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� 2� 15�75�9 <br /> �n�erest frorn the da�e of d�sbu.rsement at the same rate assessed on ad� <br /> payable,w�th�n�eres�,u o�z no�i�e fr�m Lend an�es und�r �he �on�rac� and sha�� be <br /> � er to Barrav�er reques��ng paymen�. <br /> Inspec�ion. Lender flr its agent may make reasonab�e ent�ries u on and �ns ec�ion <br /> p. p s of the Prap��-ty. Lender shal i <br /> g��e Borrower not�ce at�he�ime af or priar�o an�nspe���on s ecz �n reasonable c <br /> � fY g ause for�he �nspec���n. <br /> �ondemna��on. The prfl�eeds flf any award or claim far dama es d�rect ar� <br /> c�ndemna�xon or�th�r takin of an art of�he � ' �nse�uent�ai, �n connec��on w��h any <br /> � y p Property, ar fflr �anveyance �n l�eu Qf c�ndemna�ion, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and shall�be paid��Lender. � <br /> �n �he event af a�otal taking of the Property, �he praceeds shall be a i�e � � <br /> pp d �a �he sums secured by th�s Secur��y <br /> Ins�rumen�, �whe�her flr no� �hen due, wi�h any excess paid �� Borrower. �n the even� <br /> Proper�y �n wh�ch �he fa�r marke� va�ue af the �f a par��ai �ak�r�g flf the <br /> Praperty ammedzate�y before �he �ak�ng is equa� �o �r greater�han <br /> �he amQunfi of the sums secured by �his Secur��y �pstrumen� imm�d�a�e� �befare the �a ' <br /> Lender o�herw��e agree �n v�r���n the sums se � � � � ��ng� un���s �°���'er and <br /> g, cured by th�s Secur��y ins�rument shai� �e reduced b�the amoun�flf <br /> �he proceeds mu��iplied by the fol�ovv�ng fra�ti�n: �a�the tota� amoun��f�he sums se�ured ' � <br /> �ak�ng, di�ided by �b� the fair market va�ue of the Pr ���m�a�a�ely i�efore the <br /> oper�y �mmed�a�e�y before �he tak�ng. Any ba�ance shall be <br /> pa�d t� Barravver. �n the even� of a part�al �ak�ng flf the Proper�y �n �vh�ch �l�e market �a� <br /> ue of�he Property <br /> �mmedYa�e�y bef�re the �ak�ng �s �ess �han �he am�unt of the sums secured �mmediatel bef <br /> Borrav�rer and Lender�thervvise a ree �n v�ritin or Y �re the tak�ng, un�ess <br /> g g un�ess App��cab�e �.av�oth�rw�se pra��d�s, the proceeds sha�i <br /> be app�ied ta�he sums s�cured by�his Secur�ty�ns�rument�vheth�r,or no�the sums are�hen due. <br /> �f�h� Pr�per�y is abandoned by Borr��ver, or xf, after notice by Lender to�Borrower that the <br /> condernnor offers t� <br /> make an award or settle a claim for damages, Borr�vver fa�ls�o resp�nd�o L�nder vv�thin th�m�n�m <br /> days es�abIished by App��cab�_e Lav�after�he da�e the nat��e i um number�f <br /> s g�ven,Lender�s authorized�o cal�ect and app�y�he <br /> pro�eeds, a� its ap�i�n, e��her ta restora��on or repair �f�he Pr�perty �r �a the sums secured b th�s <br /> �nstrument,v�h��h�r or n�t then due. Y Secur��y <br /> Un�ess Lender and BnrrovYer o�hervv�se agree �n v�rit�n an a licat� <br /> g, y pp fln af pro�eeds �a pr�nc�pal sha�� no�extend <br /> �r p�s�pvne�he due date of�he paymen�s due under�he Con�rac�ar change the amaun�af such a men�s. <br /> PY <br /> Bvrr�wer N�t Re�eased; Forbearanc� By Lender Not a �Va��er. Ex�ension of the �ime for a <br /> p yment or <br /> modif�a��an of amorti�a���n of the sums secured by�h�s Securi�y In�trument an�ed � Lender to Borr <br /> any successor �n �n�eres� af Borrower sha�I no� o erate t � �' ��er �r <br /> p o retease �he ��ab�l�ty _of �he or�g�na� Barrower or <br /> Borraw�r's successars �n interes�. Lender sha�� n��be requ�red �o �ommence praceed�n � a�a�ns�an �ucce� <br /> �nterest or refuse to extend time f�r paymen�or otherr�vise modx. ama ' � � �' �sor �n <br /> fy rt��a��on of�he sums secured by�h�s Se�ur�ty <br /> Instrumen� by reason of any demand made by �he original Ba�-�-ower or Borr�wer's successors in inter <br /> es�. A ny <br /> forbearance by Lender xn �xercxs�ng any r�gh� ar rem.edy shail no�be a wa��er of. ar rec�ude �he exerc' <br /> r�ght or remedy. � xse af any <br /> Successors and ,A,sS�gns Sound; Join� and Se�eral L�ab���� • Accomrn ' ' <br /> y, �da��o�n S�gners. The co�enan�s and <br /> agreemen�s Qf�his S�curity Instrument shati b�nd and�eneft the successars and assigns ��Lender and Borrov�er <br /> su�ject �Q �he pro�is�ons af sec��an t���ed Transfer af �he Prfl�er�y ¢r a Benef�eia� �nterQs� �n Borr y <br /> ower. <br /> Borrower's co�enants and agreements sha�� �e jo�n�and seWerai. Any�persan vvho co-signs th�s Se�ur� �ns�rument <br /> bu� has nn persona� l�ab��zty under the Can�rac� "Accommod ' � � <br /> . � a��on Signer"}: �a� �s c�-�S��lli7� ��1i5 Security <br /> Instrument flnly �fl mvr�bage, grant and c�n�ey that Accommodation S�gner�s �n�erest �n the Pro e under the <br /> �erms �f the Secur�ty �nstrument; b� �s n�t er�oxaal� � �� � � <br /> . � ) � y b gated �a pay �he sums secured �� th�s Secur��y <br /> �nstrument; and��� agrees�hat Lender and any o�her Barro�ver may agree to ex�end, mod�f , forbear ar make an <br /> accommoda�ions�i�h regard t��he�erms of�h�s.Se�uri �nstrument or � � � <br /> �y �he�on�rac�w��hou��ha�A�cammoda��an <br /> S�gner's consen�. � <br /> Loan �harg�s. �f�he l�an secured by this Secur��y Insfirurnen� �s .sub'ec� �o �a. Iavv whi <br /> ,� ch sets max�mum �oan <br /> �harges, and that �av�r�s f nally in�erpre�ed sfl�ha�th� �nterest or o�her. loan charges cai lected ar to be ca�lec�ed in <br /> ��nnect�on w�th the �flan ex�eed �he permi�ted 1imi�s, ��en: �a� any su�h �oa� charge shall be reduced b �he <br /> amoun�necessary to reduce the charge t��he permi�ted �imits and b an sums a�rea� y <br /> � } y y �ol�ec�e� from Borrower <br /> whzch exceeded perrn���ed l�mi�s �i�� be refunded �� Borrovver. Le�der may chaose ta make �his r�fu.nd b <br /> reducing the princ�pa� �vved under the C�ntrac� or by mak�n a d�rec� a ment ta Borro�ver. y <br /> � �p y �f a refund redUces <br /> pr�nc�pa�,�he re ducti�n wi��be trea�e d a s a p a r�i a l p r e p a y m e n�u n d e r�h e�o n�r a c t. <br /> No�ices. Any no��ce t� Borro,wer pra�ided fQr �n �his Securi Ins�rumen� sha�I be �ven b d ' <br /> �Y g y e���er�ng �t Qr by <br /> ma�l�ng�t by f rs�c�ass ma�l untess Appl�cable La�v reauires af an��her me���od. The n�tice shal� be directed to <br /> �he Proper�y Address ar any o�her address Borrower designa�es by na��ce to Lender. Barrower a r�es �o rov�de <br /> g p <br /> Lender v�i�h Borro�er's mas� current ma��ing address, as �t may Ghange from�ime-�o-time. Any no���e �a Lender <br /> sha�I be g�ven by f�rst elass ma��ta Lender's address sta�ed herein or any ather address Lender des�gna�es b nfltice <br /> Y <br /> t�BQrrov�er. Any no���e prov�ded far in�his Security Ins�rumen�shai�be deemed to ha�e been giv�n�o B�rravver <br /> ar Lender�hen g�ven as prQ��ded�n�h�s paragraph. <br /> �av�rn�ng Law; Se�erabil��y. Th�s Secur�t-y�ns�rument shatl be go�erned by federal lav�apd�he lav�s of the s�a�� <br /> of Nebraska. �n �he even� �ha� any prfl��s��n or clause of�his Securif.y �ns�rument or tl�e Contra�� confl�cts w�th <br /> Applicab�e La�, such conflic� sha�1 nat affec� ��her prov�s�ons af thi� Security �nstrument or�he Con�ract v�h��h <br /> �an be g��en effect wi�hout�he��nf�ic��ng prav�sion. To�his end�he pro��sians�f this Securi�y�ns�rumen�and�he <br /> �flntra��are de�iared�o be s��erable. <br /> Barrawer's�apy. Borrovver shal�be g�ven one copy af th�s Security Irtstrumen�. <br /> �2D�4-2D I 5 C�mpliance Systerr�s,Inc.I�GBC-E7AQ-2Q I 5.3.S.I fl64 . . . � _: <br /> Consumer Real Esta#e-Security 1z�strumer�t DL2436 Page 3 of 5 � wwlv.carr�pliancesysterns.corr� <br />