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<br /> l�.ecord and�eturr�t�o:
<br /> V'�nta�e Tit1� &Escrov�r�o�pany
<br /> �.�. B��25�6
<br /> i�ear�.ey,IV��5�4���5�G
<br /> DEEI� �F`Tl�U��`
<br /> � �
<br /> � R
<br /> TI�IS l��EI] �F TR.USTa �nade th�s �� da of �" A.D. ���� b
<br /> a y � � � �
<br /> a�.d b�t�een Lozena Chavez l�ava, a s�n��e person, of Hal� �au,nty, Nebraska.� here�nafter cal�ed
<br /> ''�"rustor" ��h�t�er one or more}, and�t�nald S. Depue,Att�zney at�.aw, of Hall���nty,Nebra.s�a,
<br /> hereinaft�r called if 1�S L1���f} and Rief �eve�o�r�enta �.�.�., a I�e�bra��a Li�.ted �xabil�t�
<br /> ��mpan�,of Ha�i �ounty,N�bras�a,her��nafter�ai�ed "�en��iciary";
<br /> �ITNE S SE7rH� rTha� the T'rustor, for �a a c� and val�a.b1� c ons�derat�on, �nclud.�ng the debt
<br /> ax�d �.rust he�einaf�er rnent�aned and created, a.n�i the sum of a�.e dollar to Trust�r�aaid b� th� sa�d
<br /> Trruste�, th� �r��e1�t and suff���en�y of which is hereby a�kno�nrledged� does �y the�e p�es�nts,
<br /> irrevocab�y grant, barga.in. a�a.d sell, cc��.ve�, a�s�gn and canf"a.rr.�. unto the said T�us���e, � �R�S�,
<br /> �T�-I P�WER �F S.�LE� for th� benefit and s�curit� of Be�.e��iary, uir�.der and su}�j e�t to th�
<br /> t��ms and condit�o�s of thi.s Deed of Trust; the f�llow�.ng descr�bed real propert� s�tuated in Ha:�l
<br /> �ount�,Ne�ras�a,to--v�t:
<br /> Lot �ev�r� �7}, B��c� �r�e [l�, ��ggs an�. �ill's Add�t�on to the Cit� af �`rrand
<br /> Islan�.�I�al���unty,Nebraska.
<br /> T�G�THER with ar�d �nclud�ng al� and singular the tene�nents, hereditamex�ts,
<br /> app�enanc�s and �r�.v�Ieges th�r�ur�ta �elo�.g�ng ar i� ar�yv�r�se ap�ex t�ainin�, vvh�ther now or
<br /> h��ea.fter acquired, which sha�1 inc�ude, �.thout I�.miting th� g�nerality of the foreg�in�, the
<br /> fo�lowing:
<br /> 1-�1I �f the r�nts, issues and profits, ine�ud�g al� rents, roya�ties, b�nuses a�d benefits u�c�er any
<br /> e�ist��.g ox future o�1�, gas ar mineral ar other lea�es; �I1 easer.��nts and ri�ts of way; al�
<br /> �.ghts af hamestead and h�rx�estead ��emp�o�. and any survivi.n� spouse's �nar�ta� ox
<br /> d�stribut��e sharea and a1�otn�r cor�t��ent�ghts in and ta said premises; and
<br /> A1I f���ures, imp�av�rn�nts, �uiid�x��s, and the pl�n.bing, heating, ven�i�.ating a�n.d lightang s�sterns
<br /> and equipment there�n, a�l of which s�.a11�e cn��ued anc�c�nsidere�d as af�ed to and��:r�:
<br /> a�f th�r�a1 estat�.
<br /> A�� of the forego�g estat�, �roperty and interest hereby c�nveyed t� the said �`r�ustee �s h�reinaf�er
<br /> �P��lectively x��e��c�tc�as the "Pr�pext�.r'
<br /> TQ I�A�V'E ANI] TC� HOLI� the san�e unto th� s�axd T"rustee, Trust�e�� successors and
<br /> assigns fore�rer, �N TR�[.�ST H��VER and �I�H �'��E� �F SAL� hereb� express�y grantec�
<br /> unt�the sard Trustee, Truste�'s succ�ssors, and assigns for the purpose of secu�ri�g:
<br /> �a� �`h.� pay��nt of�C'rust�r's just indebt�dness tn Bex��ficxary ��. the pr�n��pal �um. of
<br /> S�ty��l��ur 7`�i��..s�d N�n�Hundred Do���.rs �$64,9��.Q�� �or rno�ne�borro�wed, al�. as eviden�ed by
<br /> a�d�str��t ac�o��ar�ce�with��ie ter�ns of that cert�.in prorn�ss�ry�ate here�nafter ca��ed t�e "Note"a
<br /> be�.ring �ven date herew�.th rnac�e �ayab�e t� th� �rder of Benef�ciax�, e�e�ute� by �Lore�a �have�
<br /> l�a�a, a ��.n.g�e ��rson, and �r�vidix�b f�r t�.e payment of sa�� indebtedn.ess a.n ir�.st�.l.�m�nts, subj e�t
<br /> to a�cel�rati��af maturi�r o�x�efau���.n the pa�n:��t of any ix�sta.��ment of principal or i�xter�st�r ir�
<br /> the�erf�rman�e of a.�y covenant, a�reerr�ent�r�rarranty c�ntaine�in t�.s De�d of Trusta
<br />