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<br /> Hvme�'ederal Savings&Loan Assoc�ation of Home Federa�Savi.ngs&Loan Assoc�at�on of
<br /> Grand Island Grand I��and
<br /> 221 Sauth Locust Stre�t ZZ1 Svuth I�ncust Stree�
<br /> �Space Abo�e This Line Far Recordin�Data}
<br /> L�AN�RIGTNAT�R C�MPANY NAME:Home Federa�Saving��Loan Asso��iatian of Grand ISl.and
<br /> NMLS ��MPANY�D�NT�F�ER: 446443
<br /> L�AN t7RIGINAT�R NAME: Chr�s I�ask�ie
<br /> NMLS �RI��NAT�R IDENTIFIER:494658
<br /> DE�D t�F TRUST
<br /> BY THIS IlE�D �F TRUST}
<br /> THIS DEEI] �F TRUST �'tSecurity Ins�rument"} is made on ��taber �9, 2U15. The gran�ars are STEVEN R
<br /> EISENMANN and TRACY M EISENMANN, HUSBAND AND WIFE, whose addr�ss �s �111 PARK Dl�,
<br /> �RAND ISLAND, Nebraska 5SS�1-7327 �"Borrau�er"}. Borrav�er is nat nec�ssarily �he same as the Persan or
<br /> Persons v�ha sign �he I3ome Equity L�ne vf �red�� Agr�ement, dated t]�t�ber �9, 2415 �"Con�rac�"}. The
<br /> obligatzo�.s af Borrowers whv did not s�ga�the �ontract are expla�ned further in the sec�i�n titied Su��essars and
<br /> A55I��15 Bound; Jo�nt and 5evera� Liability; A�commodation S�gners. The trus�ee is Arend �t. Baack,
<br /> Attorney�vhose address �s P.�.Bvx 79U, �rand Islan�,Nebraska G8$02 ("Trus�ee"�. The beneficiary is Hame
<br /> Federal Savings & Loan Ass�c�ativn af Grand Island, wh�ch �s �rgani�ed and ex�sting under the Iavvs of�he
<br /> Unitied States of Amerzca and whose address is �21 South Locust Street, Grand Island, Nebraska 6SS�1
<br /> �"Lender"�. STEVEN R EISENMANN and TRA�Y M EISENMANN have entered inta a�o�.tra���ith Lender
<br /> as of Dctober Z9, 2015, under �he terms �f tivhzch Borr�wer mays from time �o �ime, ob�ain advances not ta
<br /> exceed, a� any t�me, a ***MAXIMUM PRIN�IPAL AMUUNT �E��LUDING PRC3TECTNE
<br /> ADVANCES��*� of Fifteen Thousand and U�I100 Dvl�ars �U.S. $15,�DU.4U} �'{Credx� Limi�"}. Any par�y
<br /> �nterested �n �he de�a��s rela��d to Lender's con�inuzng abligation �� ma�e advances �a Borrawer �s advised to
<br /> consu��direc�Iy,wi�h Lerider. If not pa�d earlier, �he sums ov�ring under Barrawer's Contrac�w��h Lender vv��I be
<br /> due on Nvvemb�r 15, 2U2U. This Security Instrument secures to Lender: �a} �he repayment of�he debt under�he
<br /> Car��ract, W�th zn�eres�, �ncludi.ng future ad�ances, and a��renev�als, ex�ensions and modif cations af the Con�rac�;
<br /> �b� �he paymen�of a�� other sums,with interest, advanced�o protect the security of th�s 5 ecur��y�nstrument under
<br /> �he prov�s�ans of�he sectio�a ��t�ed Pr�tect�an of Lender's Rights in the Property; and �c} �he perfarmance of
<br /> Borrawer's cavenants and agreements under this 5ecuri�y Instrument and the C�n�ract.Far�hzs purpose,Borrov�rer,
<br /> �n conszdera�i�n of�he deb�and�he �rust herein crea�ed, irrevacably grants and conveys to Trus�ee, z��rust, w��h
<br /> poWer�f sa�e,the fo���wing des�ribed praper�y laca�ed in the��UNTY of HALL,S�a�e af N'ehraska:
<br /> Address: 2111 PARK DR,G1�AND ISLAND,Nebraska�5841�73Z7
<br /> Legal Descrip�ion: LUT TWELVE �12}, �L��K "B", PARK - VIEW SUBDIVISI(]N, IN THE
<br /> T�GETHER WITH al� the imprvvemen�.s now or hereafter ere��ed on �he property, and all easemen�s,
<br /> appur�enar�ces, and f��ures n�w ar hereaf�er a part af�he proper�y. A�� rep�acemen�s and additians shal� a�so be
<br /> covered by �h�s Securi�y �nstrument. A�� of �he foreg�ing zs referred to �n this Se�urity �nstrumen� as �he
<br /> r�properCy.►,
<br /> B�RRC]�1L�EI�t C�VENANTS tha�t Borrawer�s�awFiil�y se�sed af tihe esta�e hereby c�nveyed and has �he right�.o
<br /> grant and cvnvey the Properry and tha� �he Property �s unencumbered, ex�ep� for encumbran�es of record.
<br /> Barra�er�warraritis and W�l� defex�d genera��y�he ��t�e �o �he Praper�y agaua.st all cla�rns a.n.d demands, sub��ct�o
<br /> any encumbrances of re�ord.
<br /> Borro�ver and Lender�a�renan�and agree as fo��aws:
<br /> Q 2�D4-��15 Cvmpliar3ce Systems,Inc.ASBC-7gD4-�a15.3.5.I464
<br /> Consurr�er Real Estate-Sec�rity Ir�strumer�t DL2�36 Pa�e 1 af 5 www.comp�iancesystems.cam
<br />