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2� 15�7522 <br /> DEEC� �F TRUS1� <br /> ��[]ntirlu�d� Page � <br /> anticipa'�ed post-judgrr��nt collect�vn ser�ices, the cvst o# ��arching reca�rds, obtaining �i�le repor�s �inc�uding <br /> forec[Qsure repartsy, sur��yors' r�ports, and appraisal fees, ti�le insuran�e, and #ees for�he Truste�, �a the ex��nt <br /> pe�mit�ed by app�icable law. Tru�tor alsv w�l� pa�any �ourt costs, in additian to all ��her sums prv�ided by law. <br /> Rights vf Tru�tee. Tru�tee shall ha�e a�i ❑f�he r�ghts �r�d dutie�of Lende�as set farth in this�ection. <br /> POWERS AND �BLIGATIONS �F TRUSTEE. The following pra�isions relafiing to�he p�wers and obligations o�Trustee <br /> are part of�his �eed a�Trust: <br /> Pawers o�Trustee. [n addition to all pawers of Trust�e arising as a mafit�r vf law, Trustee shall ha�e�he pvwer�a <br /> tak� the €ollowing actions with r�spe�t tv�he Property upon the wri�ten request�f L�nd�r and Trustor: �a� jvin in <br /> prep�ring and �iling a map or p�at o� the Re�l Praperty, including the dedi�ation of streets or other r�ghts to the <br /> public; fhj join in grantin� any eas�men� �r creating any restriGtion on the Rea{ Property; and �c} j��n in any <br /> su�ardination or other ag�eement af�ecfi�ng this Deed ❑f Trust or the interes���Lender under�his Deed af Trust. <br /> Truste�. Trustee shall meet a�� qualifi��ti�ns r�quired for �'rustee under appli��ble law. In addi�tivn ta the rights <br /> and remedies set forth abv�e, with resp��t t� afl or any part of th� Praperty� �he Trustee shall ha�e th� right to <br /> �vreclase by noti�� and sale, and Lender w��� ha�� th� righ� tv �oreGlQse by judi�ial tor�closure, in either �a�e in <br /> aGcordance with and�o the full��tent proWided by�ppl�ca�l� I�w, <br /> �u�cessar Trustee. Lende�r at Lender's t��tion, may�rom t+me tv tim� app�int a �uccessor Trustee tt� any Trus�e� <br /> app�int�d under �his Deed o� Trust by an instrum�nt execu�ed and acknawledged hy L�nder and recqrded in �he <br /> office of th� recorder of HALL County, 5tate af Nebraska. The in�trument shall cvntain, in addit+on �o all oth�r <br /> ma�ters requir�d by s�Ca�e law, �he names ofi th� ariginal Ler�der, Trus�ee� and Trus�or, the baak and page �ar <br /> c�mputer sys�em refer�nce� wh�re this �eed af Trust is recnrded, �nd the name and address af the succ�ssar <br /> trustee, and the instrument shall �e executed and acknowl�dged b�all the benefriciarfes under this ❑eed o�Trus�ar <br /> fiheir su�ce�sars in �n�erest. The su�cessor�rus�e�, withvut con�eyance o� the Praperty, shall sucGeed to alf th� <br /> title, pow�r, and duties conferred upon�he Trustee in this Deed v�Trust and hy applicabfe law. This procedure for <br /> substi�uti�n of Trustee shall go�ern tv the��clusivn af all other prv�isions for substitution. <br /> N�TIGES. Any notiCe required �o k�e gi��n und�r th�s De�d of Trust, in�luding v�rithaut limitatian any noti�� �f default <br /> and any no�ice o�s�le shall be gi��n �n writing, and shall b� �ffe�ti�e when actua��y deli�ered, when ac�ua�ly reGei�ed <br /> by tefefia�simile {unless atherwise required by (aw�, v�hen depvsited with a nationally reeo�ni�ed o�ernight cou�3er, or, if <br /> mailed, when depasited in the �nited S�a��s mai�, as fir�t class, certif+ed or registered maif pos�age prepaid, directed to <br /> the addresses shown n�ar the kaeginning of this ❑e�d Qf Trust. All cvp��s o� n�ti�es o� fore�losure from the hold�r o'F <br /> any lien which has priori�y o�er this Deed of Trust sh�ff be sen� �o Lende�'s address, as shawn near the beginning o� <br /> �his �eed of Trust. Any persvn m�y chang� his ❑r her address �ar notic�s und�r this Deed a� Trust by �i�ing forma! <br /> written nv�ice �o the atF�er person or person�, specifyin� �hat �he purp�se af the notiGe is �Co chang� �he person"s <br /> address. Far nv�Cice purposes, Tru�tor ag�ees�ta keep L�nder informed at all rimes of Tru�tor's current address. l�nless <br /> �therwi�e pr�vid��i or requir�d f�y law, if there is mare �h�n vne Tru$tv�, any natice gi�en by L�nder ta any Trustor is <br /> deemed to be nv�i��gi��n�a all Trus'�vrs. �t wi�� be Trust�r's respvnsib�lity to xell the others of the no�ice from L�nder, <br /> 1VIISCELLA�IfE�US PRUVI5IC�NS. The�olfvwing miscellaneous pro�isiqns are a part of this Qeed�f Trus�: <br /> Amendmen'ts. VVhat is writ'�en in this Deed af Trust and in �he Related Docum�nts is Trustvr's en�ire agr�ement <br /> with Lender concerning the ma�kters ca�ered by this ��ed of Trust. Ta be effecti�e, any change or amendm�nt�o <br /> �his a�ed af Trust must he in writing and must he signed by whoe�er will be bound ar obligated by the chang� ar <br /> amendmen�. <br /> Capti�n Headings. Caption head�ngs in this Deed of Trust are �vr can�enience purposes only and are na� ta b� <br /> us�d ta interpret or defin��he provisions af�his Deed af Trust. <br /> Merg�r. Th�re shatt b� no merger af the interes#vr estate created by this Deed a�Trust with any other interest or <br /> esta�e in '�he Property a� any t'rm� held by �r�or�he benefit Qf Lender in any capacity, wi�hout the written cansent <br /> af Lender. <br /> Gaverning Law. This Deed a�Trust wi1� be gvverned by federal law �pplicabie �a Lender �nd, to the extent nvt <br /> pr�err�pted by federal law,the faws o�the State of Nebraska wi�hvut r�gard to its �vn#licts v�law prt�rrisions�, This <br /> Deed��TruS�has b�en a�cepted by Lender�n�he St��e o�F Ne�raska. <br /> Choi�� �f Venue. If tl�ere is a la�rsuit, Trustor agrees upon Lender's request tv submit to �he jurisdic�ivn of the <br /> cvurts o�Hall Caunty, ��a#e Q#�Nebraska. <br /> Joint and Seve�ral Liahiiity. All q�ligat�ons ofi Barrower and Tru�tor under �his D�ed o�F Trust shall be joint and <br /> se�eral, and af! references t�Trustor s�alf inean eaGh and e�ery Trust�r, and all refe�enGes to Sorrower shall m�an <br /> each and e�ery gorrvv►►er. This means that each Trustor signing belvv� Fs responsible fvr all �bligations in this ❑�ed <br /> of T�ust. <br /> Na WaiWer by Lender. Trustor und�rstands Lender will not gi�e u� any of Lender's righ#s under this Deed af Trust <br /> unless Lender daes s❑ in writing. The fact that Lend�r deiays ar omits ta �xercise any right wEll nvt mean that <br /> Lender ha� gi�en up that right. �� Lende� d�es agree in writing �a gi�� up on� of L�nder's rights, that doss nc�t <br /> mean TrustQr wili nvt ha�e �to c�mply with the o�her pro�isions of this De�d of Trust. Trus�or a�so understands <br /> �hat i� L�r�d�r daes cansent �v a requ�sfi, that daes nat m�an that Tru�t�r wili n�t ha�� to get Lend�r's consent <br /> �gain if the situation happens again. Trustar fiurth�r unders�ands tha�t just �ecause L�nd�r consents�o❑n�❑r more <br /> �f Trustor's reques�s, that do�s not mean Lender will be r�quir�d to �vnsent ta any of Tru�tvr's fu�ure requ���s�, <br /> Tru�tar�rai�es presen�ment, demand for p�aymen�, pro��s�, and notice of d�shonvr. <br /> S�verab�lit�. If a cour� finds �hat any prt�Wision a��his D��d taf Trust i� nvt �a�id vr shau�d n�t �� en�arced, ���� <br /> �ac� by its�l�will not mean that th� rest���his �eed o'�Trust will nvt be �alid or�n�orced. Therefvre, a cour�will <br /> enforc��he r�st of the pro��sions vf this Q�ed of Trust e�en if�pro�isian of this C�eed of Trust may be�ound ta be <br /> in�aiid vr unenfarceable. <br /> Succ�ssars and �Issigns. Su�ject to any lirriita�ivns stafied in thi� Deed of Trus� an �ransfer of Trus�or's �nterest, <br /> this Deed of �`rust shali b� bind�ng upon and 'rnure �o the b�nefit af �he parties, their success�rs and assigns. If <br /> own��ship v�the Praperty becomes �ested in a persvn ath�r than Trust�r, Lender, without notice �a Trustar, may <br /> deaf vv�th Trusto�'s succ�ssvrs with refer�nc�t�this Deed of Trust and th� Indebtedness by vuay o�far�earance or <br /> extensian wi�h�ut rel�asing Trustor frvm �he obli�ations�f this C�eed vf Trust vr liability under the Inde�tedness. <br /> Time is of�he Essence. Time is of the essence �n the p�r�vrmanc�of�his ❑eed a#Tru�t, <br /> Vllai�er of Hvmestead Exempt�an. Trustor hereby releaseS and wai�es all rights and }�enefiits of th� hc�mestead <br /> exemptian laws of fihe S'�at� o�Nebrask�a as to a!I Indebtedn�ss secur�d by this C�eed af Trust. <br /> QEFINITiaNS. �'h�follov►rin�wards Shall ha�e the foll�wing meanings o►uhen us�d in�his Deed of T�ust. <br /> g�ne�iciary. The ward "genefici�ry" me�ns Exchange �ank, an�l its suGcessors and assi��s. <br /> garrawe�. T'he word "'Bvrrow�r" means MAR� A C�TT� and include� aff co-signers and co-makers s�gning �he <br /> �redi�Agre�ment and all their su�c�ssors�nd as�ign�. <br /> Credi� Agresment, The wards "Credit Agreement" mean th� �redit agreemen� d�ted Dctt�ber �7, 24�5, with <br /> cr�dit limit vf $�L�,U�]�,DU from Barrower �o �ender, together with all renewals of, e�tensivns a�, <br />