2� 15�7491
<br /> Borrotiver vtrarrants and�vi11 defend gen�ral�y the �it�e to the Proper�r agains�C a�� claims and deman�s, subj ect t�
<br /> any encumbrances af r�cord.
<br /> Borrovver and Len�er covenan�and agree as fo�Iovvs:
<br /> Payment flf Principal and Interest; �ther�hargese Barrativer sha1l pram.p�ly pay vvhen due�he pri�a.cipa�af and
<br /> in�erest an the�iebt owed ttnder�he��n�ract and�ate charges ar any other fee� and charges due under�he Cor��ract.
<br /> Appli�ab�e Law. As used in �his Security Instrument, �he term "Appli�a��le Law" shal� m�an al� �on�rolling
<br /> applicab�e federa�, state and loca� s�atu�es, reg�lat�ons, ardinances an� admi���s�ra���e ru�es and orders �that have
<br /> th�effe��of Iav�r}as we�l as al�app��ca��e fnal,non--appealable�udicial opiniQns.
<br /> �harges; Liens. Ba�-rau�er shal� pay al� taxes, assessments, chaxges, f nes and impas�tio�s attributa.b�e to �he
<br /> Pr�per�y which may a�tain priority o�er�his Se�ur�ty�nstrumen�, and leasehald paymen�s or ground rents, if any.
<br /> At the request of Lender,Borrower sha�1 promp�ly fi.u-n�sh�o Lend�r re�e�pts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Borro�wer shall pramp�ly discharge an�lien Which has priarzty over�his Security�ns�rumen�unless Borrow�r: �a�
<br /> agrees in wr�ting to the payment of the obl�gation secured by the lien in �� manner accep�ab�e �o Lender; �b}
<br /> �flnt�sts in gnod fai�h the Ii�n by, �r defends against enforceme�� af�he lie:� in, Iegal proceedings �vhich �n �he
<br /> Lender's opxnion operate ta prevent �he enforcement af the Iien; or tc� sec�u.res fr�m th� ha�der af the �ien an
<br /> agreement satisfac�ory t� Lender subardinating�he lie��a �his Secur�ty Instrt:�ment. If L�nder de�ermines�hat any
<br /> part of the Property �s su�b�ect ta a l��n wh�ch may at�a�n priority aver this 5��curity Ynstrumen�, Lender may give
<br /> Borrower a no�ice identify�ng�he �zen, Borr�wer shal� satzsfy t.�ie Iien ar take ane �r more of the act�ons set forth
<br /> abave v�i�hin 1�days of the g�ving of notice.
<br /> Hazard or Property Insuran�e. Borrov�rer sha��keep the improvement�nov��existing or hereaf�er �rec�ed on the
<br /> Property insu.red agains�Iflss by f re,ha�ards included�w��hzn�he term"exter�d.ed�overage" and an�ather hazards,
<br /> including floods or fla�ding, for which Lender requires insurance. This ir�surance sha�l be maintained in �he
<br /> amaur��s a�d for the per�ods�ha�Lender requires. The insurance carrier prflvi��ing�he insurance sha��b�chas�n by
<br /> B�rravver su�bj ect tfl Lender's appr�val �vhich shall no� be unreasonably v��]zheld. If Borrawer fa�1s t� ma�ntain
<br /> coverage described aba�e, Lender may, at Lender's op�x�n, �btai�a. cavera�;e ta pro�ect Lender's rights �n �he
<br /> Property in a�c�rdance With sec�ion�it�ed Fr�tec�ifln vf Lender's Rights in tlhe Prapert�.
<br /> A�� insurance po�icies and renevsrals shal� be accep�ab�e to Lender and shalX inc�ude a standard mortgage c�ause.
<br /> Lender sha��have�he right��hold�he pal�c�es and renewa�s. If Lender requi�-es,Bflrravver sha1�promp�ly give to
<br /> Lender a�l rece�pts of paid premiums and renewal no�i�es. �n the even�of las,�, I3arrovver shal�g�ve pr�mpt notice
<br /> ta the insurar��e�arrzer and Lender.Lender may make prQof af�oss if na�made promptly by Barrow�r.
<br /> Unless Lender and BorroWer o�her�vxse agree in writing, irisu.rance proce��:s shall be applied �o restara�ion o�
<br /> �
<br /> repa�r of�he Prop�rty damaged, if, in Lender's sole discretiQn, the restora�ian or repair is econ�mically feasible
<br /> and Lender's security is not�essened. �f, in Ler�der's so�e discretion, the rest��ration �r repa�r�s n�� ecanomically
<br /> feasible or Lender's security would be lessened,the insurance praceeds sha�l�e app�ied to�he sums secured b�this
<br /> S e curity �nstrument, vvhe�h�r or not then due, �vi�h any exc ess paid to B c�rro�ver. �f B orro�ver abandons the
<br /> PrQperty, or does na�ansv�er vvi�un the number af days prescribed by App�ica.ble Lavv as set f�rth in a no�ice from
<br /> Lender�� Borrovver that�he insura�.c� carr�er h�s offered�a sett�� a c�aim, �hen Lend�r may co�l�ct�h� znsurance
<br /> proce�ds. Lender may use the proce�ds to repair or restore the Proper�y or to pay surns secured by�hxs 5ecurit�
<br /> Ins�rument,vvhether or not�hen due.The per�od�f time for BarroWer to ansvv�;r as s��foar�h�n the notice v�ril�begin
<br /> when the notice is giv�n.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrotiver oth�r-v�rise agree ix�writir�g, any applica�i�n of�:raceeds�a principal sha�l nat ex�end
<br /> �r postpone�he due date of the paymen�s due under�h� �an�ract ar change tlle amount of�he payments. �f under
<br /> the sectian�i�led Acceleration; Renn�dies, �he Property is a�quired by Lend�,r, Borrower's right�a any�nsurance
<br /> policzes and proc�eds resu���ng from damage to the Propert�prior to the a�c�u�sition sha�l pass �o Lender �a the
<br /> extent of�he sums secured by this 5ecuri�y�ns�rumen�irnmed�ately prior�o the:acqu�s��ion.
<br /> Preser�vativn, Maintenance and Pr�tect�vn of the Proper�y; Borrovver's Loan Applicati�n; Leaseholds.
<br /> B�rrovver shal�not destro�r, damage �r impair the Proper�y, al�aw�a.e Prapert;y�o det�riora�e, �r commat�vaste an
<br /> �he Pr�perty. Borrov�rer shall be�n default if any forfei�ure action or pr�ceedi�;�,whe�her civil or criminal,is begun
<br /> �ha� in Lender's go�d fa�th j�xdgmen� cauld resul� in forfeiture of�he Prapert� ar a�her��se materially impa�r the
<br /> Iien crea�ed by �his Securi�ty �ns�rument or Lender's securi�y interes�. Barrov�rer may cure such a d�fau�� and
<br /> reinsta�e, as prov�ded in sec�ian�i�led B�rrower�s Righ� �o Reinstate, by ca�u�ing the ac�ion or proce�ding t� be
<br /> dismissed uri�h a ruling tha�,in Lender's gaod faith de�erminatian,pre�ludes���rfeiture of the Borro�wer's interes�in
<br /> the Property or other ma�er�al impai�-men� af�he lien created �y th�s 5ecu.�-ity �ns�rument or Len�er's secur��y
<br /> �nterest.Borrou�er sha�l a�so�e in defau��if Borrovver,during�he 1�an app�ica�:ion pracess,gave ma�erial�y false or
<br /> inaccura�e informati�n or s�a.tements to Lender �or fa��ed �o pravide Lende:r vvith any ma��rial �nform�tion} in
<br /> connec�ion with�he ��an evxdenced�y�he Con�ract. If�his 5ecurity�ns�rument is on a leaseh�ld, Bflrrau�er sha�l �
<br /> camply with a���he provisions of�he lease. If Barrovv�r acqu�res fee ti�1e ta th��Pr�per�y,�he leaseha�d and�he fee
<br /> ���Xe shal�not m�rge unless Lender agrees to�he merger in wr�ting.
<br /> Prote�t�on of Lender's Rights �n the Property. If Borrawer fai�s to pe�farm �he covenants and agr�er�en�s
<br /> can�ained�.n this Security�nstrumen�, or there i�a Iega�pr�ceeding that rn.ay��ignificantly affect Lender's rights in
<br /> �he Property �such as a proceedzng in bankrup���r, prabate, far can�.emnat�or� nr farfei�ure �r t� enforce �av�rs ar
<br /> regula�ians�, then Lender may do and pay for v�rhat�ver is necessary to prt�tec� �he value of the Property and
<br /> Lender's r�ghts in the Property. Lender's act�ans may include paying any sums secured by a�ien wh�ch has pr�ority
<br /> �2�44-2015 Campliarice Systems,inc.ASBC-G 17E-2Q�5.3.5.I454
<br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Se�urity Instrument DL2�35 Page 2 vF S www,cornplian�esystems.com
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