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<br /> 1�II�I--IEni �EG���3ED �![A!L T�a
<br /> E�uitabie�ara�t �
<br /> Nor�h Lvcust Branch
<br /> "I'[3-�'��N Locust��
<br /> PO �o� 'i�� .
<br /> �raa�d Bs�and.NE ��8����'�6� � F�R �iECO�DEF�'S[JSE��VL�
<br /> []EED �F TRLlST
<br /> �A.?�l[�IIU�l1[ LIE�. �he �ier� of this ��ed of Trust shalI not ex�eed �t any one time $50E���a��e
<br /> TH�S �7EE�3 �F TRUST �s dated ��t�her �9, ��'[�r amvr�g Z�char�T Th�rr�psoa�, �uh�s� ac�dress
<br /> �s "[�'[� �11 1 st S�reetd �ranc� [s�ancI� NE �S8f�1 and 11l�arcy � `Thompsano �►►hos� addr�ss �s
<br /> °!�'[� 'L� 'i st ��reet, �rand �sl�nd, NE ����"[; HLl��AlV�3 & �11lIFE �4.Trustor°`�; E�uitabl� Bank,
<br /> wh�s� addres� �s North La�ust �rar�chg 1'I�-'�7� N L�cust �t, �'� �3ox '[��, �ra�d [sIa�dp N�
<br /> ��g��-�'f�� {r�ferre�i ta beI�u�r ��metirr��s �s "Ler�der" ar�c� s�met�r��s as "B�nefic�ary°'�; �nd
<br /> Eqt�ita�a�e �ank �Granc� �s�and �egio��d �vh�se address is °�7�--1'[5 N Lv�ust �t�. P� ��x '����
<br /> �ranc� ���and� l�E �5���-�7�� �re��rred t� be�orrv as "T�us��e°=�.
<br /> C�NVEYI�N��AIV� GF�AIVT. For valuabEe cvnside�at�vm�T�ustor conv�ys�o Trust�e in trust. �IV�TH P��ER �F SALE,
<br /> fvr #lhe bene#it of �.ender as �enefciary, all o�f Yrustor`s right, ti�1e! �nd infieres� ir� ar�d ta the foi[owing descr�bed r�af
<br /> property, �ngether with alI �xisting ❑r subsequent�y ereGted ar affixed �u�lr�ingsr impro�ements and ;ix�ures; all
<br /> easements, rights o� v►ray, and a�apur��nances; all i�va�er. v�ra�er rights and ditch �igfi�s �in�[uding s�ock in utilities wifih
<br /> ditch or irrigation rights�E and all other rights, royaltiesf and p�v�its relating tv �he rea� prnperty, includi�g withou�
<br /> [im�tation af I minerals, oi�, gas, g�othermal and simi[ar matters, {the *`R�a� Property*`� Ivcated Yr� F��I� �out�tyg
<br /> �ta�� o� �e�araska:
<br /> The 1�!'ester[y �ne Hundr�d Eight�era {11�� Feet by ��e Hundred Thirty Tv�o �7 3�� F��t +�f
<br /> Lot Two 4�� �f the ��u�t� �ubdi�ision �f the S�uthea�t CZuarter� vf the �outhwest �uarter
<br /> {SE'�f4�51l1�'114} �f �ectior� Si�cteen ['!��, in T'�wnsh�� E�even {1'�� North, Range Nin� �9} Vllest
<br /> �f �he �th P.�., and aIi �f Fract'rana� Lot 5ix �6� �ll�ester�� of the East�rIy Fourteen {'[4� Feet
<br /> of sai� Lot ��x ��� in B1�ck �n� Hundred l"wenty �'���� of �ve�ig and '�IVi�bs's Addit�on to
<br /> fh� ��ty of Granc� lsHamd� Ha�I G�ur�ty, Nebraska.
<br /> �h� �eal Property �r �ts address �� �omrrtonl}� knvvvn as 1�'i� VI� '��� Stre�tp Grand [sland, NE
<br /> ��8�7. �`he Real Pr�perty ta� identif��at��r� number �s 4D(�'�45���.
<br /> �rus�or presen�[y assigns to Lender �also known as Beneficiary in this Deed a��f`rusfi� all of Trus�or's right, ti-�Ie. and
<br /> �nteres� in and to aff preser�t and fu�ure [eases af �he Property and all Fients frvm the Prvperty. �n addi�ion, Trustar
<br /> grants to Lender� Llni�o�m Cammercial �ode securi�interest in the Persona� Prvperty and Rents.
<br /> ,►�#NY AND ALL aBLIGATi�NS ll�li�]ER "fI-�E N�TE, THE F�ELATED D�CU11�lEpli^f5, Allii� �TF�lS DEED �F �TF�UST, THIS
<br /> PAY�ENT A�VD PERF�RMANGE. Except as otherwise proWided in #his Qeed ❑f Trust, Trustor shal[ pay ta Lender aIL
<br /> amount� secured by this �eed of Trust as they become due, and sha�! strict[y and in a timely manner perfarm a[� vf
<br /> Trustor's obligat�ons under the Note,this Deed o�Trust, and t�e Reiated Dv�umen�s.
<br /> P05SE5S[ON AND MA[NTENAN�E �F �HE PR�PERTY. Trustor agrees tha� �frus��r's pvssessivn and use o� �he
<br /> Proper�y sha[[ be ga�erned by the fo[[�wing provisiflns;
<br /> �ossessivn and Use. lJnti[ the �ccurrence �f an Even� of �e�aul�, Trus�or may ��� remain in pvssessian and
<br /> con�r�[at�he i'raperty; {2� use, �operate flr manag�the Praperty� and {�� collect the Rents from the Pr�perty.
<br /> Duty to lllla�ntain. Trus�or �hall �naintain the Prope�y in good candition and pramp�ly per�Forr� a[[ rspairs,
<br /> r�placemen�s,and maintena��e ne�essary�o presenre ifis vaiue.
<br /> C�ra�p�iance �i�h Envrronmen�a� Lav►�s. Trustor represents and warrants tc� Lender�hat: ��} Dur�ng the period of
<br /> Trustflr's o�rvnership❑�t�e Praper-�,the�e has been n❑ use,generatian, manufactured sfivrage,treatment, disposa[6 �
<br /> re�ease or threatened re[ease of any Ha�ardous 5ubstan�e by any person ❑n, under, abaut or from �he Property;
<br /> {�} Trustor has �v knowiedge o�, ❑r reason to b�lie�e tha��here has been, excep� as pr�viously disciosed tm and
<br /> a�knvvir[edged by Lender an �ritin�, ta} any breach or vio[atEon o� any Envirvnmen�al Laws. �b} any use,
<br /> generation, manufactures storage, treatment, dispflsa[, re[eas� ar�hr�atened release af any Hazardous Substance
<br /> on, under, about ❑r �rom the Property by any priar owners or vccupants of the Property, ar {c� any actua[ or
<br /> threa�ened Iitigativn �r cla�ms of any kind by any p�rs�n relating �o such matrters; and 43� Except as pre�iaus[y
<br /> - disclflsed to and ackno�nrledged by Lender in writingr {a� neifih�r Trus�ar nvr any�enant, contractor, agent or other
<br /> authorized use�of�he Pro�er�shafl use, genera�e, manufacture, store, treat, dispose �#vr release any Hazardaus
<br /> Subs�ance an, under, abau�ar�rom�he Praperty; and tb} any such activity sha[f be c.onducted in compf iance with
<br /> all app[icable federa[, state, and� �a�af laws, r�gulafi�ans and ❑rdinances, inc[uding witC�auf [imi�ation a[[
<br />