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2� 15�7525 <br /> a <br /> 1 <br /> Mortgagor or Grantor will pay those �erifying and to�aling assessments and bi1Zs. <br /> amounts to Lender unless Lender te11s Howe��r, Lender may charge Mortgagor or <br /> Mortgagor or Grantor, in writing, that Grantor far thes�ser�ices if Lender pays <br /> Mor�gagor or Grantar does nat ha�e to do Mor�gagor or Grantor uaterest an the Funds <br /> so, or unl�ss the law requires otherwise. and if the law permits Lender to make such a <br /> Mortgagor or Grantor wi11 make thase charge. Lend�r may requir�M�rtgagor or <br /> paym�nts at the times required by Lender. Grantor ta pay a one-time charge for an <br /> independent real estate tax reporting ser��ce <br /> Lender wil�estimate from time to time used by Lender in accordance with the <br /> Mortgagor or Grant�r's yearly taxes, 5ecured Debts, unless applicable law <br /> assessments, �easehold payments ar ground pro�ides otherwise. Lender wi11 not be <br /> rents and insurance premiums, which will be required to pay Mortgagor or Grantor any <br /> �alled the Escraw Items. Lender wili use interest nr earnings on th� Funds unless <br /> existing assessments and bills and reasanable either(i} Lender and Mortgagor�r�rantor <br /> estunates of future assessments and bi11s. The agree in writing, at the time Mart�agflr or <br /> amounts that Mor�gagor or Gran�or pays to Grantar signed th�s Security Instrument, that <br /> Lender for Escrow Items under thrs sect�an L�nder will pay tnterest on the Funds; or <br /> will be called the Funds. Lender w�ll co�lect �ii}txie law require�Lender ta pay interest on <br /> and hold Funds �n an amount not to exceed the Funds. <br /> the maximum amount a lender for a federally <br /> related martgage loan may require for If the Funds held by Lender exceed the <br /> Mflrtgagor ar Grantor's escrow account amounts pernutted ta be herd by a licable <br /> under�he federal Real Estate Settlement pp <br /> Procedures Act of 1974(as amended}, unles5 law, Lender will account to b�rrower for the <br /> another law that appli�s ta the Funds sets a e���ss Funds in accordance with the <br /> lesser amount. If so, Lender will callec�and requirements of applicable Iaw. If the amount <br /> hoid Funds in the lesser amount. of the funds held by Lender at any tun�is <br /> not suffic�ent to pay the Escrow Items when <br /> Lender wi�1 keep the Funds in a savings or due, Lender ma�nat�fy borrower in writing, <br /> banking insti�ution which has its deposits or and, in such case, borrower will pay to <br /> accounts�nsured ar guaranteed by a federal Lender#h�amount necessary to make up the <br /> or sta�e agency. If Lender is su�h an shortage or deficiency. Borrower shail make <br /> institution, Lender may hold the Fund s. up the shflrtage�r de�ciency as Lender <br /> Lender wi�l use the Funds to pay the Escrow directs, subject to the requirements of <br /> Items. Lender will�i�e Mortgagor or appiical�le�aw. <br /> Grantor, withaut charge, an annual <br /> accoun�ing of the Funds. That accounting If, hy reason of any default under this <br /> must shaw a�l additions t�and deductions Security Instrument, Lender declares all <br /> from the Funds and the reasnn for each Secured Debts due and payabie, Lend�r may <br /> deduction. then apply any Funds against the Secur�d <br /> Debts. <br /> L�nder may not charge Mortgagor or <br /> Grantor for h�lding or keeping the Funds, When Mnrtgagor or Grantor has paid ail of <br /> for using the Funds to pay Escrow Items, the sums secured, Lender wili promptly <br /> far ana�yzing Mortgagor or Grantar's refund tn Mort�agor or Grantor any Fund s <br /> paym�nts❑f Funds, or for recei�ing, that are then being h��d by Lender. <br /> Mort ge Rider USB-MTG-R 312512�74 <br /> VMP�Bankers SystemsrM <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial 5ervices Q Z�D9 Page 2 af 3 <br />