�the Property. 11V�thout �imiting fhe generality v�the
<br /> �o�egoing, T�ustor will nvt remove, v�grant�ta any vther party the ��ght�❑ remover any timber, min�rals 4�nc�udzng
<br /> vi�and gas}r caa[, �layf sc�riar soil. gra�e�or ro�k products with�ut Lender's prior written consent.
<br /> RemovaI of Imprvvements. Trustflr shaIl not demolish or remo�e any �mpro�ements�rvm fhe Real Prap�rty w�thout
<br /> Lender's priar writken consent. As a candition to the remava[af any Improvemen�s, Lender may require Trus�or to
<br /> � make ar�an�emen�s sat�sfaGtory tv Lender �o repiace su�h Impro�ements with lmpro�emen�s a� at Ieast equal
<br /> v�lue. �
<br /> Lend�r's R�ght to Enter_ Lender and Lender's �gents and �epresentati�es may enter upon the Real P�vperty a�ali
<br /> � reasonable times tca attend ta Lend�r's interests and to �nspect the Reai Prvperty �or purposes of Trus�or's
<br /> � camp�iance with the terms and cond�t�ons a�f�his Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Cvmpf�ance with Gvvemmenta! Fiequirements. T�rustor sha(i promp�iy camply wi�h a!� laws, ordinancesr and
<br /> �. reguiativns, nov►r ar hereafter in effeet, af all gvvernmental authvrities applicabie to the use or accupan�y v�the
<br /> P�-operty. Trustor may contest in gvod faith any such law, or-dinancs,�r regulatian and wi�hho�d cvmp{iance during
<br /> . any proceeding, inc[uding apprapriate appea[s, sv long as Trustvr has notified Lender Yn writFng prior�� doing sv
<br /> � and so ��ng asr in L�nder's sole apinivn, Lender's interests�in the Praperty are no�jeopardized. Lender may require
<br /> Trustor t❑pos�ade�uate security vr a sure�y laond, reasonalaly satisfactary t� Lende�,t❑prvte�t Lender's in�erest.
<br /> Duty tv Protect. Trustvr agrees neither�o a�aar�dor� ❑r �eave unat�ended the Property. Trustor sha�l dv all other
<br /> ; acts, �n addition to thase acts set forth above in this sect�an, which�rom�he character and use o�r the Property are
<br /> : reasonabIy necessary to pratect and presen»the Prnperty.
<br /> DUE�N SALE�CflNSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's vp�ion, declare immediate�y due and payab[e a�i sums
<br /> secured by th�s De�d o�Trust upon th�sale❑r trans�er, without Lender's prior written consent, a�al� o�any part a�the
<br /> . Rea� Propertyr or any interest�n the Rea[ Praperty. A "sale ar�rans�e�" means the cvn�ejrance of ftea� Prvoerty vr any
<br /> right� titie t�r interest in �he Real Property; whether lega�, benefi�ial vr equ�tahle; whether �o�untary or �nvolun�ary; ��
<br /> ; whether hy outright sale, deed, instaliment sale cantract, Iand �ontract, cant�act for deed, Ieasehafd inter�st with a
<br /> . term greater than three €3} years, lease-vption c�nfira�t, or by sale, assignment, vr transfer of any beneficia[ interest�n
<br /> � vr ta any Iand trust hv[ding tit�e tv �he Real Property� ❑r by any ather method of conWeyance ❑�an interest�n the �ea1
<br /> Prap�rty. Howeverr �hi� c�ptian shall nat be exe�cised by Lender i-F such exercise is prohibited by �ederal law or b�
<br /> 1Vebraska �aw.
<br /> . TAXES AND L1�NS_ The following prQ�isians relating to the taxes and �iens on the Property are part a�th�s Deed ❑�
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trustor sha11 pay when due �and �n a1l events pri�r fia delinquency} alI�axes,specia��axes, assessments,
<br /> charges {incIuding v�ater and sewer}, fines and impasifiions te�ied a�ainst or on accvun���th� Pr�perty, and sha�i
<br /> �: pay when due a11 ciaims �ar wvrk done ❑n ar�or services rendered ❑r material �urnished tv the F'roperty. Trustor
<br /> sha�� maintain'�he Property free o�F a�� �iens having privrity a��r or equal �v�he interest❑f Lende�under this ��ed of
<br /> Trust, ex�ept fvr the lien o� taxes and assessments nv'� due, ex�ep� �or the Existing �ndeb�edness referred to
<br /> � below, and except as❑therwise p�ovided in this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Right to Contest. Trustor may withhvld g�ayment af any tax, assessmen.t, or cIaim in connection wi�h a good fiai�h
<br /> , dispute o�er the obligativn to pay, so �on.g as Lender's interest in�he Property is not jeopardized. lf a lien arises or
<br /> is f�ed as a resuit n� nonpayment, Trustor shall within fifteen {��) days after the fien arises ar, i� a lier� is �iled,
<br /> � with�n fifteen {�5} days afte�Trustor has natice of the f�ling, secure �he discharge of the �ien, or i� reques�ted hy
<br /> Lender�depasit wi�h Lender cash or a sufficient corparate surety bond ❑r other security satis�a�tary tv Lender in an
<br /> amaunt sufFicient to dischar�e the �ien p�us any cas�s and attvrneys' �ees, ar o�her charges�hat�ouId accrue as a
<br /> result af a�vre�Iasure or sale under the lien. in any contest;Trustar�ha�I defend itself and Lender and shail satis�y
<br /> � �ny adverse judgment 1��fore enforc�ment agains�the Property. Trustor shall name Lender as an addi�iona[ obligee �
<br /> under any surety bvnd�urnish�d in the cvntest prvice�d�ngse
<br /> Evidence v#Payment. Trusfior shali upon demand turnish tv Lender sa�is�actory evider�ce a�payment o-F�he fiaxes
<br /> �r assessments and sha11 authvrize the appropri�te gvvernmental official tr� de�i�er ta Lender at any time a written
<br /> �� statement v�the taxes and assessments against�he Praperty,
<br /> Noti�e of Cvnstructian. Trustor shall no�ify Lender at Ieast fifrteen ��5} days be�fo�e any vtirork�s commenced, any
<br /> services are furnished, or any materials are supplied to the Property, if any mechanic's lien, ma�eria�men's �ien, or
<br /> �ther �ien cvuld �e asserted on account of the work, se�vices, ❑r mat�rials. Trustor wi[� upon request o� Lender
<br /> �urnish tv L�nder ad�ance assurances satisfa�tory tv Lender �ha� Trustor can and wi�l pay the cost vf such
<br /> impro�ements.
<br /> PRQPERTY DA1VlAGE�NSURANCE. The followin� prvvisior+s relating to insuring the Property are a part of�his ❑eed v�
<br /> � Trust. .
<br /> N[aintenance vf lnsurance. Trustor sha!! procure and main�ain p��icies �f fire insurance v►i�th standard ex�ended
<br /> �overage endorsemen�s ❑n a repla�emen� basis �or the�uEl insurable value co�ering a�� Imprvvements an the Real
<br /> Property in an arr�vunt suf�i�ient to a�oid app�icat€on of any �oinsurance ciause, and vvith a standard mortgagee
<br /> c�ause in favar o�Lender,tvge�her with such ather hazard and �iabi�ity insurance as Lender may reasonabiy require.
<br /> P��icies sha�� �� wrTtten in �Fvrm, amaun�ts, �v�erages and basis reas�nably acceptabfe ta Lender and issued by a �
<br /> campany or companies reasanably acceptab�e �o Lender. �rustar, upan request �f Lender, wii[ deli�er to Lender
<br /> : from time tv �ime the polici�s or certificates vf insurance gn�orm sa�isfacta�y ta Lenderr incIud;ng stipulations �hat
<br /> co�erages wi[I nt�� be can�el[ed ❑� dimEnfshed rrvithau-� at least�ten {�Q} days privr writ�en notfce tv Lender. Each
<br /> insurance paiicy also s�all include an endvrsement providing �hat co�erage in fa�or o� Lend�r vvi�i no� be �mpazred
<br /> �r� any way by any act, vmission ❑r default of�rustar or any o�h�r persan. 5hould the F��al Property be lvca�ed ir�
<br /> an area designated by the�4dministrator of the Federa[ Emergency Management Agency as a special �laod hazard
<br /> a�ea, Trustor ag�ees to obtain and maintain Federa� F�ood Ensuran�e, �f ava�lab[e, �or �he �Full unpaid principal
<br /> ba�ance af th��aan and ar�y prior liens an the proper�y securing the loan, up tv the maximum po[�Gy�im�t�set under ;
<br />