2� 15�749�
<br /> homestead, dower, curtesy, appraisement, e�empt�an and sta. laws of this state. It�
<br /> Y s agreed that the
<br /> interest provided for in subsection [g� abave shall be at the same rate as s eci '
<br /> p fied �n the Note
<br /> s�cured hereby on the.pr�ncipal thereaf after defau�t and�atur��T.
<br /> y
<br /> S���ND. I-�the event Trustor, �vithout the prior vvritten cansent of B ex�e f�ci sh
<br /> a�ry, a�l se�l,
<br /> transfer or canve� or contract to sel�, transfer �r conve the Pro e or an art th
<br /> Y � �y, y p ereo f ar any
<br /> �nterest there�n, the entire balar�.ce of the indebtedness hereb sec�red shall
<br /> y become and be
<br /> immediateiy due and payab�e at the optior� of Bene�ci • rovided ho�vever '
<br /> �Y� I� � , B ene�c�ary ma�
<br /> v�rarve such option to accelerate xf, prior to such sale, trar�.sfe� or co�ve ance or contr
<br /> y act theref�r,
<br /> �enef ciary and the persa�to wh�m the property is to �e sald or transferred reach an a
<br /> greement�
<br /> v�r�ti:ng that the credit of such person is satisfactory to Bene�ci and.that the interest
<br /> , �Y pa�able on
<br /> the��ums secured by this Deed of Trust sha1l be at s�u�h rate as Benef ci sha�l re uest.
<br /> �Y q
<br /> T�IIRD. That �.s further security for the payment of the Note and the �.ridebtedness the
<br /> reby
<br /> e�ldenced and th�pe�r formance of al� of the terms, covenants and cond�tions hereof Trustor
<br /> , agrees
<br /> t�at Beneficiary�hall ar�d d.oes hereb�have the right,power an�authori ciurin the co�ti
<br /> �"y g nuance of
<br /> t�.i.s Deed of Tru�st to co�Iect the rents, �ssues and profits of the Pro e and of an
<br /> p �y � �ersona�
<br /> property located thereon with or without ta,kirig p�ssession of the ro e affected thereb -
<br /> I� � rtY y, a�d
<br /> Trust�r here�y abso�ute�y and unconditionally assigns a11 such rents, issues and ro�its to Ben -
<br /> p ��Zcra
<br /> r`y. Beneficiary, however, hexeby consents to Trustor's collection and retention of su�h rents issu.
<br /> , es
<br /> and prof�ts as the��.�c�.� a.n�l become payab�e so long as Trust�r�s not at such t�me in defa 1
<br /> u t vv�.th
<br /> respect t� �ayment �f any i.nde�te�.n�ss secured I�ereby or in the per�ormance of an a eement
<br /> Y �'
<br /> hereunder. Upon any such default, B eneficia:ry may �:t any trme, e�ther iri ers on b a ent �r
<br /> p � Y � � �Y
<br /> recexver t� be appointed by a �aurt, wi.thout notzce and withou� re ard to the ade uac of an
<br /> � q Y Y
<br /> secur�t� for the ��.debtedr�ess hereby secured �a� enter upon ar�d ta1�e ossession �f the Pra e �r
<br /> � � �
<br /> any part thereof and in its own name sue for or otherw�.se collect such rents, issues and rof ts
<br /> � a
<br /> �nclud�g those past due and unpaid, ara.d apply the same, �ess costs axid ex enses of� erati
<br /> , . p p on a:nd
<br /> c�llect�on, �nc�uc�:in.g reasonable att�rn�y's fees, upon any�.nd�btedne�s secured hereb and in such
<br /> Y
<br /> order as Bene�crary may detennine; (b� �ease the s�.me or any part there�f for such rental term and
<br /> s
<br /> upon sueh cor�ditions as Bene�icrary's judgment may d�ctate or terrninate or ad'ust the terms and
<br /> J
<br /> ��nditio�s of any e�xstirig Iease or leases. Ur�less Trustor and Ber��f ci a ee other�rise in
<br /> �Y �
<br /> vv��ting, ax�y application of rents, issues �r prof ts to any xndebtedness se�ured her�b shall not
<br /> Y
<br /> e�tend or po stpone the due date of the insta:�lment payments as pravided �n the Note �r chara. e the
<br /> g
<br /> �.mount of such installments. The enter�ng upon and ta�g possessian of the P�o e the
<br /> . p �Y�
<br /> callection of such rents, issues and pr�f ts, and the appl�catian thereof as aforesaid shal� nat waive
<br /> �
<br /> or cure ar�� default or notice of default hereur�der, �r invalidate any a�t don� ursuant tfl such
<br /> p
<br /> nat�ce. Trustar assigns to Benef�c�ary, as further secUrity f�r the performance af the z:ndebted:ness
<br /> and �bligat��ns secuxed hereby, aI� �repaid rents and aI� moneys which ma have been or ma
<br /> Y y
<br /> hereafter be depositec��ith Trustor by any�ess�e of the Prope�ty, to secure the a ent of ar�: rent
<br /> Or �. ' y �� �
<br /> amages, and upon d�fault�n the perfarmance of any�f�e provi��ons nerea�, Trustor a ��s�o
<br /> de�rver such ren ' • � � �
<br /> . ts and deposlts to Bene�iclary. Deilvery of wrlt�en n�t�ce of Beneficlary s exer�ise
<br /> of the rx.ghts grant�d.b�-this paragraph Tf�IRD to any tenant occu ' the Pro e or an art�on
<br /> ��� p �-Y Y I�
<br /> thereof sha1�be suf�cient to requ�re said tenant to pay said rent to Benef ei unti�fur�her not�ce.
<br /> �
<br /> ���TRT]�. If the�� sh�.1� be f�led �y or against the �`rustor an etxtio�. �r �oceed�n
<br /> Y � � g
<br /> see�ng an� arrange�ent �r com�ositzo� or e�tensi�� �f a�.�r other re�ief under or ursua�t �o the
<br /> �
<br /> Fe�.��-aI Ba�.�tcy �ode ar ar�y other sim�lar sta:t�xte as �s now �x hereafter �n ef�ect or if the
<br /> �
<br /> T�.stor shall be adj�dicated ba�ru�t �r in:so�vent or axi� of rTrustor's �o e sha.�l have been
<br /> � � �
<br /> s��uest�r�d a�d s��h d�cree shall have c�ntinued uncl�schaarged ar�d uns�. ed for 9� da s af�e��he
<br /> Y �
<br /> �r�t��hereof, t1ze�. th� who�e af th� Note anc� znde�tedness hereby seGured shal�, v�rrt.�out notxce �.t
<br /> �
<br /> ����on o�t�ie���.���i�,I�e��me c�u.�a�d.pa�abie.
<br />