- . � 2� 15�75�9
<br /> ent af Prin�i al an� �nterest; �ther�harges. Borr�wer shall promp�ly pay�hen due�he pri�c�pal of and
<br /> Paym p
<br /> �nterest on�he debt�wed under the Con�ract and�ate charges�r any�ther fees and charges due under the C�ntra�t.
<br /> s used in this Securi �i,nstrumen�, the �erm "Ap�Iicab�e Law" shal� mean alI �on�rol��ng
<br /> Appl�cable Lav�. A �''
<br /> a li�able federal, s�ate and local statu�es, regulations, ordina�ces and adm�nist�ative rutes and orders �that ha��
<br /> p�
<br /> �he effec��f Iaw}as v�el�as all applicable final,n�n-appea�able j udicial opinxons.
<br /> Char es• Liens. Barr�v�er sha�l �ay a�� �axes, assessrnents, charges, fines and �mposi��ans at�ri.butab�e t� �he
<br /> g ?
<br /> pra � wh�ch ma a�ta�priority over this Sec�rity�nstrument, and �easehold paymen�s. �r ground�-ents, if any.
<br /> i� �Y y
<br /> ,�t the request of Lender,Barr�wer shall�romptiy furn�sh ta Lender receip��evidenc�ng t�e payments.
<br /> 1 rom �� dischar e an lien which has priari�y over�his Security�nstrumen�un�ess�orr�v�er: �a�
<br /> Barrawer sha� p p y � Y
<br /> a rees �n �vri�in to the ayrr�en� of the obligat�on secured �by the lien in a manner acceptabie to L.ender; �1��
<br /> � � p
<br /> cantes�s �n ood faith the ��en by, or def�nds against enforcement of the lien in, Iegal proceedings which �n�he
<br /> g
<br /> Lender's a in�on opera�e �a p�reven� �he enfarcemen� of�he l�en; ar ��� se�ures fr�m �he h��der af the lien an
<br /> P
<br /> a reement sa�isfac�ory to Lender subardina��ng�he �ien to.this Secur�ty �nstrument. If Lender determines that any
<br /> � -
<br /> p
<br /> ar�af�he Prflper�y xs subj ect�o a ��en vvhich rr�ay a�ta�n prior�� over�h�s S�curity Instrument, Lender may g�ve
<br /> Barrower a na�ice �dentifying the�l�en. Barrower shali sa��sfy th� �ien�r�ake flne or more of�he ac�i�ns set farth
<br /> above with�n �4 days.�f the g���ng of nvt�ce_ : �
<br /> I3azard �r Pro er�y Insura�c�..B�rra�ver;shal�keep the impro�emen�s nov�r ex�s�ing'Qr hereafter erec�ec�an the
<br /> �
<br /> Pr� er insured agains��oss by fre,�ha�ards inciuded w��hin�he�erm"extended coverage" and any other ha�ards,
<br /> p �Y .
<br /> �ncludin fl�ods or �1ood�ng, for which Lender requires insu�rance. Th�s lnsurance �ha�� be rna�n�ained in th�
<br /> g �
<br /> am�un�s and for the periods�hat I,ender requir�s.The ir�surance�arr�er pra�Yd�ng the�nsurance shali be chnsen by
<br /> B�rrawer sub'ec���o Lender''s appr��al vwhich sha�I no� be unreasonab�� withheld. If�3orrtiwer fa�1s to m�ir��ain
<br /> �
<br /> co�era e d�scribed abo�e, Lender may, at Lend�r's op��on, ob�ain caverage to pr��ect Lender's righ�s in the
<br /> �
<br /> Property in accordance rnri�h sect�on titied Prvte�tion of Lender's�ights in the Property.
<br /> nce ��icies and renev�als shal� be�ac�ep�able to Lender and sha�l include a standard mor�gage clause.
<br /> A11 �nsura p
<br /> Lender shal�ha�e�he right�a hold-the policies and r�newals. If Lender requires, BorrQ�er shail�r�m.ptly gr���o
<br /> Lender a���eceipts of paid prem�ums and renewa�n�tices. In the even�af loss, Barrov�er shal�give prompt n�tice
<br /> to�he insurance carrier and L�nder.Lender ma}�make proof of loss�f no�made pr�mp��y by Borr�v��r.
<br /> Un�e
<br /> ss Lender and Borrower o�herwise agree �n wri�t��g, ins�ran�e procee�ls shall be applied to restorati�n ar
<br /> re air of the Praper�y d�.mag�d, if, �n Lender's sole d�scretion, the restora�i�n or repa�r is econom�cally feas�b�e
<br /> �
<br /> and Lender's security �s not l�ssen�d. If, in Ler�der's sa�e discretion, the r�s�ora�ion �r repaxr is no� economica�ly
<br /> fea��ble�r Lender's security vErould be 1ess�ned,the ir�surance proceeds shal�be app�ied ta�he sums secured�y this
<br /> Secur� �ns�rumen�, whether or no�t �hen due, vv��h ariy ex�ess paid to �3orrov�er. �f Barrower abandons �he
<br /> �
<br /> Pro erty,�r does not answer�ithin�he number of days pres�ribed by App���a��e La�r as set farth�n a na�i�e from
<br /> p
<br /> Lender�a Borrav�er that the insurance �arrier has offered to set�le a c�a�m, then Lender may c�l�ec�the �nsurance
<br /> �
<br /> roceeds. Lender may use th� pro�eeds to rep�.ir or res�ore �h� Proper�y or�a pay sums secured by this Security
<br /> �nstrumen�,vvhether�or na��hen due.The period af�i�ne�or Barrower t�ansvver as set forth�n�he notice�i��begin
<br /> wh�n the notice�s given.
<br /> Unless L�nder and B�rrower o�herw�se agree in vvriting, any appl��a��vn of proceeds to principal sha1�na�extend
<br /> or p�s�p�n��he due date of��e payments due ��nde��he ��ntract or change�he am�unt of�he payments. If u�der
<br /> �he section ti�led Acc��era�i�n; Remed�es, �the Property is acqu�red by Lender, Borrower's right t� an�insuran�e
<br /> pQlicies and proceeds resultimg fr�m damage t� the Proper�y pr�ar to ��e a�quisiti�n shall pass to Lender�o �he
<br /> e�tent�f�he sums secured hy this Security�nstrument immed�ately prlor�o the ac�u�sition.
<br /> Preser���ion, Main�enanc� and Pr�tec�i�n of the Pr��erty; Barrvwer's Loa� App�icat�on; LeaS�holds.
<br /> Borra�ve�shall no�destroy, �.amage ar im�a�r the Property, ailow the Property to de��eri�rate, or�ommi�was�e on
<br /> �he Fraper�y.Borrower shall be�n defau�t if any farfe�ture act�on�r pr�ceeding,wh.e�her civ�1�r crimina�,is begun
<br /> �ha� �n L�nder's good fa��h judgmen� could resu�� �� f�rfei�ure of�he Praperty ar ��herwise mat�r�ally impa�r the
<br /> �ien created by this Securi� �ns�rumen� ar Lender's securi�y interes�. Borrower may �ure such a defaul� and
<br /> reins�a�e, as proWided �n sec�ion titled�arravv�r's la.ight to l��inst�te, by �aus�ng�he ac�ivn or pr�ceeding�o be
<br /> dismissed v�ri�h a ruling tha�, �n Lenc�er's good faith de�erm�na�i��,prec�udes forfeiture�f�he Sorrov�'er's�n�eres�in
<br /> �he Praper�y o� other ma��r�al impairmen� of�he �ien creat�d by th�s Securi�ty �nstrument or Le�der's secur�ty
<br /> interest.Borrower sha��a�so�e in defaul�if B��ravver,during the�oan applica��on p�ocess,ga�e ma�er�a�ly false or
<br /> inac�ura�e informat}on or s�a�emen�s �� Lender �or faiie�. ico prov�de L�nder v�ri�h any mater�al ix�formatian} in
<br /> connectiQn v�ith the Itian e���enced by�he �ontrac�. �f�his Security �nstrurnent is on a�easeho�d, Bflrraw�r shal�
<br /> c�m����rrith aI��he pr�visi�ns of the�ease. �f Borr�wer acqu�res fee title to�he PrQper�y,the�easeho�d and th�fe�
<br /> �i�le�hall no�rnerge unXess L�nder agrees���he merger in wr�ting.
<br /> Prntection of Len�er�s laights in the Prop�r�y. �f Barrower fa��s tfl p�rform the co�enants and agreerr�ents
<br /> c�nta�ned i��this Secur��y�nstrumen�, or�here is a l�gal pro�eeding that ma�signif�cantly affect Lender's r�gh�s �n
<br /> the Proper�y �such as a proceeding �n bankruptcy, probate, f�r ca�demna��on or forfei�ur� ar t� enforce lav�s or.
<br /> regula�ions}, �hen Lender may do and pay fQr vvhate�er is necessary �o �r��ect the �aiue of�he Prope�.y and
<br /> Lender's rights in the Prap�r��y. Lender's ac�i�ns may include pay�ng any sums secured by a lien�hich has pr�ority
<br /> o�er this Securi�ty�nstrumen�., appear�ng in caur�,pay�ng reasoriab�e a��orne�s'fees and ent�r�ng on�h�Pro�erty t�
<br /> make repairs.Although Lender may�ake a�tion under�his sec�i�n,Lender d�oes riot ha�e ta d�so.
<br /> Any am�unts dis�ursed by Lender under fihis sec�ion sha�l becoxne add��ianal deb� of Borr�wer secured �y this
<br /> Securi�y �r�strurnent. Un�ess Borr�wer and L�nder agree �a o�her ter��s af payment: �hese amoun�s sha]l bear
<br /> Cc�2d44-24i5 Cvrr►pliance Systen�s,Inc.A6BC-B7Aa-2a15.3.5.1�d4
<br /> Consu�er Real Es#ate-Securi€y Instrument DL2�36 Pa�e 2❑f 5 www.camp]iar�c�systems.com
<br />