2� 15�7583
<br /> Payment flf Principal and�nterQst; �ther ChargQS.B�rrower shall pramptly pay when due the principai�f and
<br /> �nterest on�he deb�ayved und�r�he�n�.tract and�ate charges ar any other fees and charges due under the Con�ract.
<br /> Applicable Law. As used in this Security 7ns#�umen�, the �erm "App�zcable Lavv" shall mea.n a�l con�ro��ing �
<br /> applicable federal, state and �ocal statu�es, regula�i�ns, ordinances and ad�inis�ra�ive rules and ord�rs �tha�have
<br /> the effect of Iaw�as well as a�l applicable f nal,non-appealable judicial opix�i�ns.
<br /> �harge�; �L�ens. Barrower sha�l pay aI� �axes, a55�55111��.1�5, charges, fin�s and IrTI�3a51t1�n5 at�r�butable �o the
<br /> Properfiy which may attain priori�y vver this Securi�Instrument, and leasehflld payments ar graund rents, if any.
<br /> At�he reques�of Lender,Borrov�rer sha�I prompt�y furnish to Lender reGeip�s evidencing��e paymen�s.
<br /> Borrovver shall promp�ly discharge any Iien vvh�ch�as priflri�y over�his S�curity�ns�rument un�ess Borrov�rer: �a}
<br /> agrees in writing ta the pa�rmen� of�he obligation secured by �he l�en in a manner acceptable to Lender; �b}
<br /> c�n�es�s �n gaod fai�h �he li�n by, or defends agains� enfarcement of�he lien in, lega� proceed�ngs vvhich in �he
<br /> Lender's opinifln opera�e to prevent �he enfarcement of the lien; or {c� secures from �he ha�der Qf the I�en an
<br /> agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating�he lien to this Securi�ty Ins�rument. If Lender determines�ha�any
<br /> part of the Property�s subj ect ta a �ien vvhich may atta�n priflri�y over �his Secu.rity Ins�rumen�, Lender may g��e
<br /> B�rrower a notice �den�ifyzng�he�zen. Borrov�rer sha11 sat�sfy�he �ien or take one or more of fhe ac�ior�s set f�rth
<br /> ab�ve within ��days of the g�v�ng�f notice.
<br /> Hazard or Prvperty Ia�surance. Borrovver sha�l�eep �he improvements navv ex�sting or hereafter�re�ted�n�he
<br /> Proper�y ir�sured agains�las�by f re,ha2ards included u�i�h�n the terrn"extended c�verage" and any other ha�ards,
<br /> inc�uding floods �r fl�odin�, for whi�h Lender requires �nsurance. This �nsurance shal� be maintained in the
<br /> amflunts and f�r the periods�hat Lender requ�res. The insurance carr�er prflviding the insurance sha11 be ch�sen by
<br /> Borrower sub��ct t� Lender�s approva� vt�hich shal� nat be unreasonably wi#hheld. �f Borr�,wer fai�s to main�ain
<br /> coverage described above, Lender may, a� Lend�r's optian, abtain cave�age to pratect Lender's righ�s �n the
<br /> Property�n accordance�ur��h sec�ian titled Protect�on�f Lender°s R�igh�s in the Property.
<br /> AI� insurance policies ar�d r�newa�s shall �e ac�ep�able to Lender and sha�I include a standard mor�gage clause.
<br /> Lender�hall have the righ���hold the po�icies and renewals. If Lender requires, Borrovver shall prarnptily give�o
<br /> Lender alI rece�p�s�f paid prenuums and rene�val raotices. In the even�of loss, BarroW�r shal�g�v�prarnp�natice
<br /> �o�he insuranc�carri�r and Lender.Lender may ma�e proof�f�oss if no�mad�promptl�by Borrower.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borr�u��r oth�rwise agree in v�ri�ing, insurance proceeds shall be applied �o restorat�on or
<br /> repazr �f the PrQperty dama�ed, if, in Lender's sole discretion, the res�ora�ion or repair is econflm�cal�y feasible
<br /> and Len�er's securi�y is not lessened. If, in L�nder's sa�e discre�ian, the res�ora��on or repair is nat �c�namzca��y
<br /> feasib�e�r Lender's securi�y�ould b�Iessened,the insurance proceeds sha1l be applied�o the sums secured by this
<br /> 5ecur�ty Instrument, vvhe�h�r �r not then du�, with any excess paid,�o Borrov�rer. If Borrower aband�ns the
<br /> Property,or does no�ansv�rer v�ith�n�he number of days prescribed by App�icab�e Lavv as set forth�n a notz�e from
<br /> Lender�� Barrower�hat�he insurance carr�er�as offered to sett�e a claim, then Lender may collec�the insurance
<br /> proceed�. Lender may use �he proceeds to repa�r flr res�ore �he Propea�y flr�a pay sums secu�-ed b�this Security
<br /> �nstrumen�,v�rhether or na��hen due.The period of time for Borrower�o ans�ver as set for�h in�he n�t�ce will beg�n
<br /> �rhen�he natice is given.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Barrnvve�❑therwise agree �n wri�ing, any app�ica�ion of praceeds�o principai sha�I not extend
<br /> or postpone the due date of�he payments due und�r the �on�ract or change the amaunt of�he paymen�s. �f under
<br /> �he sect�on tit�ed Acce�eration; Remedies, the Proper� is acqu�red by Lender, Borrower's r�gh�t� any insurance
<br /> poli�ies and proceeds resulting from damage �o the Prope�-ty prior �n the ac�uisztian shall pass �� Lende� �o the
<br /> ex�en�of�he sums se�ured�b��this 5ecurity�nstrurnent immediately pr�or t�the acquisi�ion.
<br /> Preservativn, Ma�ntenan�� and Pratec��n� of the Property; B�rrow�r's Loan App��catiQn; Leaseho�ds.
<br /> Borrav�rer shal�na�des�roy, damage ar impair the ProperCy, al�ow the Property to de�eriorate, or commi�v�raste on
<br /> the Prvper�y. Barrovver sha�l be in defau�t if any forfe��ure action or praceeding,whether civ��or cr�minal,is begun
<br /> �hat in Lender's good fai�h judgmen�could result�n f�rf���ure of the Property or athe��rise materially zm.pair the
<br /> �ien crea�ed by �his 5ecurit�r �nstrument or Lender's security in�erest. Borrower may cure su�h a defaul� and
<br /> rei.n.sta�e, as pro�ided in section titled Sflrrower's R.ight tv Reinstate, by caus�ng the ac�ion or proceeding t� be
<br /> dismissed v�ri�h a ruling that,�n Lender's good faith determination,pr�c�udes forfe�ture�f�he Bflrrov�er's in�eres�in
<br /> the Pr�per�y or other mater�al impairmen� of the �ien crea�ed by #his Security Instrumen� or Lender's s�curi�y
<br /> in�erest.�3arrower sha��als��e in default if B�rrotiver,�iuring�he l�an applica�ion pro�ess,gave materiaTly fa�se or
<br /> inaccura�e �nformat�on or sta.�emen�s �o Lender ��r fa�Ied t� provide Lender with any mater�al information} in
<br /> connect�on w�th the loan evidenced by the Con�ract. �f this Secuxi�Instrument is on a leasehald, Borrovver shall
<br /> camp�y�r��h al��he pro�isions af the�ease. If�orr�vver acquires fee t�t�e�o�he Propert�,the leasehold and the fee
<br /> ��t1e sha�l not merge unle�s L�nder agrees�o�he merger in vcrri�ing.
<br /> Protection of Lender'S R�i�hts in th� Prflper�y. If B�rroWer fa��s to perform the �ovenants and agreements
<br /> contazned in this Security�ns�ru�nen�, or there is a�ega1 prace�ding�hat may signif cantly affect Lender'�r�gh�s�n
<br /> the Property �such as a proc�eding �n bankrup�cy, proba�e, for candemnati�n or forfe�ture or tio enforce laWs or
<br /> regu�ations�, th.en Lender ma�r do and pay for �vvha�ever is necessary �4 protect the valu� af the Praperty and
<br /> Lender's rzgM�s in the Property. Lender's actions may include paying any surns secured by a Iien whi�h ha�priarity
<br /> over th�s Security Ins�rumen�,appearing in caur�,pay�ng r�asanable attorneys'fees and en�ering on�h�Property to
<br /> make repa�rs.A�th�ugh Lend�r may tal�e act�on under�his sec�ian,Lender dves na�have ta do sa.
<br /> A�.y am�un�ts disbursed by Lender under this sec�ion sha�� bec�me add�tionaX deb� af Borrawer s�cured by �his
<br /> SeCur�ty Ins�rumen�. Unless Borrawer and Lender agree to other terms of paymen�, th�se arnoun�s sha1� b�ar
<br /> �2444-201 S Cvmptiance Systems,Inc.AdBC-7904-�D 15.3,5,1054
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