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2� 15�7491 <br /> ov�r�his Securi�r Instrument,appearing�n c�urt,pay�ng reasana��e a�torneys'fees and enter�ng on�he Praperfi�t� <br /> make repairs.A���ough Lender may take a��ion under this sec��on,Lerider does not have�a d�so. <br /> Any amaunts d�sbursed by Lender under �h�s secfiian sha�� become addi�iona� deb� of BorrnWer secured by this <br /> Securi�ty Ins�ru.ment. Un�ess Borrower and Lender agree to ather �erms �f paymen�, these amaun�s shall bear <br /> interes� from the da�e of d�sbursement a� �he sarne rat� assessed ori advances under the �antract and sha�I be <br /> payable,with�nteres�,upan nfltzce from Lender�a Borrower reque�ting paymen�. <br /> Inspection. Lender or ��s agen�may make reas�nable en�ries upon and inspect�ons of th� Proper�y. Lender shall <br /> give Borro�ver notice at�he t�me of or pr�or�a an�nspec��an specifying reasonable cause far the inspec��on. <br /> �ondemnati�n. The proceeds of any award or c�aim for damages, direc�or conse�uen�ial, in connec�ian v�rith any <br /> c�ndemnat�on or o�her tak�ng ❑f any par�of the Propez-�y, or for conveyan�e in�ieu af condemna�ior�, are her�by <br /> assigned and sha��be pazd�v Lender. <br /> In�he even� of a tata� �ak�ng of�he Praperty, the proceeds sha�l be ap�lied to �he sums secured by thzs Securzty <br /> Ins�rumen�., �rhe�her or na� then due, W�th any excess paid �o Barr�wer. In the even� of a part�aX tak�ng of the <br /> Proper�y in vvhich the fazr marke�va�ue vf th� Property immediately before the taking�s e�ua��o or greater than <br /> the amoun� of the sums secured by �his Secur�ty �ns�rument immed�ate�y befare �he �a��ng, un�ess Borra�ver and <br /> Lender otherw�se agre�in wri�ing,�he sums secured by this 5ecur�ty�ns�rument shall be reduced by the am�unt of <br /> the praceeds mul��p�ied by the fo��owing fract�an: �a��h�tata� amaun�❑f�he sum.s secured immedia�ely before�.he <br /> �akzng, divided by �b} �he fair marketi value af�he Froper�y immed�a�e�y bef�re the �aking. An.y balance shail l�e <br /> pa�d �o Borrovc�er. �n �he event of a par�xa� �aking of�he Property zn v�rhich the fazr market value of�he Praperty� <br /> immed�a�e�y bef�re �he �akir�g is �ess �han �he amoun� �f�he sums secured �mmediately before �he �aking, 13�1��55 <br /> Borr��vver and Lender atherwise agree in wrxting or un�ess App�zcable La�w a�herw�se pro�ides, �he proceeds shall <br /> be applz�d���he sums secured by�his Security�nstrumen�u�he�her or no��he sums are�hen due. <br /> �f�he Property is abandaned by Borrawer, or if, after no��ce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor affers�o <br /> make an aurard or se�tle a c�aim for damages, Borrower fa��s ta resp�rid to Lender wi�hin the min�mum number af <br /> days establis�ed by Applicab�e Law af�er the da�e�h�no�ice is give�a,Le�ader is auth�rized�a colle��and app�y the <br /> praC���.S, at ��s ap��on, ei�her ta res�oration ar repa�r of the Praperty or �a the sums secured by this Securi�y <br /> Ins�rumen�,vvhe�he�r or not then due. <br /> Unle�s Lender and Borrower o�herwise agree zr�v�ri��ng, any applica�ian af proceeds�o prin��pa1 shall no�extend <br /> or pos�pone the due date af�he payments due under th�Cvntract ar change�he amaunt of such paymen�s. <br /> Rorrower Not R�xeased; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Ex�e�.sz�r� of the ��me far paym.ent ar <br /> modifica�.ian of amvr�iza�ian af�he sums secured by �his Security Ins�rurnen� gran�ed by Lender �o B arrovtrer ar <br /> ax�y su�c�ssor in interest of Barr�v�er sha1l not ap�rate �o release �he liabi���y �f the arig�na� Borro�ver or <br /> BQrro�er's successars �n interest. Le�.der shall�.o�be requzred�o c�mmence proceeding�against any successor in <br /> in�er�s�or refuse�o extend time for paymen��r atherw�se modify amor�iza�ian of�he sums secured by this Security <br /> �ns�rumen� by reasan of any�d made by �he arigxna� B�rrovver �r Borrower's successars in interes�. An}� <br /> forbearance by Lender �n exercis�ng any right or rem�dy sha�l not be a waiver af ar preclude the �xercise of any <br /> rxght ar remedy. <br /> Suc�essors and Ass�.gns Baund; Jvint a�.d Se�era�. L�ability; Accommodat�fln S�g�.ers, The ca�er�an�s and <br /> agreemen�s of�his S�curi�y Instrument sha��bind and�enefit the successors and assigns �f Lender and Borrower, <br /> sub�ect �a the prov�sians of sec��an �z��ed Transfer af the Property or a Bene�c�a� In�erest in Barrower. <br /> BorraWer's cavenants and agreemen�s sha�l be join�and several.Any person vvho co-signs th�s Se�uri�y�ns�rumen� <br /> bu� has n� persona� �iabi�ity under �he Con�ract �"Accammoda�ian Szgner"}: �a} is co-sign�n�; �his 5ecurity <br /> �ns�rument only �a martgag�, gra�� and canvey �ha� Ac�omrnadati�n S�gner's interes� �n �he Property ur�.der the <br /> terms of the Security �nstrumen�; �b� is na� pers�nally abliga�ed �o �ay the �ums SECUr�(� �7� �h.15 Security <br /> Inst�ment; and�c} agrees�ha�Lender ax�d any� Borrower may agr�e�o ex�.end,mod�fy, farbear�r make any <br /> accommodatians with regard to�he�erms�f�his Secur�ty�ns�rument or the Contracti vvithout that Accommodatian <br /> Sigrier's consent. <br /> Loan Charges. �f�he loan secured by this Securi�y Ins�rument �s subj ec� to a Iaw �t7vhich sets maximum Ioan <br /> charges, and that�av�r is final�y interpre�ed s��hat�he interes�ar o�her��an charges co���cted or ta be collected in <br /> can�ect�fln �w�th �he �oan exceed �he permi�ted Iim�ts, then. �a} any such lvan charge shal� be reduced by the <br /> arn�unt necessary�a reduce the charge to th�permi�ted��mi�s ar�d�b} any sums a�ready c����c�ed fram Borrov�er <br /> wh�ch exceeded p�rmi�ted ��mits wi�� be reftu�ded to Borrow�r. Lender may choose to mal�e �his refund by <br /> reducir�g �he principa� avved under�the Con�rac�flr by mak�ng a d�rec�paym.ent to Borrovver. If a refu.nd reduces <br /> principa�,the reduc�ion w�il be�rea�ed as a par�ial prepaymen�under the Can�rac�. <br /> Notxces. �ny notice �a BorroWe� pr�vzded far �n �his Securi�y �nstrumen� shall be given by de��vering i� or by <br /> ma���ng i�by f rs�c�ass maix unless Appl�cable LaW requ�reS use af an��her me�hod. The natice sha1l be d�re�t�d ta <br /> �he Praper�Address or any o�her address Borrower d�signa�es by natice �o Lender. Borrovver agrees �� prov�de <br /> Lender vvith B�rr�vver's most curren�mailir�.g address, as i� may chang� fram�-tim�. Any n�tice ta Lender <br /> sha�I be g�ven by firs�class mail�o L�nder's address s�ated herein�r any other address L�nder designat�s by notice <br /> �o Barr��rer. .Any notxce provzded for���his Securi�y�ris�rumen�shall be deemed to have been gz�en�a��rrower <br /> or Lender vvhen given as provided in this paragraph. <br /> ��verning I.�aw; Severabi��ty.This 5ecurity�nstruamez�t sha��be governed by federa�xaw and the Iaws af the s�a.te <br /> of Nebras�a. In the ev��.��hat any prav�sion or clause af this 5ecur��r �nstxumex�� or the Con�rac� canfl�cts wi.�h <br /> Applicable La�vv, such conflic� shall nat affec� a�her pr�visians of this Securi�ty �ns�rument or the Cantract�uhich <br /> C�2444-2d 15 Cvmpliance 5ystems,Inc.A6BC-517E-�6 f <br /> Cvnsumer Rea�Estate-Security Instrument DL203b Page 3 of 5 www.camplianGesystems.�vm <br />